is it considered OK to talk to girls at the gym?
I go to a school gym so I don't want to break any rules, but it's not clear if asking girls for their number is against any codes or something
is it considered OK to talk to girls at the gym?
I go to a school gym so I don't want to break any rules, but it's not clear if asking girls for their number is against any codes or something
Generally it's a bad idea, at a school even worse. Most girls are there to work out not to get picked up so it's not really something that works very well. I'm not saying it's impossible, but for the most part you come off as desperate/a creep.
I imagine your own school and gym has it's own code of conduct, but I would advise against intentionally trying to pick up girls since they're probably there for a workout and might complain about you
I would consider asking girls out in a place where everyone is trying to focus is a bad idea. Walking down the street? Creepy, but sure. But when they're trying to work out or show off (gym whores), I wouldn't, especially because your gym membership isn't worth the rejection you'll get.
It's okay to talk to them, but keep it to a casual level. Like the other two said, you shouldn't try to hit on them, and pretty much anything besides the passing interactions you have with the other gym goers will probably go poorly for you.
That said, if you're going to try to flirt, be careful. There are lines you shouldn't cross.
>not specified
I would stay away from women bro. Might get in trouble for sexual harassment if you aren’t tall, tanned, tatted, fit, and handsome
they are literally there to get fucked
the only real nigga in this thread
Yeah, that's fine.
I feel like autists on Veeky Forums mostly read PUA and think every 'pickup' = ay babby u wan sum of this white micro 3 inch dong na mean?
Talk, see if they respond well, if they seem interested go from there. Develop some rapport first before you go trying to execute that dank PUA meme you read about.
Have dated/know plenty of dudes who have dated girls from the gym. Some even long term relationships, not just one night, a bar, then done.
Girls approach at gyms too.
That girl that conveniently starts working out next to you, pops her headphones out, makes eye contact, and is loitering less than a metre away with her body facing you for her entire break is the female equivalent of an approach.
Beta loser mentality
If you're chad... approach them while they're in a break.
If a girl does this at me is that an approach
>body facing you
away from you.
More of an invitation
>Most girls are there to work out not to get picked up desperate/a creep.
Brah, great joke. Most girls are just there so they can say they were "working out 5 days a week" to others. And working out for them consists of either shitty Instagram meme excercises or sitting and chatting on every machine in the gym for a few minutes.
It's still not good to try to pick up girls in the gym. But you should also be there to train, not to fish.
1. It's a numbers game
2. Make sure you catch their gaze more than once first before approaching and see that they don't mind an approach
3. Get down to their level, ask for help, ask to do next workout with them
4. Don't advance immediately unless they do. Keep your interactions to the gym for a while
5. Don't be butthurt if they say no, refer to rule 1, she was practice for the next one
>the gaze is more important than any following strategy
You have to take a different approach at a gym. You see the same people there all the time so you have to take it a bit slower. It's not like a bar where you have E to ask for the number straight away because you won't see the person ever again. Just go up and talk and do it for a few days or a week or so. In that time you should be able to find out if they have a boyfriend or if they give you any indications of interest.
If you get a few signals ask them.
From my experience girls are really beta, of you ask them and they say no they usually start going the gym at different times to avoid you so don't worry about failing.
I'd only look for long term gfs or future wives at the gym. Quick one night stands just aren't going to happen
>working on this shit for weeks
>completely fuck up
>stutter when she asks what I do for arms
>say I don't do arms
>she asks why
>say I don't want my dad to notice in case I don't continue doing gym
>she asks if lat pull is a good one for arms
>stare at her for a few seconds then say yes
Still got her number and go for post gym snacks 3 times a week. She now lets her autism slip a lot more than me
Yeah, by a Chad. Not by some autist who doesn't even know if he can talk to women in a public space.
>Picking up girls in broad fucking daylight
>Everyone's sober
>Nobody came there to meet anyone
You better be a fucking 11/10 swiss fucking royalty if you wanna have success with this, or she's the one with the hoop earrings and lower back tat and weird sore on her lip who thinks you might give her pandas if she sucks you off lol.
either way, improbable.
Honestly man just ask yourself if you would appreciate the same behaviour done to you and go with that answer. I would be flattered
you can still talk to other people user, it's not against the law.
It's difficult because most people have headphones in and are pretty focused on themselves, but if you and a girl cross paths or share a similar workout, then it's fine.
When you're thinking about talking to a girl you think is cute or whatever, don't even think about flirting with her. Just initiate a perfectly normal conversation and be friendly, maybe start it with an appropriate compliment if the opportunity is available. "Hey, I noticed you're doing a lot of leg workouts, are you training for an event of some kind?" If you two have a nice chat, talk to her again the next time you see her. After you get a feel for her, THEN attempt to flirt with her once a certain level of familiarity has been established. But don't wait too long, otherwise you'll be seen as just wanting to be friends.
This does two things:
1) Takes a HUGE load off your shoulders and lets you be much more confident and cool, because you are literally just talking to her about normal stuff. If the conversation doesn't go anywhere fun or you don't quite click, then you have lost absolutely nothing and no embarrassment or disappointment has befallen you.
