Am I the only one who can not handle caffeine the least bit? Coffee really fucks my shit up, makes me shake and all

Am I the only one who can not handle caffeine the least bit? Coffee really fucks my shit up, makes me shake and all.

Coffee does nothing for me except make me shit. I think it's because when I first started drinking coffee I was a retard and would put 3 or 4 teaspoons of instant coffee into the mug so my tolerance is very high.

I can handle the two cups of coffee a day I'm used to. But anything more gives me heartburn, a feeling of dehydration, and makes me anxious. There is nothing pleasant about caffeine stimulation.

Why don't you just have less coffee then?

I use three heaped teaspoons to make my pour-over coffee. If I haven't had any in a while, I'll only use 2 or maybe even 1

Why are you all so weak? I drink like 6 cups a day and i don't feel anything at all

same most i feel sometimes is my eyelid twitching

>don't even THINK about talking to me before i've had my coffee

>being a little baby child that has to complain om the internet about the weakest drug that barely does anything except tasting good and maybe waking you up a bit

Why even drink then

tfw stimulants barely even touch me

>pot of coffee
>now it starts to kick in
>30mg yohimbine in one dose
>almost zero effect

Same, I can't keep steady which makes it hard to solder. And I only have one of the little 30p cups that are like 150ml

6 cups of coffee is grandma tier.

Not everything is for everyone OP.

Human beings are individuals after all.

Perhaps try an alternative like Kratom.

I need 10mg of dexamphetamine every 3 hours and a constant stream of caffeine just to feel normal.
Been doing it for over 10 years for ADHD

I drink it all the time so I that I'm constipated. Initially it will diarrhea your ass, but eventually you will get a reverse effect from tolerance and your guts will get lazy. I constipate so I can absorb my food better.

>There is nothing pleasant about caffeine stimulation
I've gotten some really nice coffee buzzes before
It doesn't happen that often but when it does it's really nice

You got to build your immunity. Drink 5 or 6 mugs a day until you break through the time space barrier. Then it will have little to no affect on you, but you'll need to keep drinking it or you'll crash and burn like any drug

Sounds like weed

l-theanine solved it for me.

it not only removes the jitter, anxiety and loss of REM (dreaming, restful) sleep, but it also adds calm focus. l-theanine is the best thing the fitness community ever taught me about.

It makes my left neck veins tense and I can feel my heartbeats, which fuckin sucks because I LOVE coffee.

Stop drinking coffee and chew/eat the beans. You'll avoid the watery/more frequent shits and get a stronger dose of caffeine. It's also a good appetite suppressant.

>weakest drug
Maybe in terms of the dopamine high you get per amount consumed. The withdrawal experience a person will experience when coming off is comparable to tobacco, especially if you've gotten to the point where your body is trained to really only be responsive when it's got all that stimulant flowing through it.

>preworkout coffee right now

feels good tbqh
Would love not to be addicted to caffeine though :^/

Caffeine withdrawal is done with in about a day

i went from being able to drink 400mgs a day. to 60 mgs makes my feel my heartbeat
fuck growing old sucks

I fell for the SIP meme and now after drinking 3-4 white monsters a day for around 3 months I can hardly wake up without drinking one, it's like I'm in a haze until I drink a monster


Lol coffee has beta cuck amounts of caffeine man, I drink red bull all throughout the day because coffee was hardly waking me up anymore

And alcohol withdrawal peaks about 24 hours after the last drink and then dies off. It's the severity of the withdrawal and the inability to function normally without the drug post withdrawal thats the problem.

alcohol withdrawals for people with serious addictions dont die off fast enough to stop being a problem "quickly" .

24 hours dealing with a headache and some lethargy is hardly a problem

Iktf man I can't function without my redbulls

Go to an AA meeting and try that line.

I don't think they have those for coffee

>tfw woke up at 8am
>tfw not quite noon and I'm on my third rockstar energy drink

I'm not a fan of chocolate so I'm virtually caffeine free. I had a coffee once and was a mess

Recently this started happening to me too and it went on for like a week before I decided to quit caffeine. No more eyelid twitching, or any other caffeine related thing. Better sleep too, more vivid dreams.

Beta as fuck

Of course they dont. Society wants us to get addicted to coffee because stimulants increase productivity. That's why there's endless amounts of the stuff flowing in every break room in the world.

They used to do the same thing with cigs before the whole cancer problem arose.

Alcohol increases my productivity because I don't even leave the house without having drinks before. Only reason I got a job was because I was drunk and confident enough to walk into a business and ask for employme t

Shit actually gets interesting during the third day desu
hallucinations and all that

Everyone wants somr BBC


Coffee addiction is not a problem because
>Withdrawal lasts a day. Mild symptoms such as a headache and tiredness
>Coffee is not damaging to your health. Caffeine is by and large harmless. Impossible to overdose on
>Coffee is readily and cheaply available - You'll always have a "supply"

>Red Bull
Enjoy your heart failure before you reach your 30's

Holy shit r u me?
Used to have 2 tablespoons of instant coffee and think it was normal until someone saw me make one for them and freaked out

I'm 38


spit out my drink you motherfucker

>impossible to overdose on
funny guy, well I supose it's hard to od from coffee itself but come on now.

Coffee makes me lose control of my body and turn into a robot. I eat litte sugar, so it gives me this insulin spike. You need to build up a tolerance for it.

Practically impossible, yes


>Mild Symptoms
They're literally the same as an alcohol withdrawal sans hallucination. But if you don't think it's that bad, prove us wrong. Go down half a bag of coffee grounds every day for a month or two and then show us how easy coming off is.

I knew a guy who overdosed on caffein powder but that's a somewhat different story.

I often have periods where I drop coffee, if I find I drink too much of it. It really isn't that bad, dude. I doubt the degree of the headache is the same between the two examples. You're really blowing it out of proportions

dude i had extreme withdrawal symptoms for like a week after cold turkey quitting caffeine..

Likewise, I didn't think it would be so intense. Granted the symptoms were pretty subtle but I definitely felt my focus shifting around against my will, extra tired etc.

I usually do 20% of the cup instant powder. Is that not normal?

>Niggas can't function with the sheer energy of their bodies alone

Truly pathetic.

>Someone who has never gone through nicotine withdrawal

Like anything you will build up a tolerance over time, if you make it a habit you will need significantly more to feel the effects. whether or not that is desirable is another matter.

I really don't notice much effect on ECA; until the next morning when I wake up and realised how hard I pushed the previous day.

dude that amount of caffeine cannot be good for your heart

But can you go days without drinking it? If not, you've become pretty dependent.

The average person would stop breathing if given 10% of the heroin I put in my body on a daily basis.

Why is everybody so weak?