Does your wife/gf initiate sex with you? Or just lays there, orgasms and then goes to sleep

Does your wife/gf initiate sex with you? Or just lays there, orgasms and then goes to sleep.

Also, general sex thread

Current GF initiates sex with me all the time, but she is pretty high-test and enjoys her own sexuality. My last ex-gf was submissive and expected me to take the initiative all the time; lame. Pseudo dom mommy gf is the best, then i can be the handsome boy with the big ass dick.




Where do you think you are?

Haven't had a gf in close to a year but when I did she initiated all the time she had a very active sex drive but got fat and became too crazy over the course of our relationship had to break it off but sex was top tier unsolicited bjs all the time and anal 2 out of every 3 sessions

> gf



married here.
wife never initiates. never has, probably never will


I let my girlfriend initiate because she was raped at some point in her life and I'm worried I'll be crossing a line or some shit

1/30 times my bf initiates

You didn't get with her specifically to cross that line? user, I'm disappointed.

a lot of women need some foreplay to even start thinking about sex. They are not like made like men.

just smile and be cute about it, establish a signal, i start poking my guy with my toes and make this noise when i want the bussy, he was molested but I just make fun of him for it cuz were both dude bros haha

Gf is a semen demon, wants me to give her sex any time I can get hard. Never had DOMS on my benis before her, wears me out until it hurts to cum again

Not r9k you mong

Ever since I learned that good sex is a little rape-like it's gotten much better. Tbh I usually just initiate by flaunting my body because she gets horny fast as shit, especially if I touch her boobs

If she "just lays there", she won't have any orgasm.

h-heh who needs a gf when i've got g-gains, right?

My wife just lays there completely motionless. Every couple minutes she will scrunch up her face then hold up a number of fingers corresponding to the running orgasm count. So far my high score is 14.

Are you seriuous? lel

We used to have fucking amazing sex a few times a day until the cockblock came along.

>two years and eleven months since I last had sex
>five years since I had an actual relationship

Both gf and I initiate sex. Generally she will initiate first when we first see each other come the weekend, after that It's usually me.

This sounds terribly boring.

Same here I'm emotionally crippled by my last relationship, can't be bothered to talk to new women because I associate them with misery.

Sounds like straight up bs....

>he was molested but I just make fun of him for it cuz were both dude bros

>my mom neglected me emotionally as a child

>Feel like every girl I approach is not interested in me at all
>Talk to a lot of girls, they always laugh at my jokes, we can talk for hours and shit
>They just want to be my friend


Is it just because I'm ugly?

idk dude, I've heard in hindsight from people that girls were flirting hard and i didn't notice
maybe you're just not picking up on the right signals

are you joking? like everyone on this board has a girlfriend. this board is nonstop threads about how much sex people have

Whenever I try to do something more it always ends up with them basically saying no, cutting contact etc.

Maybe you're ugly then
good luck dude, work on your personality

why are you talking to random girls you approach for "hours"

On a board for white men. Semites aren't white so fuck off.

To be honest its annoying when she initiates. Its like "go away, I'm reading Veeky Forums"

They're separates groups.

I approach girls - they're not interested

Girls I know through my social circle and I talk to a lot - not interested.

My ex would not, she was lazy as fuck and took forever to get turned on, tried to blame it on me but she was just emotionally frigid as fuck. Current girlfriend is constantly begging for dick and usually cums in the first minute or 2 then proceeds to continue cumming until I'm done.

If your girl isn't enjoying sex leave that bitch trust me dawg.

Yeah basically, she had a very loving side, but she was a mean and scary alcoholic with mood swings.

How does this even happen to men? Genuine question. I literally cannot talk to women without them assuming I'm trying to get with them, and in almost every case, I am (unless they're uggo in which case they just assume wrong and start telling people that I'm into them which pisses me off). Whenever I just try to talk about light stuff like work or whatever they get bored. So I start hitting on them to keep them interested.

Literally cannot fathom how it is possible to have a legitimate female friend. What's your secret? (I want to have a reserve of female friends in case I need a girlfriend quickly).

By being ugly

>If your girl isn't enjoying sex leave that bitch trust me dawg.
Digits confirm

Way too many girls in the world to be with one who isn't crazy for your D. One gf is frigid, the next is a freak. Shop around, anons

>married with 2 spawnlings

Wife is getting fat. Every morning and night she asks, turn her down most times in hopes of getting her to watch what she eats.

Veeky Forums talking about sex is the same thing as middle schoolers talking about sex. They all pretend they got some.


Speak for yourself, fatty

Not sure if serious. I never deny my wife even though sometimes I am too tired from work. Hate people who use sex as a currency

>the place focused on self improvement and fitness getting some is somehow inconceivable
This isn't /r9k/

save it for leddit faggot

100% serious. It's not about a currency thing, i feel dirty after, it's even off putting because we have mirrors everywhere and there's rolls.

You should probably have a conversation about that dude. Encourage her, go with her.

I have, on multiple times. It's excuse after excuse, now mixed with fucked up hormones that make her go batshit crazy. I can't leave her because i would lose the kids and be forced to pay heaps of child support

My ex was the one that initiate but I always pussy out because of performance anxiety. She call me a child and left me.

let me guess, american?

wtf I don't even remember posting this

It's shit.
If i have any advice for younger people, if your partner has signs of being lazy get rid of them, that little bit of laziness will explode

we have sex pretty much every night we spend together, i mostly initiate, but she knows it is coming, and if i would not start she probably would. and sometimes she initiates too, like the last time, on friday morning, i was a bit sore from two times during evening / night, but she wanted morning sex as she gonna travel for a week.