2) Lets you get to know the girl a little bit before attempting anything, so you have a better idea of how to approach her.
OP here. I was thinking about it tonight because I saw an absolutely beautiful blonde girl at the gym, but understand now I don't have nearly enough game to attempt it. I'm glad I asked y'all before I made a fool out of myself.
the good news is that in my experience lots of the guys in the gym are friendly and happy to help each other with a spot or advice or chatting about lifting in general.
What shit advice, men and women are different. Any guy would like it if a random girl came up to him an dragged him to the toilet for sex, there is no girl on earth who would like the inverse.
> "Hey, I noticed you're doing a lot of leg workouts, are you training for an event of some kind?"
Only if you got the BBC
>body facing away from you with their head turned to 90 degrees
Imagine actually thinking you are the one that has to approach, you must be some low iq, low sentience currycel.
What if it's a qt receptionist idk that says "hi" when i walk in n out? She only seems to do this to a handful of people (ive checked, over weeks) and they tend to be regulars. I'm new and it's freaking me out to the point where i'm trying to avoid her shift.
gym receptionists 99% of the time have a boyfriend and enjoy flirting/are encouraged to flirt with customers by the manager
Don't give attention to gym thots
If you know them then I don't see why not. I make small talk with people I know at the gym all the time, no matter if it's a Chad that I used to play Soccer with as a kid, or if it's some girl who I used to be classmates with. However if you're looking to get laid then you should head to a bar or a night club.
Go for it. Also enjoy your sexual harassment/rape charges. Arr you really this stupid?
Where the fuck do you live? It has to be shit if making casual small talk will lead to harassment charges.
1. If you're attractive, YES.
2. If you're not attractive, NO.
Doesn't get simpler than that OP
Talking to them is fine if it's about a certain excersie.
Say for example she squats and you you see she has a good form and iff she can give you a tip or two.
That's about it. Keep in professional. Trying to pick a girl up at a gym is a bad idea in general unless they come to you.
>if you aren’t tall, tanned, tatted, fit, and handsome
Doesn't matter anymore.
Shit's so far progressed that they don't give a fuck how you look, they'll shit on you nontheless if they fell like it.
American mid west. Women have gone fucking rabid here over their poundMeToo shit
shut the fuck up
you're either a thot or a low t plebbit faggot
OP how the fuck do you expect to get laid or get a gf if you don't approach? seriously, if you listen to plebbit or this faggot, you won't get anywhere because they'll tell you women don't want to be approached at the store, at the library, on campus, at the gym, in a parking lot, at a restaurant...basically they don't want to be approached ANYWHERE according to these fags
so seeing as how women don't know what the fuck they want you should go ahead and approach
I'll even give you a story: I was on the treadmill with a buddy just getting warmed up and I witnessed a dyel lanklet approach a 6/10 with a nice body and a great ass and he seemed to get her number. can't say what happened after, obviously, but at least he approached and ate that bullet that others would've otherwise not even attempted.
No, you won't get a sexual assault charge just for approaching. fuck the other consequences. the gym can't throw you out for getting rejected.
>school gym
RIP, user
Do it outside of the iron church. You know, in a non autistic setting. Like the reall world.
it's cause the midwest is filled with miserable, overweight huwhite women and huwhite women were a mistake
>unironically calling it the iron church
>implying the gym is an autistic setting to meet people
>implying the gym isn't usually a public place, making it, quite literally, "the real world"
everything about your post is homosexual
please delete immediately
The only place women go to get "picked up" is the street corner, user. Unless you intend to spend your whole life fucking whores, you're going to have to interact with a woman in a normal environment.
>Man don't even talk to women anywhere, it's a bad idea
what the fuck
If you gotta ask for their number they're not interested in you.
hear hear, any man with the balls to cold approach is alpha-tier in this day an age. Rejected or not his a better man than 95+% of us.
Started down this path by just asking for the time or directions to randoms to build up confidence.
Cheat sheet;
If she's wearing makeup and her hair is done Mickey and she's not sweating.... yes, you can flirt with her.
If she's got no makeup, not wearing the shortest tightest stuff, in a ponytail and sweating buckets.... keep away!!!
Got strep throat again ffs, on a cut and its killed my appetite though, so I guess girls aren't gains goblins after all.
I wouldn't approach them inside the gym while they are trying to workout. That could come off as creepy and annoying. When you're in the gym, just stare at them and try to make eye contact so they know you're interested. Then I'd say wait for them in the parking lot. Don't just stand around and make it obvious, though. Pretend like you're waiting for a ride (keep looking at your phone and saying "where the fuck is this guy"). When they come out, ask them how their workout was. Then follow them to their car and ask for a ride because yours isn't showing up.
pretty much this lol
Doubtful, there are probably plenty of gals that would like it and plenty of guys who wouldn't. As it all depends on the attractiveness of the person doing the dragging.
Depends if you're a creep or not. If you're friendly and casual and ask about her classes and interests and then judge her response as being receptive or cold and then respectfully fuck off if it's cold then it shouldn't be much of a problem. If you hit it off just ask out to coffee or something small.
