Mental health /Sunday morning feels edition/

Mental health /Sunday morning feels edition/

How you're holding up Veeky Forums? Get in here and share your stories.

>starting to get ready for master thesis
>worst supervisors ever
>feels like I'm taking one step forward and two steps back
>of late I feel very anxious in large groups of strange people
>sucks since there is a christmas market in town
>going on vacation in 2 weeks, not even excited or happy about it

Met a girl yesterday by mutual friends for the first time. Despite being very nervous I managed to talk a little to her and got to know a few things about here. Then suddenly my mind went absolutely blank and I couldn't think of anything I could say to her or ask her. I was just sitting there silently, and she left soon afterwards. I hate myself.

>really want to kiss this girl but i just know i never will
>been fasting so im really hungry
>have finals to study for
>really want a 'za

Went to a party my ex was at. Felt kinda good seeing that shes still the quiet girl and not a turbothot. Drank too much and now i need to workout hungover

Fasting and studying for finals? That's rough man. You gotta treat yourself every now and then, especially in this period. Up to you if you want to break your fast or not..since when are you fasting?

That sucks bro, I know that feel. I mean did the conversation feel forced while you were talking?

Always good to see your ex and know that you are over her. Even better when she didn't upgrade after you broke up

>I mean did the conversation feel forced while you were talking?
Somewhat. Our mutual friends where there as well observing everything. The whole situation felt very bizarre. Maybe you know the feeling when you are driving somewhere, but don't pay attention, and so you just arrive at your destination and think "wow, how did I get here?". The whole thing seemed to happen super fast and then it ended abruptly, and I hardly remember what happened in between.

I also see it like . Studying is exhausting, and if your brain is craving some treat give it a little. Not some sugary shit, but maybe something that will satisfy it for a while.

What helps against depression?

I'd like to break with everything, leave my job, leave my parents and everybody, just vanish somewhere

i am so fucking done

>Bad dreams
>Wake my partner up every other shift
She seems concerned. I feel bad and have considered moving to 12hour shifts so I don't wake her up any more.

>quiet girl at a party
In my experience it's a gimmick.

Same here let's go to africa and hunt niggers

Neck extensions with a rope until failure

>In my experience it's a gimmick
This tbqh

I'm taking things too serious, thanks

Don't stay in place. Occupy yourself. Create a schedule.

That's step one. Stop your world from shrinking around you.

Step two is trying to get ahead and get your things to the level you want. Get therapy, exercise, try to meet new people.

>tfw you could get girl easly, but 99,9% are plain fucking boring
>tfw you always fuck up with girls that are truly interesting
>tfw you fall for crazy girls
>tfw you probably crazy too

It's like endless circle of fuckery.

Here's a good one for you lads
>girl I knew from high school, now go to uni with
>we're pretty good friends, I never thought anything more of it
>she gets me invited to this party last night and begs me to go
>I thnk she wants the D
>I decide to go but there's no way I could do it without alcohol
>haven't been drunk in 2 years, didn't eat dinner
>4 cans, half a bottle of Hennessey
I woke up this morning covered in blood and puke. I genuinely can't remember anything except for a few brief moments. I probably just ruined my chances with her
She's the only girl I've ever really talked to either, and I soiled my only opportunity

I really don't even know what to talk about with women. Ya I could just play dumb and do a load of dudebro-tier bullshit charm but that's only good for getting poon. I want a long term qt

You fucked up. Move on. Trying to reconnect after that would be a seriously bad idea.
Sorry, a lot of shit in life hurts.

>NEET for 5 years
>no friends
>HS dropout
>stopped going to the gym
>eat only fast food

only way it could be worse is if I had a drug/alcohol addiction

waitlisted for a psych too, too bad. got one really lucky appointment and was put on some shit medication, stopped taking it. gonna be months before i get another presumably, prob gone before then

so what, fuck that bitch. not literally though kek

you should start drinking

>be me
>depressed for years
>was suicidal couple years
>had bf and shitty relationship three years
>didn't help my mental problems
>after taking too much shit I move away
>best decision ever
>be me now
>start NoFap
>achievement unlocked: time and energy for things
>start running
>achievement unlocked: burn love handles
>start lifting
>achievement unlocked: found shoulders, tier 1
I have job, my body will be nice some day, my depression is fading away. What I want is friends and new bf, but life is still good.

There is hope for everyone.

Ex' birthday is tomorrow and I'm torn between texting her or not. Last time I texted, I swore to her that I'd never contact her again.
It's been 1 and a half months since the break up and today I had to go through my year's photos and saw a fuckton of her stuff. While I did remove everything, the fact that I saw her and even a photo of her from one day before the break up actually hurted a lot.

What do I do Veeky Forums? She always told me no one cared about her birthday and I do care. But I don't want to look clingy, even though I'm still a bit on her.
I really want to wish her "happy birthday".

>stage IV cancer
>Chemo, surgery
>dad died of exactly the same cancer while I got chemo
>grandma died
>Break up because long distance doesn't work out
>Both unhappy about it
>Trying to finish studies
>Worrying that I can't
>Lost about 25 pound through all this
>That's my 2017 for you

>Will I ever be able to get together with her again?

>Going to gym 3 times a week
>Gained back around 10 pounds
>Back to 139
>Making huge gains
>Look better than ever before
>At least one thing in my shit life going into the right direction

Life is hard

Yeah,I know that feeling. Don't dwell on it too much man. If it's setup it just makes things weird

>How you're holding up Veeky Forums?
From an outside perspective: pretty great

But inside i feel lonely, regret, sadness but mostly disappointment towards my now Ex

With a blink of an eye everything that has happened has no meaning anymore and you're forced to act like strangers or worse


>Asked my crush out
>She said yes
>Since she is busy we can't go out before the next thursday
>Hope she doesn't delay or cancel the date
>have to live ten days in fear
What to do?

