How do I develop chest like this?

How do I develop chest like this?


Those look like tits user

Looking at the thumbnail in the catalog I thought they were

silicone implants 2x1

Made for the bbc

Fuck that is rather have his face


Maybe if he did more shoulders to even things out he'd look alright. That shirt doesn't help either alotta cleavege.

Looks shopped to me.
His Name is Tim Gabel. He is German Instagram-Fitnessbrahh.

If you look at other of him you‘ll see.

*other pictures

This is shopped for fetish reasons, right?


Naw breh, the chain hangs perfectly straight and shadowless over all that juicy man meat for really real.

Just Google "Tim Gabel" he's a nature natty naturelle bodybuilder who looked like a freak at 17, been accused of taking roids and he deflated all of a sudden.


eat more soy. consider veganism or some other kind of mental illness too.


be 5'2 and do pushups occasionally

*blocks ur path*
Not so fast, privileged one. Genderqueer demi-fem latinxes use the squat rack first.

he didnt deflate because he was accused, he fell into a depression. that is nothing to make jokes about. he was always a natty and just becuase depresion took his gains away doesnt prove anything.

Put frisbees under your shirt


Surprisingly, he has a large, thicc cock

You mean with that crooked nose and junkie eyes?

Geh scheißen Tim

by changing your genetics

Pect implants

i wanna tiddy fuck him