User you're so fit!

>user you're so fit!
>So what else do you do besides lifting?
>You know, what hobbies do you have?

made for bbc

You first, you boring slut

I think that's a russian trap
n-not that I'd know, I asked a friend of mine who can spot these things

Haha yeah bro I'm black too and I fucked like 30 white girls last week, they're so easy to sleep with because they crave me for my blackness. Hotter than the OP pic too.
How many other black brothers posting on Veeky Forums have slept with many white girls hotter than OP's pic?

Black guy here, yeah its crazy lol
white women are all over me, their boyfriends even ask me to fuck them while they watch lol

creative writing, video editing, drawing, electric guitar, reading and Photoshop
but you're a man-jawed tranny, so who gives a fuck what you think

yes us large virile blacks sure have an very easy time having sex with your caucasoid women.
I've slept with hundreds of white girls, doesn't even matter if they are married.

in this case, they would be bottom.

>Gee user, do you really think I have a chance as an anchor for the British Broadcasting Company?
>I don't

Hobbies?? do you mean like cardio?

I spent all my other hours debating about people that claim to be human about waifus, and why theirs are terrible.

aw man this makes me feel real sad
this guy probably tried his hardest to draw a few cars, a man in a robe and a man behind a steering wheel and he saw what a shit job he did so when he needed to draw a weightlifter he just gave up and put a filter over a photo

don't fucking care what you think of me bitch i have no need for cunts or sluts who aren't into what i am.

fug man now im sad as well

I'd say quit larping, but those trips suggest otherwise. Clearly you are the main pimp of a human trafficking circle who feels the need to sample the goods of what he's selling.

Yes I am. I am an alpha black man who gets layed with white girls very often. This is because they prefer men of my complexion.

Thanks for noticing the trips I was afraid they'd go uncheck'd

why is there so many cucks on fit. every fucking thread its a fucking cuck saying gay shit. arent you ashamed?

Not as bad as the Chad posters
Or that 16yo who says "hard cope" to everyone

coping hard there buddyboyo

You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.

>these off-topic cancerous replies

i like to dissect girls, did you know im utterly insane

>the virgin Tyrone collects his welfare and olde English
>the chad Josef chugs hefeweizen and devours sauerkraut for breakfast before KRAUTING every women around and leaving them with proper Dirndls

Cooking, reading, and passion projects

Let me guess your hobbies are hanging out with friends and going out?

>passion projects
what are these?

I thought it was Chloe Lukasiak from dance moms at first

>Not all of them! But yeah.

Its just an Idea I come up with that I know I probably can't do. Currently im going to get an old tea maker and somehow wire it up to this raspberry pi I have and see if I can get to brew tea for me in the morning, then I want to see if I can make one of those devices that plays a sound when you open a door (really in a electronics kinda mood).
its just dumb shit like that to keep you occupied , its how I started cooking

Looks like a man in drag

>Thanks for noticing the trips I was afraid they'd go uncheck'd

You is white


That means my abstract thinking is on a level you will never be able to comprehend.

Ah, great to see a fellow Rick and Morty fan!

Reading, hiking, and 3D printing

Rather, for the 3D Printing it should be making the fucked thing actually work. It's good that being in CS gave me the mega perserverance(aka autism) needed to tackle this, because it's a hell of a job


NO I is black nibba
And I fugg whities women



>that chin sculpt
it definitely is, tell your friend hes good at his stuff

Art, bar trivia, winning roguelikes

indeed my fellow negro, sometimes it even seems to help when the white woman is married.

What's a hobby?

>Firearms (Don't tell her until deep into the relationship because this is Canada)
>Kayaking/Camping (Portage)

Do you think women care about your hobbies? Of all the women I've known, their hobbies are usually just music, TV and going to the beach. They only get as complex as

wew lad

it's pretty impossible to kind of like guns, most people either love them or hate them. it's like yeah I have a few I hunt with, but as soon as I bring it up I'm either hearing about the new Leupold 360x420 Quickbanger or how guns kill babies

Hobbies are for children. You either do something useful like working out or making money or sleep.