No amount of lifting can fix my pectus excavatum

>no amount of lifting can fix my pectus excavatum

Cool, do what the guy in the op did.

>if this guy didn't commit literal war crimes, we wouldn't have a juicy meme to overuse

>killing muslims
>a crime

Girls don’t care about a slight indent user

He didn't. He just put wanted to imprison civilian muslims for the duration of the war. Not a warcrime.

Stop being edgy user, you’re scaring the cardio bunnies

Fortunately I live in a country where hating muslims is normal.

Not op but his is barely even noticeable. My ribs stick out like a bitch (almost as much as my chest) and with a shirt on it looks like I don't train inner chest because there's a huge gap there

He's right tho. Muslims have no place in Europe.

Fortunately hating muslims is normal.

Not in the west it seems.

Well kofi has the worst case I’ve seen and people don’t really seem to care, don’t let it bother you so much
Then you’re whole country is a bunch of edgy little faggots

Man, I know a guy who had one, and it was a pretty serious case. He was pretty Veeky Forums though and one party trick of his was to fill some cocktail in it and drink it out with straws.

Don't be too self-conscious about this. Most people don't care, and those who do you probably don't want in your life anyway.

He was on the Muslims side dipshit.

I knew this was going to end up this way...

I hate this board sometimes

What’s going on here?

>Then you’re whole country is a bunch of edgy little faggots

No, we've just experienced living under muslim occupation. Never again. Enjoy being subjugated.



you too

Pussy libtards.

Cmon man we're human too just like you

That's the joke

But dead jew worshippers do? lol

I’m glad that religion will be dead in the west in a few decades

Muslims are islamists on stand by
They will massively vote charia law 50 years later

Go be human in your deserts and we can get along just fine.