I know that feeling man. Just drive to the airport, get on a plane,throw your phone in the trash and live a new life.
I don't even have trouble with my parents and my friends, everything is fine. But I still want to get out of here

The main problem is that I know what to talk about with women, but its all about general shit like work, home, family. When I go deeper, I realise that there are literally nothing. 99,9% don't read, don't watch movies except latest shit, the don't know shit about anithing. Hell, they don't even know how to cook a fucking omelette. They have no interests except fucking insta and social shit.

bored of playing by rules tbf

sick of this shitty society where I'd get arrested for ripping a guy to pieces for telling me no

like is his fate deserved for being unable to defend himself?

sick of this society that glorifies and protects weakness

Damn man. I'm sorry for you. How you're holding up?

Just write her "Happy birthday" and perhaps a "I miss you"
fuck caring about seeming clingy or shit, this world is missing honesty, nothing else

gonna do cardio for 2h now. I hope it doesn't fry my gains. I think I'm just gonna stay in the 120-130 bpm range

I'm just working part time as a kitchen hand over the summer anons. Need some money anons but this is at the cost of gym time :/

Broke up with GF 8 months ago, 5 year relationship.

> She wants kids
> I absolutely don't want kids

We both knew eachothers opinions on it. When the time came to get settled together (she was still studying in her home city) the disagreement on children is what broke the relationship.

Everything else was good, the sex, the intimacy, the relationship.

I can cope but I have shitty days regularly, like today. She can't cope at all and is seeing a psycho etc etc. I feel guilty.

Shit sucks bruhs.

i texted my ex, albeit it's the ex-gf from 4 years ago, a happy birthday after said years

my most recent ex and i have been more or less no contact for 4 months now
do it, you'll feel better but don't go spinning your head around what she might answer

This. I feel like so many women don't have a hobby. I mean I only go to the gym and play some video games sometimes, so no "cool" hobbies there. But watching TV/Netflix, staying in all day and maybe go shopping every now and then and meet with your friends? Apparently that is acceptable when you are a woman, but this is fucking boring

Germany's health care includes free therapy. I was way worse. Slowly getting better.

True. It's just that in retrospective it hurts that I have such problems with things that are so easy, even natural, for most people.

>be with girl
>have big fight
>mostly just her being fed up with my literal being
>months pass and it seems like she gets a hold of herself
>goes on vacation with some friends
>user, i think my feelings for you are not there anymore. so bye kthx

was she never genuinely into me?
was i a damn fool for trusting her last words?
the fuck just happened

It's not lack of honesty. She knows I miss her, I told her countless of times.
The thing is that it's not nice to have someone texting you this kind of stuff after a break up.

I guess I will just wait for around midnight and just send her a "happy birthday, I hope you have a bright future" and maybe "I miss you". I'll see how I feel when sending it.

>have serious injury (that wont heal)
>in pain every second of every day
>a few days a week it is severe to the point where I am unable to really do anything but stare at a wall and try to sleep
>cant see myself ever being able to hold down a meaningful career or anything else because anytime i get a roll going, my injury hits me back to step one

I've still been pushing myself, but fuck, it is depressing and feels like there is no point

brudi, wie gehstn mit dem cencer um? rauchst du?

Don't feel guilty man. Just like you said, you know each other's opinion and everything else was great. Good on you for sticking to your opinion, even though it lead to this.
Sometimes you gotta be egoistic man. There is no positivity in feeling guilty. And shitty days are normal. Just be "happy" that you are better off than her now

It's not even about hobby, its about passion. They don't have aspirations in anything at all. As I said, most of them are like functioning living incubators for kids and thats it.

gonna start with therapy soon. Any advice?

Gut. Sei einfach froh, dass du in einem Land mit "vernünftiger" Krankenkasse bist. Wenigstens bist du und deine ganze Familie jetzt nicht pleite. Alles gute für dich. Du wirst es machen,brah

I'd crowdfund this.

You're right.
And if you find a woman that has more to it,she seems so unbelievably far out of reach, it's ridiculous.

Spot on user

Gut! Weitermachen und nie aufgeben!

i'd say dont text her the i miss you part and just leave it be with "happy birthday", but it's your decision my man

Don't worry bro. A lot of people have problems talking to strangers. For me, I usually notice in the first couple of minutes if I connect with a person (a woman) or not, even when we text over tinder. Most of them are just plain as fuck. Maybe you guys just didn't connect

mgw es doch viele deutsch brudis auf fit gibt

And thats whre circle of fuckery comes in.
Getting gf is easy, but getting right person is like tring to find a needle in haystack.


Look anons I did this and it really isn't all that great. My life actually was pretty shit growing up and moving could help but it doesn't. I'm on city number 4 right now and I still haven't gotten away from whatever it is that drives me to move

Cancer free. For now. Nichtraucher.

Chemo sucks. Be ready to be tired. More tired than you have ever been in your life. Depending on your therapy you might sit for hours getting your infusion. Take something to do with you. Also take a blanket with you, you might get cold for no reason
Food and drink is also advised even if you then don't want it, it's better to be prepared. chemo is different for everyone. and every week can feel different.
It will be over faster than think. Good luck.

guter mann

Sometimes I feel like it would be easier to just burn the whole fucking barn to the ground