Tell me how to get out of my depressed hell hole
Tell me how to get out of my depressed hell hole
Put a BBC in said hole.
read this des
pills m8
I read it on a flight to Chicago while on a business trip. I enjoyed the book and finished it on the plane, but the issue is now I'm depressed again
get a cat
Same situation OP. My thinking is as long as my life is shit outside of the gym I will be stuck here. When I'm able to start making progress towards a goal that isn't Veeky Forums related I'll have my escape.
Meditation. Exercise, which if you're not already then why are you here? Always act positive even if you're suicidal, it attracts people. Give yourself some easy goals then once you accomplish them make harder ones. Keep on keepin on user.
Yea, but I think this is my last month being depressed and on Veeky Forums. Its time for me to get my shit together
how well did you integrate it into your life?
Depression comes in and goes. Right now things are a bit odd
Find a girlfriend. (Validated Answer)
Kill yourself and be reborn without depression
>Find a girlfriend.
i've been trying that for 32 years
Made for BBC
Go find your purpose you faggot
and how do i do that?
what about it did you specifically integrate into your life?
At the time of said business trip and a few months after that I enjoyed life more
I also got over fear of death, but not depression has come back. Work is pretty crazy right now
lol, I might be a bitch ass nigga if I'm really complaining about life again on fit
I found that putting into practice what I read really helped. Really helps get me out of depressed moods quick. Whenever you get down try and replace your belief with a more positive one that you actually believe.
It's not something you will find if you must ask how to find it
What do you want to change
What do you want to do with your life
Find that, and go do it
Instead of cooking up a 12 gauge meal I went out and fought for a good cause in a shitty country, learned a lot along the way and found what I'm here for
Truly, the best way to live is selflessly user
this but make sure to make it a strong habit. keep in mind as well that there is a component of depression that is a choice
First find out why you are depressed.
Is your life shit? Fix that.
Is your life good yet you feel depressed
Then pills "might" help but I suggest you talk to a therapist.
Close the tab. Not that hard.
I don't workout anymore and depression hit me hard
Good job, make a good salary, have investments
Just lost all purpose in my life with a new promotion I was given... wasn't ready for this world .
Stop fapping, watching porn and smoking weed.
Not that there's anything wrong with any of these (except porn, that shit's wack), the problem is the mixing up of these habits.
Its on my plan, I'll be leaving soon
Then start working out again, give it 2-3 weeks and if fails seek help. You can do the thing.
Die c u c k
Stop using the internet so much for mindless entertainment consumption. I'd hazard a guess and say that the vast majority of you have depression flare ups when you spend all day shitposting and clicking through stupid threads.
On top of quitting porn I'm planning on adding restrictions to how I use the internet. I'd advise most of you do the same. Even though it might be too late for me as I turn 25 this month, I'd recommend to you younger anons to do this sooner and don't wait around like I did, pissing your life away.
Scream in mortal anger at the world and thrash against the bonds that hold you. Burn bright to blind all.
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