>Basically just don't have autism.
>women don't want to be approached at the store, at the library, on campus, at the gym, in a parking lot, at a restaurant...basically they don't want to be approached ANYWHERE
That is correct though, most of the time gals would rather not be harassed while they are going about their everyday life, and those that would are mostly hos that you would do well not to get involved with
>guys ackshually believe this xD
most girls love attention as long as you're not autistic
no but this is
Veeky Forums is a male-only board, return to /soc/
>Pure autism
Just follow social cues. Of course not all girls will be interested but it's a numbers game. You can up your rates by recognizing positive and negative body language and inflection
As an autistic shut-in I don’t like being approached at the gym because I just want to complete my training and return home.
However I get the impression that most women are more social than this.
Maybe her choice of clothing could be a clue:
Thotwear = receptive to attention
Hoodie = spergette
you can return home with me ;)
Nice quints, CHECK'ED
nice quints
Don't shit where you want to get Veeky Forums.
>That girl that conveniently starts working out next to you
Why do girls do this? It's so thirsty that it's sad. If some guy went to workout next to the girl he wants to fug instead of following his program and focusing on lifting, he would be labeled creepy and rightly so. Maybe my autism is even worse than I think and/or maybe I'm just a clueless beta but I just can't wrap my head around that chain of thought.
>"Alright, leg day, time to squat and then do some lunges... "
>*notices his/her crush on the other side of the gym doing lat pulldowns*
>"Actually, I'm just gonna go right next to him/her to do some face pulls and wait for him/her to talk to me"
Seriously, what the fuck?
One of the many double standards that exist today, my friend.
If you catch them looking or mirin.
Go for it lad!
>I don't like it when girls are near me
literally homoseuxal
all the chicks at my gym or 5-6/10s, so I'm obviously not going to hit on them, but I'm also not going to throw a huge bitchfit when they go way out of their way to be near me
>girls approaching using the same methods they hate
>this is okay
Typical woman logic
Female coworker told us a story about something that happened to her at the gym this week
>walking to her car
>detects someone following her
>turns around
>some guy tries to pretend like he thought she was a friend of his
>makes some small talk with her
>literally tells her this
>"this is awkward for me to ask, but would you be down to have me eat you out? no strings attached, no dating or that, just eating you out"
Don't do that user, whatever you do.
>"Hey, am I just autistic or are you doing hipthrusts 6 Times a week? Prepping for a competition? ;o)"
>accidentally staring autistically at a grill at the gym
>she notices
dude i know this post was made in jest, but look at this post i just made
it literally happened to my coworker
its desperate as long as you are desperate lol
>"Hey you caught my attention, mind a chat?"
And you go from there, either you get a positive answer and proceed or a negative and go back to your workout.
How hard is it.
Their job is to be friendly retard
> You need to be 11/10 to pick up girls during the day
I can't imagine how ugly you must be to actually believe this.
I used to pick up girls at the mall when I was in middle school as a 5'8" twig manlet.
It's fine in some scenarios. You're going to fuck this up though
>Not hey how's your day going?
If she returns the question she wants to chat. If she says
>Fine, thanks
She doesn't.
Women want to get approached anywhere if you're hot enough. If you get strong signals then go for it, what's the worst that could happen
Fuck that "minimize the chance of embarrassment and disappointment" beta incel virgin faggot coping shit. Just walk up to them and say
>"Damn bitch, you are always working out so hard. Are you training for an event of some kind?"
>"Umm... n-no..."
Then grab them by the pussy and say
>"You are now"
I've fucked 16 girls, 3 traps and 1 twink from the gym by using this method. All the regulars call me "The Event" and always give me thumbs up when I walk by them.
My thoughts: talking to them is absolutely fine, but trying to pick them up is not. This is just how I roll. It's easy to find pussy outside of the gym but in case something goes wrong, it's hard to find a new gym that is as good, cheap and close to me as my current one
>Grabd twink by the pussy
>Not the feminine benis
How I know ur story a fake news.
Not homosexual, only autistic. I go to the gym to work out and focus on myself, then I see some thot following me everywhere I go and loitering near to me, pretending to do some exercise, and it's just sad to me. Like insecure teenage boys do shit like that.
Don't chat in the gym, unless they approach you.
Smile if they look at you, try not to look like an axe murderer.
Hope you see them outside the gym, more likely in a school, use the gym an excuse to talk to them outside the gym.
If you crash and burn, there is no risk that they report you as a creeper, and get you banned from the gym that way.
If it was Chad, she would have been flattered and probably fainted from the sudden rush of blood towards her vagina
dude come on, im a pathetic autistic virgin faggot but you know that wouldnt happen
You'll come off as a creep only if you are one.
>swiss fucking royalty
swiss have been a republic since medieval times. there isnt any royalty there.
and if you have to ask if you are attractive you arent.
Lmao you must be ugly as fuck. I've picked up 3 girls in my gym and I'm like 7 at best.
>7 at best
>apparently that's "low"
Women see 80% of men as "below average" so a male 7 is like lowest on the totem pole of acceptable men
I didn't say it was low, but come on. It's not slayer mode.