Progress pic thread

Left is nov20 right is two days ago I have only missed 4 days of litfing in the past month any suggestions on helping my chest though?

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Do cardio you stupid nigger. Lost the weight first then when you're trim you build muscle.

Okay I’m getting and elliptical Monday but I already own a treadmill which would help burn fat faster? I already run 3-4 miles after I lift

Previous comment was me OP

Wtf is wrong with you your black go play ball for your cardio

Don't listen to this guy OP. Do cardio while still lifting. Absolutely no reason to hold off of weights just to lose fat first.

>your black go play ball for your cardio


I would but it’s too cold out right now lol during the spring though I’m 6’5 so ball is fun

Yeah I know I like lifting for cardio though do you think an eliptical or a treadmill sheds weight faster I’m getting an elliptical Monday wanted to know which I should focus on - OP


>any suggestions on helping my chest though?
pushup bra

Build muscle and do fork put downs.
Them tities are sticking around till you dump some more fat.

Same person OP 6’5 aswell i play basketball for all my cardio in door court master race

Bump this, you've gotta lose the fat before you can start improving specific things like you're chest and looking good, cardio and especially diet are the main thing for that but you should still lift now cause it'll give you a head start when you're lean. Good start tho, keep up the commitment

Are those hershey kisses on your tits?

Nah man.
Dude is obviously completely untrained.
He should do bodybuilding training and cardio on top of eating better but not necessarily less.
And use Intermittent fasting protocols.

He'll be dropping weight and getting built at the same time.



Keep going brother, looks like solid progress. Continue to lose more weight and your chest will flatten out.

13yo my worst body and today 19yo

Was that 6 years of lifting?

Losing weight will make the biggest change in your physique, once you’re about 12% bodyfat you can focus on building muscle. Buy a tailors tape and put in your metric stats

Good job my dude

At least 4 years if done 6 hours a day with a proper diet.

Whoever has that actual time to do the work outs.

That's what many people are not talking about, is the time spent in the gym to get to this point.

I would say 2 to 3 hours a day for 6 years would get to this point.

6+ hours a day would cut that in half, but like I said... who spends nearly 8 hours in the gym.

Juicers spend around 30 minutes tops to get their cheat physique.

all of this post is wrong

Yea, it's not.

What in the fuck are you on about you autist
Do you not know how working out works? Do you think you could workout 14 hours a day to REALLY cut the time down? fuc outta here

I don't think 6 hours a day is a good idea unless you're roiding and going for mr olympia, even 2 to 3 hours is overkill, only need like 2 max.

Let me guess, you are both fatties who are looking for a way to do as little as possible and have big gains.

I see it all the time

> 100 pounds + over weight man attempts to convince his friends he is not fat

> land whale avoids gym and diet, claims she lost 10 pounds eating salads at lunch time but eats 2 buckets of mashed potatoes for for dinner.

I don't know how else to put it but if you don't do long work outs, your stamina is in the shitter.

What the fuck are you on about you autist. I weigh 71 kg. You don't need to lift for more than 2 hours to get good gains.

> gains

who cares about gains if you are a one pump chump that can't run the block several times before losing breath and collapsing.

You're probably the dumbest poster on Veeky Forums.

It takes fuck all to run round the block a few times, anyone who walks to places a decent amount can do it, and if not, you only need to run for half an hour once or twice a week. You don't need a 6 hour gym workout for that shit you monkey.

1 1/2 month progress.Big progress in the weight I can lift on all exercises but no real visible progress aside shoulders in my eyes.I even gained 6 kg (86-92 kg) eating alot which I can't see where they went.

dem forearms

My nigga dead :(

dude that's not bad for one and a half months, you look way wider now, keep it up


top bait

10th October to yesterday
108kg to currently 90kg
probably cut to 82kg
t. 6’3 chestlet

Just posted this in the dirty trap transformation thread a sec ago thought I’d post here too

Black Uncle at BBQ mode

> You forgot his 3rd pic and final transformation after extensive steroid and energy drink / toxic supplement usage.

>lifting 2 years for this
17 to 19
6'2 to 6'3
Don't know to 225

Weak b8

Made for bbc

140 lbs - 175lbs 6 ft

Butt pic pls

reminder that this is what "made for bbc" posters look like

who the fuck compares their body to what they looked like when they were 13

Do I look like a faggot in my pic is that why everyone keeps saying shit about bbc? Lol

You look like a nigger.

You're going to make it.

I know the first person who commented here said I look like a nigger I know I am

I know the first person who commented here said I look like a nigger I know I am

well i alredy browsed Veeky Forums when i was 13 so i think it counts

>lose fat fast, get strong afterwards
>build muscle and lose fat really slowly so you don't fuck up your muscles

Duh duh duh, he will look like shit for a long time.

>tfw pol immigrant gives explaining physiques and how they are achieved a shot
Wanna know I know you don't work out?

How accurate is this calculator?

Still a nigger

I want to climb your neck like a fucking tree

11 week progress, I can't really see any difference but posting anyway. Guess my lats and biceps are bigger, and I've gained a little fat.

Followed Phraks GSLP, currently lifting:

Squat: 105kgx5
Bench: 75x5
Pendlay Row: 72.5x5
Chin Ups: 8kgx5
OHP: 45kgx5

Gone from 168lbs to 184lbs.

back pics

Dont bully people

someone isn't eating their onions, clearly.

>how to become skinnyfat: the post

Ignore this retard, OP

Yeah don't worry I always Cardio and weights when I lift but I'm getting and elliptical Monday but I already own a treadmill which do you think burns the most fat

between those two definitely the elliptical. the problem with treadmills is the ground moves under you and you are essentially just lifting your legs. Unless you get one of the fancy ones that are operated by the force you exert, they aren't great.

11 weeks? 184 lbs?

And you're only benching 75 kg? For 5 reps? The fuck. You aren't gaining muscle because your lifts are WEAK as fuck.

chill the fuck out jesus
also, your wrong

Fuckin rude cunts.

>dumb /pol/yp has no fucking clue what he is talking about

as usual

bruh PLEASE do more chest exercises then ull be ok, but ur bench is poverty atm, just do more incline

fat fuck to a dead guy