Moved in to my brothers place, he has this gym equipment in his garage, I want to get stronger/build muscle, what can I do with what equipment is here?
Moved in to my brothers place, he has this gym equipment in his garage, I want to get stronger/build muscle...
u can lift the weights
step 1: stand on the bench
step 2: hold on to one of the high horizontal bars
step 3: do tarzan swings (3 reps per day)
read the sticky
Read the sticky. You can do any of the beginner programs on there with one of these.
StrongLifts or Starting Strength. I'd recommend SS but power cleans can be tricky without rubber plates.
That's a great setup
How advanced are you? I like Sheiko for most levels from beginner through advanced
With that setup? Pretty much any barbell training program.
Before I jump into it, will it teach everything I need to know down to the basics of how to actually lift properly?
Never lifted before.
nice set up. DO SS + GOMAD. Not even joking, just stop the gomad after 6 months and then do half a gal.
Ask your brother how to workout, and how to box too
Why ask here? Your brother seems to know. Train with him
>moved into my brothers place
ask your brother
He doesn’t box he plays icehockey I assume that’s why he does the lifting.
How can I ask him without sounding like a beta? I’ve always been inactive so it’s out of character for me to do exercise. He will prob laugh if I tell him I want to lift.
You can do a lot with just the basic equipment. Start with some basic program like Strong Lifts 5x5 or Starting Strength. When you plateau after like 6 months or however long, switch it up and look for more of a periodized approach. For where you're at right now, just follow Starting Strength or Strong Lifts 5x5. You'll make really really fast progress, just make sure you're eating enough and trying to continually add some amount of weight to the bar every time you go to lift.
ask your brother or buy the book Starting Strength, read it thoroughly and do the program, just do pendlay rows (rows) instead of power cleans, given that you have rubber flooring ofc
Just be a nice lad and by your own barbell, I would want to see the results of a DYEL messing around with mine.
you can do almost anything that's a fantastic setup
what makes you favor Sheiko for beginners? most people in /plg/ scoff at running anything sheiko related unless you're like 350 wilks
Just ask him to help you learn the big 3 lifts. Yeah he'll laugh, my big brothers a dick sometimes too, he still helped me and yours will help you too. Just learn basic form first and get comfortable with doing the main lifts win an empty bar before adding any weight. OHP is one you may have to learn yourself since its not as popular as the big 3(bench,squat,deadlift). Get on a beginner routine if you want to make some nice gains. What is your current height and weight?
You can work out any part of your body, I'd say a good 90% of most properly written programs only require a cage, bar and bench. Use the bag for conditioning.
Sheiko has a spreadsheet for just about every other of advancement, only reason they would balk is because it night be a little arduous because it's so focused on the big three and because it's pretty high volume without weekly maxing like a lot of novice programs
Sorry for the delayed response