Knock Knees

Former fatass here.

Has anyone here who's had this been able to correct it? Or are my knees permanently fucked and doomed to TKR?

Other urls found in this thread:

You're probably fucked bro, how old are you?

I went to the chiro for the first time in 26 years because of a knee problem I've had.

>skied my entire life

He asks me to stand up and just starts laughing because I'm so knocked.

Immediately recommends orthotics and I'm heading back to get some.

I pronate my right foot in to the left when I walk as well, I'm a mess.

OK, it takes a shit load of practice and willpower.
I didn't have it like in the picture and it took me more than 5 years to get it to normal, and even now the work is not completely finished.

I know it sounds funny, but basically you need to man up mentally. Constantly be aware of your feet and legs, and especially of your core, hips and butt. You need to constantly be in the right position, a little tight, but not hard, as in your movement is restricted and you're losing energy over it.

You need to be aware of it and constantly fight against it suing your muscles and will. It's a chore but in time little muscles you never used, or didn't use them correctly, will start to get used and develop, it will happen slowly over time and during the course of the day, it's a whole day training.
The gym is not enough, you haven't used those muscles for years, maybe for the last time in your childhood, something went wrong mentally and you became a pussy, you "loosened up", that's how I look at it.

The gym won't be enough because your whole posture is wrong and mentally you are not using those muscles, it is connected with attitude, like you just "give in", "give up", don't wanna be "tight and focused and finish the job properly", so you slouch, you give in, that's what those knees remind me on, on "giving in" or "holding your ground".

Anyway, during the day, when you do all the little tasks, every time you get up from chair, you pick something up, you cook, wash, bend over to tie your shoes, walk the stairs, anything, you keep the mental focus and strength, and take care of your core and legs, your foundations, you keep "tight", and eventually it will become a habit, and eventually those little tiny muscles will be used properly, through the whole day, they will grow, your attitude will change a bit and it'll get better and better.

You're retarded and should not give advice.

Or not, anyway it worked for me, and two of the guys I know.

No it didn't. Knock knees are caused by malformed bones, there's nothing you can do to change their shape.

I didn't change their shape, but the legs are straight now what ever I do, the lardass friend from highschool who had it worse from all the WoW sitting all day for years on end "corrected it" with yoga and a job in the warehouse.

You're delusional to think that your "practice and willpower" had any effect.

opost laygs before and after

Or not.
It's delusional to tell other people what happened in their lives or didn't, especially over the internet.
Ok, than what happened?

No it's not you fucking retard.

"a valgus deformity is a condition in which the bone segment distal to a joint is angled outward "

Do they not have the internet where you're from?

The most magical thing about this deformity is that I have never seen a strong, capable guy have it. All the guys that I have seen have it, are geeks and nerds who sit all day and are either virgins or pussies.

Do you not know how to read the shit you just copied and pasted? Is as much of a bone deformity as rounded shoulders/bad posture. It's caused by the muscles weakening or tightening in the hips.
Again, you are a fucking retard and should stop posting

I've never seen a man in a wheel chair squat 300lbs atg. Squatting 300 atg clearly therefore prevents spinal injury.

Glute, calf and ankle rehab exercises, along with orthotics and being concious about the way you walk.

T. Former fatty who fixed it

>Knock knees are caused by malformed bones

What? No it is not. Who told you this?

here's another source that also proves me right:
"Knock knee is due to a deformity in the tibia. Correction of the deformity requires a tibial osteotomy. This osteotomy puts a lot of pressure on the already stretched peroneal nerve. In order to safely perform the osteotomy, Dr. Paley must first decompress the peroneal nerve around the neck of the fibula. If the upper growth plate of the fibula is damaged beyond recovery, then Dr. Paley will remove a segment of fibula so that the two ends do not reconnect and re-tether to the tibia. At this point, Dr. Paley can safely perform the tibial osteotomy."

Osteotomy is a surgery preformed on bone matter

You know what that's actually saying right

No where does it say "the bone is malformed". It's saying the angle the joint and bone sit is malformed. This is most commonly caused by an injury that causes a muscle imbalance or just a muscle imbalance due to sedentary lifestyles.

Nice link to that source, my dude.
Here ya go

Are you trolling?

seeI'm willing to conceed that it's NORMALLY caused by weak muscles but assuming
1. OP is over 18 and
2. OP is somewhat active
It's a bone malformation rather than weakness of muscles in his case

... You don't know what a source is, do you

You're telling me that a website for an orthopedist that is very clearly advertising his skill in the very same surgery he's suggesting, it's telling you it's a bone deformity in a very vague and unexplained way with no link to what he means and no explanation, no pictures, xrays or anything, and you're just gonna go "yup, dr paley says so so that's what it is"

Have you ever been to a website like this ever? Go to a website for any cosmetic surgery or optional type modification surgery and it reads the exact same way.

Do more research, and fuck off.

No it's literally 100℅ caused by long term muscle imbalance. You are actually even fucking stupider for linking that, because a simple search on the surgery tells you that its only used in emergency cases when the patient either
1. cannot perform the strengthening exercises or
2. they need it immediately to avoid permanent osteoarthritis.

The surgery doesn't fix the actual problem

"If the patient does not have a limb length discrepancy, another method to correct the knock knee deformity is hemiepiphysiodesis. This is perhaps the most minor procedure possible and involves insertion of one or two metal staples to the inside of the growth plate of the upper tibia. The metal staples prevent growth on the inside of the growth plate but allow growth on the outside. This allows the tibia to slowly correct its alignment. This is a very slow process and may take several years. Once the tibia is aligned the staples can be removed permitting a resumption of equal growth."

Read the source maybe?

That proves absolutely nothing. I think you might actually be brain dead

It's literally not a source you retard. It's an advert.

So what's that saying is that as much as 5 years after the surgery you'll have straight knees, does that sounds like an emergency surgery to you?

No, it sounds like an advert for a surgeon who just happens to be especially skilled in said minor, completely optional surgery.

You could just EXERCISE user