>when his deadlift begins with 5
When his deadlift begins with 5
back to /heem/
Makes me diamonds
*deadlifts 50lb*
Yeah. You like that?
>when his deadlift is in double digits
why does this girl turn me on
It's perfectly natural to be attracted to 11 year olds
>It's perfectly natural to be attracted to 11 year olds who look like horny 18 year olds
w-whats her n-name?
i-is that a mocking face?? i was happy with my 500
There are so many potential reactions in this webm. Its perfect
ask on /heem/
>When his dick size is single digit.
>tfw it’s 10cm
>europoor units
Audible kek
She was just some random kid in the crowd of a UFC event. Chris Weidmans daughter or something probably
just give me her name faggot
thats gonna leave a mark
i honestly don't know-- hey look; this girl... lol, she just feel into my lap dude
i don't know her name, i just know i want her mouth on nmy dick
>she just feel into my lap
just fuck my shit up
>random kid
Yeah, call the cops
Im a pedo, fuck
>tfw 90kg deadlift for 4 INCLUDING bar
> his weight starts with 1
i just want mr bones back already tbhfam
jade bless
Is that her name?
Isn't it kinda weird how she opens her mouth, though? Doesn't the expression seem weird to anyone else?
jah bless
500lbs deadlift is already very respectable for casual,natty lifter. Going above that requires huge amount of work that might not even be reflected in size gains.
If you are powerlifting type guy on gear, sure you will have bigger deadlift, but for majority of lifters 5pl8 deadlift is already dream come true
>his weight is 3 digits
never gonna make it brau
>jade bless
I saw a girl that looks like her today. She had glasses and was so cute. I was working so I had to keep it professional and just say hello. She said hi in the softest way possible. I asked her if she needed help and said not at the moment. But she said she might need my help later on, so I gave her my number so she can contact me. At the end of my shift she calls me, asking for a hand setting up some cables at the conference room. I came in and there she was bent over, wiggling, as she struggled to hook cables together like a clueless infant. I must have crept up behind her because she let out a little fart. It took a few moments for her to realize I was in the room. She was flustered and suprised. I asked her what she needed help with and she straight out asked me if i had a girlfriend. I said, yes, because I do, and she said it's such a shame. A shame because she'd been horny all day and was looking to get off.
if ill sneak up to my cute coworker, and sniff her braphole up close and personal, will she be ashamed or aroused?
Serious talk tho, i have such cutie in my work place and shes wearing nerdy glasses. I want to cover her freckled nose and glasses in my baby batter
Build up a relationship with her. Make her equate having fun with being with you.
Most autists just want a GF right away, but they don't know the subtler phases of courtiship. It takes time. If you really want to know the secret, that is to make her associate spending time with you will equate to drama-free and genuine fun.
Noooo! Also Jon Jones can go fuck himself cheating lanklet. If anyone in the world doesn't need steroids it's him and needing steroids to beat a 39 year old who you have literally every physical advantage over is pathetic. He ruined DC's career and dc looked good in that fight, I could see him winning if jones wasn't juiced up. Rest in obscurity I don't even wanna see him get his ass kicked I just want him to always be the guy that could've been but wasn't. Too many chances.
Fucking lol
>when he's slower than my new 60 year old governor
her constant tongue movements are making me anxious
solid advice but i think i let my chance with her slip because i hestitated, amd she went for someone else
i wonder how are they doing rn since i havent seen girl in month, probably gonna see her nextweek.
Didnt seem like they are going to last tho
>I could see him winning if jones wasn't juiced up.
just let it go man DC already got death-simulated
me too, hopefully he ends up in rizin or something