Why are you still eating meat Veeky Forums?

Why are you still eating meat Veeky Forums?

>removed cleaned and sold
good enough for me

>easy and fun to cook
>ton of protein
what's not to love?

Cause it's convenient. Why are you still a lefty bastard?

Do you prefer they leave all the tumors and shit in it? Bad bait.

I mean yeah. food has bacteria and shit. thats why you cook it

Why are you still eating plants?

Because a balanced diet of meat and plants is best for gains

there is puss in milk (when udders get hurt during milking) and i have no problem drinking it, i even drank it raw for a time

I opened an orange once that looked perfectly fine on the outside but had insects and was rotting inside. Why should I ever eat another vegetable or fruit again when they are crawling with insects and can be festered with bacteria rotting them?



Woooh nelly, you need to take that one off. Do somes research on how that's considered a trash fish.

It's cheap, it tastes good, full of protons and fats and it also upsets vegans. It's like asking why would you drive a truck? It does everything you could need a vehicle to do and also pisses off effeminate weirdos.

>it is removed, cleaned, and sold

Yeah, so they solve the issue. What's the problem

looks like hummus pouring out of that meat

pretty good imo

Because I'm not a retard who thinks that cancer is contagious. Cancer is a *process* which results in growths such as tumors, the tumor itself is not the cancer. It's still a chunk of edible meat. And in any case those tumors are removed.

>It's cheap


Look up minimum insect parts in peanut butter, realize that cabbages, lettuce and other plants are literally filled with bugs while growing.

You can't escape it.

we have these threads every fucking day with the same 2-3 meat pictures.

OP is a literal faggot.

you're a bore to everyone in your life

I'm a semi-pro road racer on a road racing team. I was District Champion in 2012, 2013, 2015, and 2016 (no not saying where) for my age group.
You Veeky Forums vegan pieces of shit talked me into your so-called 'vegan' (strict vegetarian, really) 'diet'.
For the first 3 months or so, I was fine, even felt a little healthier than normal. Who knows if that was for real or just placebo effect.
Shortly after that everything started going to shit. I started falling apart during Threshold rides. My FTP tested out lower instead of improving, despite training. My sprint power disappeared. I started getting mentally foggy and it progressively got worse. My digestion went from predictable and normal to what doctors called 'irritable bowel syndrome'. My sleep suffered. I put up with this bullshit for about another 6 or 7 weeks before calling it quits, I was coming completely unglued physically and mentally and wondered if I was dying. I went back to eating meat and dairy products, and in about 3 weeks started feeling normal again. This was all last year, and it took me a couple months to feel completely back to normal, training productively again, and placing well on race day. That's why I wasn't District Champion last year, because this shitty 'vegan' bullshit totally sabotaged me.

You vegan faggots can go fuck yourselves, and shove your bullshit 'moral choice' and bullshit 'diet' up your asses, it damned near killed me, and killed an entire race season for me. Somebody ought to lock you people up so you don't convince anyone else to hurt themselves.

>implying pus, infections, etc... don't add to the flavor
Fuck outta here

>Unironically being a hedonist
Why shouldn't I rape people it feels good xd

Except the difference is you don't just pull out the insects and say "good enough"

Up until a few years ago this was exactly how worked, child.

Then you would have an argument a few years ago brainlet.

go ahead lad, it seems to be pretty popular sport

What's cooking and food preparation?

The epicurean would say that the discomfort of prison is more detrimental than the fleeting pleasure of rape is beneficial. Also, you can believe that pleasure is good while also believing that morality is also important.

>fruit falls on the ground into a pile of shit
>Mexican pics it up a brushes it off
>it's pressed into juice shit and all
The odwalla E. Coli outbreak shows that fruit and fruit products can end up fucked up too.

it's an efficient way to get protein

>It's cheap
kek, fuck no. Meat is most expensive thing I buy, if there high protein plant based foods I'd just get that.


But thats Garlic Butter..

Oranges are dyed with toxic dyes and sold before they are even ripe
Rat shit is mixed in with the grains that goes to make your bread because they can't be bothered cleaning it
Let's not even talk about all the fucking cancer causing pesticides that go into every fruit and vegetable you eat
Oh what's that you only eat 100% organic naturally grown vegetables? Congratulations, you're endorsing a lifestyle that would be completely unsustainable if everyone on earth did it.

>fruits and vegetables have rotten or malformed parts so you cut them off or throw away the bad ones
This is perfectly healthy

>meat products have rotten or malformed parts so you cut them off or throw away the bad ones
This is the unhealthiest thing possible and a valid argument for total veganism

It literally says right there it's removed and cleaned. So what's the problem?

You don't eat parasite ridden or moldy plants, do you?