What are you doing besides lifting to make yourself more attractive?
What are you doing besides lifting to make yourself more attractive?
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this guy is really not that great looking, his face has something weird to it which i cant put my finger to and his physique is really mediocare.Definitely not something worthy of all the hype revolving him
Working towards a promotion
Its the makeup and photoshop that makes him look uncanny
Face wash
Styling my hair more (hard af cause it's thick and wavy curly)
Trying to grow a beard with some chemical to stop looking like a teenager.
eyes too far apart, small eyes, weird thin nose, done eyebrows, but generally is the eye area that throws it off.Seems like a negative canthal tilt that he tries to hide with faggy eye deep thought look. and squint eyed
Coping, the blogpost
My beard growth pattern is looking juicy all of a sudden.
post face
>the virgin sour grapes
Having good genetics
my bad for offending your idol faggots,keep drooling over a weirdo photoshopping himself to boost his ego.Some fair critisism:
This is true because he actually is mediocre but has put massive efforts in looking like those models. Insecurity: the picture.
Beeing attractive has nothing to do with this. Its beeing healthy and fit but also not giving a fuck because you dont need to prove anything anymore.
>this guy is really not great looking
Hate to break it to you but this is approaching peak facial aesthetics bud
Hes a mouthhole breathing Apple meme
piano & sing
If I had to guess it's that his hair style/color doesn't really match with the rest of his face.
small eyes are attractive on men, though
don't tell me bug-eyed numales are attractive in any way
his nose is also very masculine
what a lame-o
his eyes are too far apart, he has negative canthal tilt and uses photoshop+make up.Just the thought of how many pictures he took and deleted making that stupid face before ending up posting this one makes me cringe
my mom tells me i am cool
post face/body
if i post my sexy bod & face you could find my music and make fun of it and that would lower my confidence
>Stubble beard
>clothes and shoes that mixes well together
>Imagining myself as a Ryan Gosling character
>confident stance and postures
At least 5 girls are crushing on me as of right now
damn u seem insecure af
C-chewing gum?
>so proud of his taste made he had a poster made of his 3x3
>it's all entry level garbage
pointing out that someone is only hype and not the god everyone sees him to be is being insecure? You do realise that viewing as only positives and a perfect human is gay af right?okay, numale
I agree. I think its how thin his nose is. Pretty eyes tho, no homo
Working hard and moving up pay-wise in my job.
If this isnt b8 (you) are literally retarded
maybe I am!
no1 said hes a "god" but dude is def handsome and can pull 99% of girls... he's def the type of guy most girls think about when they finger themselves.
and you r def insecure as fuck if you cant aknowledge if someone of your gender is goodlooking or looks even better than yourself...
Shit this was literally me in hs, I had my room covered in wall-to-wall posters I printed out since I was poorfag and couldn't buy real posters.
Ive started putting lotion on my face after I shower in the mornings. It makes a huge difference, only a little bit is required. Takes all of a minute. If you want to see how much of a difference it makes try applying it to half your face and looking as the change. For what is probably 90 seconds of effort your face will go up 2 points.
Always being cheerful and having a positive outlook makes you 10x more attractive. People are attracted to positivity and will gravitate towards people that make them feel happy.
i didnt say he is ugly, i said "not that great looking" which implies that he is alright but nothing major and "Definitely not something worthy of all the hype revolving him" which is true and you cant deny it.Many famous people are considered sex icons just for being popular, if you saw the same level of beauty in a person down the street you wouldnt hold him of such value because he is not famous, thats fact
hard to be positive when you're ugly
What do you use?
t. ugly af
which brand purse
meant, which brand do you use. Lmao. Not purse
Not him but can confirm the lotion thing works, and this is the most base lotion (no smell, no mess, no grease, need a pea-size drop for your whole face)
I still have some annoying PIH (Post Inflammatory Hyper-pigmentation) that's carried over from my teen years. I'm using L-Ascorbic Vitamin C to clear it up, it's been working pretty great.
I just throw it on every night after I shower, I also use salicylic cream on my face as a facial wash instead of scrubbing my face with soap so I don't irritate the pores.
/soc/ keeps rating me a 6/10 despite being a healthy weight. Apparently I look better without glasses so I'm looking into getting contacts.
I've only been this healthy for a few months so I'm trying to get a better mindset. I already have some fun musical skills and I'm a church organist. Over winter break in college I'm planning on making a game with some friends.
I think I'm on an alright track but I could definitely do better.
I got rid of my acne and now I'm focusing on other things like these damn pores between my eyebrows and the little uni brow hairs. Very annoying.
Hows this for acne-prone skin?
minoxidil for beard gainz
it actually works it just takes ages and i look kinda stupid with a partial beard
>music collection of a 16 year old basic girl
let me guess you read harry potter, lord of the rings, and ice and fire? lmao
>L-Ascorbic Vitamin C to clear it up
what product are we talking about here
This guy looks like he belongs on men's health. His face is pretty symmetrical which most famous faces actually aren't. Also, being bigger =/= being hotter most girls could give two shits as long as you're somewhat buff, you're catering to homos.
Are the results permanent? Or do you have to keep applying?
>arcade fire
don't get dadrock'd into having the same taste for your entire life
The one I bought.
Got the recommendation from /r/SkinCareAddiction
HAIRMAXXING (minoxidil, scalp massages, derma rolling, nizoral)
n-nothing... should i do more? i drink lots of water but still have dark marks on my face. any good facial cleansers? i've been using my mums olay kek.
