Are fit thots made for test boost?

are fit thots made for test boost?

they are made to be fucked, creampied and bred by BBC


fuck i want to breed a disgusting gym thot like this.
give her my white norse seed, seeing her get pregnant with my aryan children.
nothing would be better

Every single thread. I swear you are monitoring this board to shitpost about black cock.

yeah, fuck this guy, it is starting to get annoying

do a latex gf, tehyre better

HNGGGG the latex gives the same kind of close fitting test raising sensation as the yoga pants

latex is best

tfw no asutrian latex gf



>When the URL image link post doesn't work

>tfw when no austrian latex gf

T-Thanks for the reminder

Going to need sauce on that lad

karina piglet

Imagine coming home from work and your latex austrian gf is in her catsuit and well you know the rest

>karina piglet
katerina piglet
katerina piglet

Can't tell if nigger, Jew or /pol/ false flag

Probably all three.

On topic, no. They're not made for test boost, but you might as well take advantage of any fringe benefits you can.

this. fucking jews

You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.

is it sub-ish to like latex sloots?
im dom, but for some reason this tingles my denger

who is this semen demon?

hell yea

no its high test, a tight black outfit that makes her features so much more better, all waiting for you to unwrap it its pretty alpha

>tfw no Natasha gf



I legit can't tell if the toilet was the only thing shopped in there.

every single fucking thread


maybe it's just a shitposter