Soylent costs too much. How do I become a soyboy with other products, Veeky Forums?
Soylent costs too much. How do I become a soyboy with other products, Veeky Forums?
Chop your balls off.
You already are a soyboy
But I haven't eaten any soy, I'm not a true soyboy yet! Indoctrinate me into the cult!
Start by drinking your own cum every night and masturbate exclusively anally.
visit buzzfeed
suck off niggers in an alley
watch anime
I am pure, I only want other cute boys to suck off. Some of buzzfeeds stuff isn't that bad desu.
the soy thing is just a meme. the levels of phytoestrogen are so minor as to be far lower than any man's natural estrogen level.
Do it or you won't receive daddy's cock as a reward.
Get a bunch of tofu and soy sauce and just eat loads of that.
I don't want daddy's cock I want a cute feminine penis to play with!! Men scare me...
Hmmmmm... sounds like a good idea, desu...
What about mommy's cock?
t. doesn't understand the actual issue with soy
Yes! I want mommys cock! Would you happen to be a mommy who also has a peepee?
Yes baby boy now spread your buttcheeks.
soylent is pretty fucking cheap though. Drinking 2000kcal of soylent a day is $96 a week, so just take maybe a third or half of your daily calories in soylent and you probably won't spend more than you already do
B-be gentle, mommy!
>100 dollars a week
>tfw make maybe 600 a month
I'm just a baby boi, unless one of you wanna be my sugar mommies ;3
lol you remind me a lot of me... where do you live? i think me & you could fuck, easily
That's pretty lewd user... I'm not even that cute yet and I'm scared of big bara daddies ;_;
Uhhhh.. Regular soy?
sry it's just i'd be interested in cuddling with you and watching netflix with someone... femboi is okay
What specific products though....? -3-
Engineered to be BLACKED
Hmm, where do you live? I'm in burgerland :3c
Racebait is mean and makes people of all races sad! Stop now!!
I get .02 American per (you) kys cuck madpepe.png
I'd love to see them negroids try I'm 184cm 100kg with 1300+ total.
If you're working for that little, you really need it then! Take all my (you)'s!
I'm not trying to transition or anything, so not on hrt. But I used to drink with continent soymilk daily (trying to lose those love handles, so I'm /fast/ing now). I also take collagen, supposed to be good for the skin and hair. I've experimented on that pueraria mirifica thing too. Don't know if it's working, but my skin feels super smooth now. I don't think my breasts have gotten larger, so that's good.
Thanks for the tips, user! I think if you take an anti androgen like saw palmetto it helps with the efficacy of the PM ^-^
>pueraria mirifica
thai ladyboy mode attempt?
>pueraria mirifica
Holy shit, $100 a week when you can make real nutritious food for less.
haha soylent was banned in canada? Thank god
What's your routine, user?
There was no need for it anymore, since the white male population there is emasculated beyond the limits
>mfw I fell for the meme
I know. I don't take the suggested dose though. I don't want my balls to fall off, grow boobs, or have my already feminine penor to shrink into a clit.
w-would you wanna be my bf (or gf)...?
Soy milk and tofu
Bishounen mode. Very fucking jealous.
eat the onion, become the onion
I really don't want to turn into a full femboy, so I'd like to avoid real anti-androgens. But thanks.
It's a meme routine, I'm too shy to post it.
I'm already seeing someone, but I appreciate the sentiment. We can still hang out tho.
Thanks desu. I think I still have a ways to go though. But you can do it too user, doesn't take as much work as getting ripped does.
Any other habits that you made or changed?
Where do ya live user? I need some irl friends ;_; I doubt you live close
portland, OR anyone?
What's your routine and self care regimen like? You mentioned pueraria, do you take anything else? Your body is so perfect.
Nothing much really. I guess I wax my pits. Don't have to shave legs since I don't grow leg hair anyway.
Yeah it's pretty unlikely. But I live in burgerland. East coast. Also I'm a stereotypical autistic shut-in.
>don't grow leg hair anyway.
Wow. Lucky bastard.
Ah man no one lives in my shitty flyover state. Have a good one, user.
It's not perfect. You can see all the scratches and stuff in my legs. I run around in the woodland tails wearing similar shorts in pic and get scratches here and there. Having a feral cat doesn't help either. But I guess the collagen helps. Oh, and kojic acid soap. Exfoliate your skin with some kind of coarse sponge then apply kojic acid soap and let it sit for a while. Don't leave it on the privates for too long coz it can burn. And then cocoa butter. But I credit whatever smoothness my skin has to the pm and collagen.
Thanks m8. What's a good dosage for collagen? I've been mixing in a whole packet of unflavored gelatin with my coffee in the morning. Is that enough?
Let me sniff your bum.
Reporting in, whatcha need brah?
The mods get rid of late night threads yet keep this shit up? Go fuck yourself you power hungry cunts. This shit ain't Veeky Forums related whatsoever.
>Actually wants /r9k/ threads on Veeky Forums
I'm using taking the recommended dosage of this neocell super collagen + c. Got it on Amazon.
It smells like cocoa butter desu.
>he wants autistic soyboy threads
Y-you too.
>Actually wants /lgbt/ threads on Veeky Forums
>It smells like cocoa butter desu.
What does it taste like?