I would always initiate, sometimes several days in advance (especially when gf is away for whatever reason) with tough talk like "you're getting raped when you come home" and "prepare to get your brains pounded out until you can barely move or even think".

But then I would always cum before she does and then she makes fun of me.

How do I last longer so I can properly oppress my gf with cock?

This happened to me, she told me after she felt violated and i wanted to die

My wife almost never iniciates, have a great relationship with her.
Sex is great but what kills me is that she never orgasms i can pound her for a straight hour and nothing have done for most than hours and fucking nothing it kills me.
She even FUCKING FAINT once but no orgams she can only get that by oral.
She is pretty honest about it.
And no i dont have a tiny cock medium size 14cm.

Plus my previous relationship hot ass girlfriend we used to fuck like maniacs and she had orgams everytime but was a fucking cheating whore and i dumped her.

She'll probably cheat, Fuck her Just keep going when you cum until she does, it ain't rocket science, think of it as cardio.

what kind of autistic relationship do you have with your wife?

>tfw no gf for 10 years
>Tfw was still a child so dating and social meta has changed so much.
Alien mode brehs


women only care about face and height, you don't lift for women. You lift to get stronger

Who’s gonna tell him?

Are you assertive in any way? You're not with them to become friends. You're with them to become lovers

Losing weight and gaining muscle is definitely something that makes you more attractive. It also helps with confidence, I get a lot more luck now that I don't have twig arms anymore and don't look like a scrawny nerd. I don't lift for women, the social aspect is just a nice bonus.

she's not cheating dude for sure in the begging i tought something like she was raped but she told me not she is to much insecure about her body even going to gym and me saying otherwise for christ sakes she doesnt even masturbate

>she doesn't even masturbate
Bad sign dude, means she will get somebody to do it for her. Trust me on this.


Most of my past gf's initiated sex/wanted sex more than I did, with current gf I'm the one who has to initiate sex.

Also with current girl, she basically won't cum until I do, which is bad because I usually like eating the girl out/fucking until she cums, then I cum. Current girl seems like she wants to get me off as soon as she can which is nice in a way, but not good for long term.

Oh shit please tell me this isn’t true, I’m not the guy you replied to

One day gf and I had basically nothing to do but fuck around together and we ended up having sex 11 times that day. In some of those I was coming pretty fast so it made sense to compensate with a next round.
My dick was kind of tired at the last few rounds, and the last one ended with traces of blood in my cum. That's when it really seemed like a good idea to cease.
Would do it again though.

>tfw gf never lets me go for second rounds because she's so scared of pregnancy

Was for me. I assumed that she wouldn't cheat because of it until she ended up miscarrying some other guy's kid. Then I found out she was regularly sleeping with 7 other guys and she stole $5,000 from me.

If she don't get pregnant with the first round, she won't get pregnant with the second round. The gyneco of my gf told her that.

Learn about safe days my dude. Her and I have been using Clue (the app) plus the standard days method, fucking unprotected if both say it's safe on that day.
And buy condoms in bulk for non safe days

As a medfag, I really really hope you don’t actually do this. Shiggydiggy

>gf was submissive and expected me to take the initiative all the time; lame

Currently experiencing this, bit depressing, makes you feel unwanted

>A lot of woman marry schmucks they are not attracted to in the first place, so the sex dries up.

Fixed that for you.


>Is it just because I'm ugly?
Yeah dude, you cracked the code. Improve your looks if there is anything to be improved, or give up on them and use hookers.

How? It apparently has a 95%+ success rate, and it's been working for us for the past year.
Is there any chance that a girl could get pregnant so early or so late on her cycle?

I have like a 6 x 4.5 inch dick. Havent had sex in like two years exept for a couple nights ago. She barley made any noise. But when I was using my fingers I got her screaming. Could it just be because we were in a car and it was too crampt, im shitty at sex, or is my peen too thin. Anyone have advice for someone whos been out of the game for a while?

My last gf was a total fucking starfish


Asexual-user from last thread.
Started going out with this gal and it's making me question my sexuality. When we touch it literally feels like fireworks going off on my skin, haven't been able to think about anything else but this broad for like a fucking week. Stalling out on my lifts, the whole deal.
I am actually unironically getting hard thinking about her, woke up with morning wood for the first time since I was a teenager.

Fuck man last time I felt this was was with my fiance before I broke it off and put an ocean between us. What is wrong with me?

Occasionally she initiates, but usually I do. I'm ok with that. I'm the man in the relationship. I like being in charge. Sex life is 10/10 so far, but we've only been dating for 5 weeks.

>i dont have a tiny cock medium size 14cm
>not tiny

>Half of the people in this thread are kissless virgins, inspite all of the effort they put into lifting
>The other half managed to snag some used up cunt, who won't ever touch their junk by herself and will just lay starfish during the dirty deed

Shit is depressing. When will people realize that the game is rigged, and it's named LOOKS?

>inb4 'muh cuhnfidence'
>inb4 /r9k/

Your romantic life reflects your looks. That's just how it is. Improve your looks if there is anything to be improved, but many of us never really had a chance. Just find other passions in life and fuck escorts.

yeah dude you totally make her cum 14 times in a row lmao

>hold up a number of fingers corresponding to the running orgasm count. So far my high score is 14.
>14 fingers
wait what


not only is she autistic, but shes lying and you're autistic for believing and carrying on with that

What is he supposed to do? Admit to himself that he's utter shite in bed or keep living the delusion that he's a sex god making his wife cum 14 times in a row?