Do you wear compression pants?
Do you wear compression pants?
don't wear your girlfriend's pants to the gym
I do
Is it still my girlfriend's if I buy it for her?
damn son, u gay o somthin'?
Dude, no. Def, emphatic, serious no. Take those off.
Only when running, especially longer distances. In the gym? Hell no.
lift up that hoodie and lemme see that dicc bulge boi
lol no it's gay as fuck
No but I like the trend. Since I started seeing them in the gym I've begun wearing my long johns under shorts during the winter.
>not squatting in compression pants for glute mires
Exactly, user
I have a full leg speedo from when I used to be a swimmer that I wear under my shorts on leg day
user, I...
Something is fucking wrong with you. As a guy you shouldn't like anything that tight to your legs/ass.
I'm a grower, so no
Wanting to show off your ass is soyboy as fuck.
t. Hank Hill ass
No. And you shouldn't either you fucking dyel. You aren't big enough to pull it off.
I do on leg days. Feels great.
Anyone knocking on this is probably white and has NO ASS.
I prefer those ridiculously baggy pants you see a lot of lifters from the 80's wearing.
Only under my sweats, unless it gets way too hot but my gym is always cold.
no because i am not an attention seeking fuck boy
Where do you think we are user
Why he is not using any safetys?
>not just wearing joggers or sweatpants which chicks dig even more
It still shows off your ass and junk but looks better and doesn't squeeze everything.
T. Guy with no ass
Bitchs love butts too
Those look like regular bumper plates, and he's on a platform behind the rack-- so if he was in any trouble, he could just disengage the bar and quickly step forward. ezpz
I prefer not to use safeties because I find that if I use them, I over-rely on it, and fail the moment things get too hard
The moment I switched, I started grinding out reps and now get anxious whenever I safety bars are anywhere near me
I'm the same way, but had to leave my former gym and resort to using my uni's gym because I'm now on a budget... all we have are four power racks and only like three platforms ;w;
Man, we have 4 power racks, 4 squat racks, but no goddamn wooden floors for platforms
Lifting them is like lifting on cushions. But you gotta do what you gotta do
Dicklets and quadlets confirmed
post quads user
Why is it so much lewder with the leggings than with bare legs
i wear shorts and everyones staring at my ass already. nothing tight either.
You mean heterosexuals
nah over-compensating bitches that worry about their sexuality 24/7
>Local gym rats are turning into gym thots
Faggot confirmed. What's next you gonna wear a Lululemon sports bra to "show off your abs" wear sweat pants or shorts like everyone else. Unless you wear some shorts over it you can wear your tights while you work out in your homegym with your boyfriend. Mobility my ass.
Bitch I might. I'd still be sexier than your bitch ass. What is your dumb ass gonna do if I walk in your gym with nothing but a gstring and lift 3 times as much weight as you
Right, in straight people language that means heterosexual.
If it's your first time doing it, you'll only get a few months in County and a beefy fine.
But considering you're a flaming homosexual, a few months in jail would be like winning the lottery.
I'd fuck your boi pucci after you trap yourself under the bar like the legging wearing gym twink you are.
Because the leggings highlight and show the curvature of their bodies way better than plain skin does