I can feel my heart beat a lot, resting heart beat that is

I can feel my heart beat a lot, resting heart beat that is

after waking up it's fine during the day it somehow gets "worse" i'd say

What do besides doc?

t. not fatty 68Kg skinnyfatt dude

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How old

If only there was some way to improve your CARDIOvascular functions. If only there was a category of exercise that could strengthen your CARDIOvascular system. But such is a fools dream. Time to go to the doctor, I suppose

26 tbqh famalam
I hate cardio

I had exacting this.

It worried me.
I ended up in hospital.
For absolutely nothing.
Long term tests.

I'm fine.

Dr said some people can be aware of their own heartbeats and it can cause mild distress.

Your are cool man.

i went to the doc, some heart rate thingy was near 200


Were you anxious?

not reallz no, didn|t feel nauseos, no headache or chest pain or anzthing

If you had a bmp at near 200 the Dr would have taken action.

I wonder what the 200 stat could be?

had something to do with... sys...tole something

Blood pressure.

Did they advise anything

Meditate. Do cardio.

Also you type like a troll.
I would hope you are not taking me on a simple lampoon.
Naming systolic but pretending you don't know it?

>i hate cardio
Idiot, do cardio. if you hate cardio its because you havent gotten yourself past the level where cardio makes you miserable. You need to build a stronger heart

Bullshit, if your systolic bp was 200 at the age of 26, they would've put you on meds that fucking instant, probably kept you inside until it normalised. Pretty sure you misread 120 for 200, or something equally retarded.

As to the heartbeat thingy, it can be anxiety. I started having panic attacks a couple months back, it got REALLY bad at one point. Multiple A&E visits thinking I was having a heart attack, complete with chest pain, near fainting, breathlessness, skipping, irregular heartbeat, the works. After having many, many tests done, finally got put on antidepressants, and it all went away within two weeks.

If its not that bad, you can try magnesium and vitamin D supplements. I mean it. Magnesium is necessary for heart proper heart function, and basically everyone in the West has at least a mild deficiency, its just that most people tolerate it well. And a deficiency of vitamin D is very common in the winter months, it can increase your anxiety and cause depressive symptoms. Check it out nigger, those two supplements are almost impossible to overdose on, unless you take horse pills and have fucked up kidneys, so it can only either help, or do nothing.

My heart has been doing better since I started with SNAKEJUICE.

Felt is all the time, sometimes skip a beat. A few times my throat would freeze up and I could not move, then It would give a big buuummmp and then go a bit funny. This was all when I drank like a fish.

>tfw 55 bpm

its not anxiety user

also i'm taking ZMA every other day


Mfw 54


I'm extremely surprised magnesium hasn't turned I to a meme here yet. If you're reading this then there's an extremely high probability that you need more magnesium to help you lift, cure depression, help you concentrate, sleep better and much more.

Good job brother
Have a seat on the speacial boy chair

>o2 sat at 97%
>not oversaturated at 102%
>not literally belching out pure oxygen

Never gonna make it.

God tier stuff, especially for the heart


The only thing with supplementing minerals is that the interactions they have between each other are incredibly complicated, too much of one depletes another. I just try to load up on well-cooked green veg.

To the Op I've been experiencing similar symptoms for the past year. Doctor's tests found nothing.

I found out recently that breathing exercises stop the problems dead. Moderate sized breath in through the nose, then out through the nose (slower than inhalation).

I think it's something to do with working in an office and being sat down for 8 hours combined with poor breathing habits.

It's slightly uncomfortable.
I would like to speak to your manager

>Complains about heart
>asks for solution
>I hate cardio

I hope you get a heart attack, you dumb bitch

OP here
found that breathing in a bit more than usual somehow helps?
well duh

try swimming
try walking long distances at high paces
try HIIT
try martial arts

there is a way to do cardio for eveyone

why not lifting

tachycardia was the thing the doc said