You will never have a childhood female friend who you spent times with together the most who you ultimately will marry...

> You will never have a childhood female friend who you spent times with together the most who you ultimately will marry and live a happy life with.

Don't you mean
>you will never have a childhood female friend that fucks everyone but you and then marries you when she hits the wall and you get to fuck her twice a year

Oh but I do.
It's pretty fucking nice.

Don’t cry over shit you don’t have
Just live your life and learn from missed opportunities


fuark im jelly
I never even had a female friend

Surely you mean
>You will never have a childhood female friend that fucks everyone but you until she gets pregnant with chads baby, fucks you once, puts your name on the paternity register and sues you for a lifetime of alimony while she continues fucking other dudes until she hits the wall and marries a wage slave to take care of her and her by now two bastard children.

>only knowing the love of one woman for your entire fucking life
No thanks m8

i'm jealous
i had one and she grew up to become hot and then went on to fuck other people and i'm still a virgin

I did. We dated for three years, lost my virginity, was a blast. We broke up and she rode the carousel until she got pregnant and is using another man to raise her kid.

You should watch 5cm Per Second, OP. Then you will know feels.

No, and i dont care, i never had anything in life, i didnt have my parents, i didnt have friends, i didnt have girlfriend i didnt have anything to love, but i was molded according to what I lived and im ok with it

>tfw you had that but one time.
>you thought it would be funny to hide when she came to visit you.
>tfw you never saw her again.

>you thought it would be funny to hide when she came to visit you
what the fuck? why would you do that?

More like growing up with her and sharing many things in common.

But then, you see her slowly growing apart, liking things and activities that she used to despise (say, eating in expensive restaurants or going shopping).

And those activities you used to share (e.g. reading, taking long walks at the park or watching movies together) are now deemed by her as a bore.

And she now expects to be taken on long trips, and that you have a car and a good apartment and that you earn over six figures.

>be around 12
>meet this girl that likes pokemon and is all around tomboyish
>at the time i didnt really talk to girls couse i was shy
>never had problems talking to this girl couse she just felt like i was talking with another guy
>3 years go by and we are still good friends
>she still practices sports and we still talk from time to time
>she starts getting abs and thick legs from all the sport and becomes top wife material
>I start getting jealous because of her muscles
>had a bad day in school and was just really mad at everything
>she tells me out of no where she liked me
>be mad and just out right reject her
>stop talking to each other
This was of the main reasons i started lifting.
So I can work my body and getting the muscles i was so jealous of.

I fucked up and I wish I could fix it. I might make a facebook to try and reconnect but wouldnt it be weird if I had no friends on there?

Of course you mean
>You will never have a childhood female friend that fucks everyone but you until she gets pregnant with chads baby, fucks you once, puts your name on the paternity register and sues you for a lifetime of alimony while she continues fucking other dudes until she hits the wall and marries a wage slave to take care of her and her by now two bastard children while at the same time taking BBC because she convinced her new cuck whoops I mean husband it was hot.

my life is something like that my mom had a very nice and close friend sine they were kids, they grow up and became boyfriends

but suddenly my mom hooked up with some chad or so and got pregnant of me, she broke up with the guy, and my real dad abandoned me

of couse my life was trash but at least im somewhat chaddy when it comes to lifting

now my mom is single and she always mention on how stupid she was when she was young

i really feel bad for what she did to her first bf

and kinda hate her because of that

>rejecting the idea of a tomboy gf and cumming on her abs daily
I hope your proud of yourself

don't give up user :3

this. op you were better off women change their minds for no damn reason

Surely you mean
>You will never have a childhood female friend that fucks everyone but you until she gets pregnant with chads baby, fucks you once, puts your name on the paternity register and sues you for a lifetime of alimony while she continues fucking other dudes until she hits the wall and marries a wage slave to take care of her and her by now two bastard children while at the same time taking BBC because she convinced her new cuck whoops I mean husband it was hot. Until she gets pregnant with a black baby and comes running back to you with her now 3 kids. Only thing is this time you are a millionaire who can get any instagram model he wants and she is a used up post wall roastie who will never be happy.