What about finasteride? Youre not hairmaxxing without DHT inhibition
> I look kinda stupid with a partial beard
> be me
> do no shave November
> this is the disgusting patchy baby tier shit I end up with so I'm gonna have to shave it all off
Only my goatee grows in decent so I get what you mean about the partial beard thing
All I can do besides lift is have good hygiene and make good decisions with money. Maybe once I have more money I can afford to dress well in fitted clothing, but until I get promoted (possible in the next 6 months) I can't afford to do much else. I guess I can develop a sense for women who share a niche interest and see if I can exploit it, but not much beyond that.
Too afraid of sides. I just need to keep my hair for 2 more years. Fresh news: chinks have found a way to grow hair on scarred tissue. One of the top researchers in the world confirmed they will be able to fix hairloss with this new technology. Look it up. Coping with minoxidil till then.
>plays piano
>literally has the most pleb-tier, accessible piano players/composers hanging on his wall
All these salty cunts. You'd think that growing up with The Beatles then Metallica then Radiohead that his taste changed through the decades?
there's beauty in simplicity, grounded work. i admire a lot of composers, but i'm not going to put some obscure composer on my wall when i don't admire his full body of work
gonna go out on a limb and say you have limited, if any, musical training and haven't put pen to paper yourself. it's funny how people in the music community who throw around the term 'pleb' and 'accessible' do not possess a shred of composition capability or generally lack a show for the craft
bee ing
>nice side part undercut haircut
>smart casual clothing
>mint or gum
>basic hygiene
>look people in the eye
>talk to people
i think it's mostly permanent
ive definitely gone a few months without applying it and never reverted to babyface, but I think it did become a little more sparse. not enough for me to notice though and start reapplying though, clearly
> Oh no, the mean Veeky Forums people made fun of me :(
I don't think the negative canthal tilt is something unattractive. Most chads seem to have it.
lol shit I'm cringing hard
nice bro, what amps you got?
the last thing i want is for random anons to find my music, that doesn't sound like a good deal for me
some of you are bros, a lot of you are filled with bitter hate and just want to try to fuck up anyone you can. dishing out as many random insults as you can hoping something sticks; just so you can feel for a moment you have even a once of ability to stand up to confrontation in your real life
5150 II, i mainly play through my DAW now because i can't crank anything at my current place
i heard it ages your face
Nothing desu. Im a busboy (not even a fucking server at least)
hang in there my dude, i was a stockboy for a couple years before i came up with an idea to get me out... now i work from home and live on my own, i don't make mega bucks but i get buy pretty comfy without having to worry and can afford my fitness stuffs
I'm looking into invisible bracers, apparently I can get them for about 2000$ everything included.
I keep my hair/stubble even and kept up with.
Obesity causes me to have an awkward neutral stance with my feet so I'm actively trying to correct my posture.
getting rich
put thought into the clothes I wear, go to the barber often, trim the beard short, act more confident than I am
Doing my MBA while earning 140k/yr, reading philosophy, and growing an amazing beard.
becoming a sociopath, spending all my money on looksmaxxing faggot shit, killing the last bit of spirit i had within me for short term puss, burying it all deep down. its fantastic, thanks guys!!!
Using an Italy towel to fix my skin
Getting better clothes and learning how to dress
Joining clubs for social gains
Nootropics for fixing anxiety
Working towards getting a job relevant to my major
Getting more sleep
Eating more dark leafy greens and broccoli to boost test
Saving up for a better car
Practicing flirting with girls in not interested in for the experience
Injecting trenbolona
loving yourself unconditionally
I've read that over time most beard gains disappear after discontinuing use. Then again I've never tried it so who knows.
I'm eating raw onions
honestly don't know what to do. In theory I'm conventionally attractive but I can't seem to figure out how to make myself attractive past just my appearance.
Work towards getting over your superficial level shyness and learn to love kindred spirits in all walks of life
Be friendly and upbeat to everyone you meet. Women notice this openness
Cultivate a genuine need to accept other people's energy and share your life with them in turn
Keep working out.
Become attractive, know it, let the confidence fill you and chase after women who you make eye contact and have 'that moment' with.
What I'm saying is the inner game is very real
Remember, you don't have to be attractive to every girl, but there's definitely a cachet of women out there that are both attractive to you and on your level.
The people who call nick bateman unattractive are really fucked in the head, but Nick is a 7/10 facially his height, body, frame, fashion sense, fitted clothes, camera angles and photoshop are what make him a 10/10 in real life
Nick had a godtier chin, jaw, beard, prominent maxilla, which are the most importants features to make a face attractive
But he had a lot of bad features, he had a negative canthal tilt which it's related to bad support in the zygomatic area and cheeks, his eyebrows are slightly curved which it's sing of a bad brow bridge, his nose it's too narrow but a nose it's the least important feature to attractiveness in men's because it's made of cartilage not bones, so it don't show the sign of good bone development, his eyes show too much upper eyelid exposure, and he had puffy cheeks
Pic is 10/10 in every aspect for me, compare my pic to op and nick disappear
Go back to whatever shithole you came from and never come to Veeky Forums again
> system voy a down
Used to be a pretty happy positive guy. Kinda hard to stock to it when the world insists on shitting in your mouth every day.
Are you a plastic surgeon?
Grooming yourself
Finding a haircut that accentuates your head shape
Not dressing like a retard
You're fucking retarded ok, this guy is literally one of the premier standards for white male beauty. He's got a very typical Hollywood look.
You dense faggots have seen these men all your life and expect normal white guys to look like this.
When in actuality this level of aesthetic is barely seen
Serious questions:
Is self improvement a cope?
Can you only be born a Chad and not become one?
He's just a shitposter from lookism
All my time is dedicated towards school atm. Once the semester is over all my time will go towards the gym again.