Does Veeky Forums target traps, or is OHP and rows good enough?

Does Veeky Forums target traps, or is OHP and rows good enough?

I just have big traps for a skeleton

I personally don't train traps but mine are pretty big. Training traps just makes you look narrow and shit, kinda like l
Aloha destiny. Compare people that didn't train traps (Steve Reeves, Frank Zane, ect...) to people that do. People that don't are way more aesthetic

I wish I could target traps but where can you find them man. A passable one just looks like a girl what's the point in a girl

>Does Veeky Forums target traps

Yeah traps are easy. I just shrug 3X10 185 lbs at the end of my deadlift pyramids. Got nice traps too

it will depend on the person

i can deadlift 230kg and my traps are lacking. but i know someone who deadlifts 200 and he has big traps

10x10 with 180-220kg once a week to hit them directly, they get hit indirectly every other day though

That's a cutie patootie

You don't need to on a good program

Snatch grip high pulls (with leg drive of course) I do these every week and I still get DOMS every time I do them.

DOMs arent an indicator of good training.

I just throw in some face pulls on back day and call it good.

>3x10 185lbs
u have to weigh at least 100lbs to post here

t. curl monkey who curls with shit form

i target traps with my dick

>Does Veeky Forums target traps
yes i do

what would be a good program that does not require it then

anything that has you deadlift and row every now and then along with adequate volume for compounds that work the other muscles.

so like 90% of the programs out there you know

Front loaded carries
Pick up a 100 lbs sandbag or keg, bear hug it, and walk 50-100 meters for three sets. Come back and tell me how it feels the next day.
credit: brian alsruhe

Depends. If my traps are failing during ohp then I'll do assistance for traps for a couple of weeks. When OHP starts stalling again, lets say, due to triceps then I'll add tricep assistance. When OHP starts stalling at the hole then I'll add shoulder assistance.

Basically this for OHP, Squat, Bench, Deadlift. Additional assistance is on top of the normal assistance that I already do for the overall muscle balance.

what're your lifts

>traps on ohp

what the fuck am i reading


you're supposed to shrug up at the lockout, prevents shoulder impingement apparently

underrated post

ever heard of using lats and just retracting?
do you shrug when you benchpress

i know uncle rippetoe teaches this and by no means i am good overhead presser, but i actually dont think shrugging at the top is a good cue for OHP

ITT: skellies with no upper back development

barbell shrugs, 8 sets a week, clean reps with full ROM. do them.

agree, OHP is for delts, and a bit of triceps. lats and maybe traps for stabilising at best, so I wouldnt say you get any kind of significant training for either.

i do rack pulls, (no crazy weights, no squatting the weight up, just pure hip hinge with glutes like deadlift), then i drop the weight to my dl 1RM ~ shrug that to failure and perform dropsets, no rest just dropping a plate each time, up to empty bar.

gives me so much trap soreness its hard to believe

I can feel my traps activating to a significant degree and they've grown. What else do you want?

Started lifting 4 months ago. My left trap is noticably bigger than my right, despite my right side being dominant. Never did any specific trap exercises. How do I fix this?

DB shrugs with just one side

>Aloha destiny

I like it


most likely a postural issue. if it doesnt go away as you get big, and bothers you too much, see an expert.

i say "as you get big", because you probably already wasted your 4 months of lifting on meme shit like PPL anyways. so you gettin big will be a long term thing.

I wouldn't say it was wasted really, bench went from barely getting 3 reps on 40kg to hitting 100kg 1RM the other day.

It might be a postural issue, feel like one of my shoulders drops a bit lower when I walk.

nice, i was assuming the gen pop, you know.

>I'm shit at OHP
>I know better than somebody who knows the anatomy and is good at OHP
Yep, I'm on Veeky Forums.

You were right, looks to be a postural issue. My left shoulder sits higher. There are some streteches that should help extend my left trap a bit, right now it looks like I am shrugging a bit with my left side.

Thanks for the heads up.

> never target abs because "compounds do core"
> Do cable crunches for fun once
>Days of Dom's

Go from doing 3 x 10 bent leg raise to weighted wipers and reps of cable crunch with the whole stack. Less back pain from pushing it of squats and dl. Lifts all up.

> Do shrugs once
> Massive Dom's
> Clean goes up from doing them

I mean, diet is most of looking good. Training main lifts is most of being strong, but isolation has it's place to get lagging parts up.

Traps seem optional to me. Not doing direct ab work is a meme.

Not doing direct ab work is one of the biggest memes on here, getting close to doing 150lbs standing cable crunches for 3x20 and I'm seeing my abs for the first time at the heaviest I've ever been in my life (220lbs).

holy fuck don't listen to these guys. the shrug is very important for OHP if you don't want to have shoulder surgery

>want to be bigger
>want to be stronger
>want to look aesthetic
>ignore training body parts

Train everything. You have individual muscles but your body functions as a whole.

>always forget to shrug at the top of OHP

can you front load a front loader?

Big traps make you look like a cobra, pretty useless muscle unless you're doing squats and dont want to break your neck.
Or lifting shit irl like a bum


Yeah i do shrugs and rack pulls
I think traps makes you look bad ass

heavy shrugs, heavy rows, OHP, and deadlift

>supposed to shrug at OHP lockout

shut the fuck up dyel and learn to lift before you post

ive watched countless videos to get my OHP form down and not once, not ONCE have i ever heard about shrugging at the lockout ???

this is some top tier bait

post pictures for us pls showing your examples

The usual cue is to try to cover your ears. This cues both bar path and the shrug.

Get on the chest supported t bar machine, load it with roughly your DL 5rm, shrug that nigger up and slightly back 4xF (well, technically one before F so you can still rack it) twice a week. Thank me later.

overhead shrugs are a great exercise, but I'm not going to attempt to do that with 200+. Never.

Muscle strain central.

I find bolt throwers and spiked pits are the most effective

it is not actively shrugging you mongoloid, when you finish the range of motion, it is impossible to lock out without squeezing your traps

>thinking this is narrow and not massive as fuck
Alex has maxed out his frame and has done well for him. He can't make himself broad-shouldered and 6'0" lmao. If a tall guy had similar trap and delt development, he'd mog steeve reeves and frank zane

only the cute ones

ive heard that for shrugs, but never for OHP. my OHP cue is "up and out, like a big Y"

gib link to uncensored

asking for a friend

what the h*ck is wrong with humanity?

seconded, same friend ofc

third friend here, damn our mutual bro is a thirsty bitch it seems

It's by InCase

cant really hang around related sites at work, got an imgur or other unsuspicious picturesite link?

I am but a powerless proxy vessel for above mentioned friend, still

>shrug that to failure and perform dropsets, no rest just dropping a plate each time, up to empty bar.
so 2 sets?

don't look at porn at work

dont tell me how to live my life

need the test boost for heated meetings kek

Alex, pls go

>no one here doing rack pulls
Its fucking magic at first, i deadlift 140kgx5 but for rack pull at the knee i did 190kg for 3's and above knee 210kg for 3's and my traps grew alot from doing them 2-3 times a month

heres the red pill for traps:

I feel ya, user.

>fucking up your gym's barbells when you could just do shrugs instead

>fucking up barbells

most of us probably dont have to go over 250kg so it should be fine, the heavy stretch from the weight is the key for the quick muscle gains

For traps I just use the reverse fly machine and face pulls, gets them burning like hell and they've grown a lot

For you to stop acting like you know shit


what? isn't that the guy that made those creepy drawings?

> Shrug your traps at the top. This creates space between your upper-arm and AC joint for your rotator cuff tissues. No shrugging is no space is shoulder impingement.