Does anybody else channel their rage toward all the boomers in the gym while lifting...

Does anybody else channel their rage toward all the boomers in the gym while lifting? Nothing makes me more angry than seeing baby boomers doing a bunch of retarded shit and having a smile on their face like everything is alright. Just like their whole lives.

I don't get the "blame X generation" thing. 99.9% of you would have done the same in their circumstances.
In fact, millenials could be fucking up the future even more than them, but we can't know for sure.
Those things are outside of our individual power, all we can do is make the right choices and live a fulfilling life.

That being said, I lift for Jesus.

Boomers created the millennials. Millenials aren’t affecting the future because they don’t actually DO anything. The only reason this isn’t a problem is because we shit tons of immigrants doing the work that they don’t want to do. When the boomers die out of the work force and millennials won’t have kids, then we’ll face issues

Generations are marketing constructs.
Generalizations that massive are useless.
Consider who is benefitting from tricking you into oversimplifying these issues in your head to a "good guy bad guy" narrative

I lift for my bioregion.

>I don't get the "blame X generation" thing. 99.9% of you would have done the same in their circumstances.

In support of your premise you reject the premise. Try logic next time.

Also, imaginary population of people who would've done something is same as no population of people.

You probably also think abortion stops a human life.

>That being said, I lift for Jesus.

Oh, look.

>In fact, millenials could be fucking up the future even more than them, but we can't know for sure

Fucking up the future: criteria one, two, three. Are millenials doing/causing criteria 1,2,3 to be fulfilled? Yes/no.

Look, I did your thinking and researching for you. Dumbass.

>Those things are outside of our individual power,

Adopt the position of powerlessness and then you're free of responsibility! Yay!

>all we can do is make the right choices and live a fulfilling life.

And it all starts by pretending right and wrong can't be known, can't be done, and, oh just shut up and enjoy the all you can eat buffet.

You lift for Jesus because you can't think for yourself. In fact, you can't think properly at all evidenced by the illogical nature of your reasoning.

I’m going to try this

>The mind of a bitter schizo atheist millennial

careful with that edge there little buddy

>qt receptionist at gym walks up to boomer
>"hey you dont look tired at all today!"
>boomer frowns and basically yells "I DONT GET TIRED"
Whats wrong with old people

Hell yeah my millennial bro! I can't wait till Burnie bails me out of my 100k debt that I got getting a soyboy degree! It's the boomers fault I failed!

>Supersetting chest flies on the fly machine
>Old guy (looks mid 60s) asks if he can work in
>Say sure
>He takes off about 50 lbs, does a few flies
>I trade off with him, go back to my original weight, etc for maybe three sets
>He says "I may take some weight off, but considering age I'd say I win!"
>Smug look on his face
>I say "It's not a competition bro" and ponder what the fuck could have been going on in his mind as he walks to do some other machine sets.

I don't relate to old people at all.

>i-it's not a c-competition
>backing down instead of saying something like "Heh, whatever helps you sleep at night old timer"

Soy as fuck

Boomers didn't create millennials, they created gen x.

In any event boomers are dying off quickly enough that we shouldn't worry about them too much.

Worrying so much about what other people in the gym do is a sign of insecurity. I genuinely don’t even think about the next person while I’m at the gym. I’m sure people think I’m weird, but I’m there to work out and nothing else.

When did I mention millennials you absolute cretin.

>no love for jesus
>reddit spacing

>not offering the old guy to spot him on the bench and dropping the barbell on his neck, then saying "I'd say I win!"
Not gonna make it

New generation, if you can even call a cultural identity that, is just reactionary. Well probably have another generation like that in the future. How do you make the pattern more "stable", stable being defined as a constant idea maintained throughout all generations? Maybe education, but then again the internet has made more people aware of the pleasures to distract themselves from the system, when the real reality is they can pursue their goals and be successful without getting a job.

I lift to accomplish my goals

It’s a boomer thing. They haven’t been able to get hard in 20 years so they overcompensate

I should've gone with this. I was trying to help him feel better before I realized that he'd said he "won"

Oh boy, didn't expect to trigger a fedoralord.

Whenever somebody says something like this that just flies over my head I'll just let out a chuckle and take it as a joke, I'm pretty sure that's how it's intended.

At the same time I'll think about it afterwards and honestly with about 90%+ people I just can't wrap my head around where their mind is at. I feel like I'm just existing on a different plane most of the time, and not in a smug superiority kind of way, it just feels like I'm on the outside of one gigantic inside joke. Maybe it's just the 'tism. Thankfully I've got some friends to shoot the shit with to keep me sane.

Yep. Gotta stay loose in this day and age, I'd say we have less in common with each other than ever before.
I jack it a lot and lifting and hanging with the boys helps.