Is he natty?

Is he natty?

Nah, trial of the grasses fucked him up.

No it's a fucking videogame character how is he supposed to be natural you idiot stupid IMBECILE

he was basically genetically manipulated as a kid so no

the whole point of witchers is juicing kids so hard most of them die

don't know don't care
i will be him in one year seeing as i'm halfway already

they injected so much whey and slav medieval age anabolic shit into his veins that it turned him into an albino cat-eyed fuccboi

natty af
natty as fuck

dude sweet what school are you attending

Kaunas College :)

Whats the point of becoming a witcher these days? There are no monster to hunt, you moron. Enjoy living in poverty.


>implying kikes, shitskins and globalists aren't practically worse than monsters

just started playing this game, it's amazing. Can't believe I had it for a year and didn't start it. I'm doing a 24h fast right now so it's a great distraction.

remember to do it for her

literally mutant mass

Witchers are literally as not natty as can be. Trial of the grasses, potions, and cat eyes are not natty. Geralt is a /fraud/

Everytime someone posts Geralt I wonder why people do not want to aim for Letho mode

>no monsters to hunt
>implying the only monsters are wild beasts

If you romance Yen you are a low test beta cuckold.
>inb4 the books
>inb4 Triss manipulated Geralt
Fuck that whiny annoying whore

>not wanting a cute gf you can have bants with
>not wanting some strong minded mommy gf that really loves you
>wanting a girl with a teenager's mind with daddy issues and burned boobies
the absolute state of trissfags

Letho is just so ridiculously unproportionate he looks like a fucking golem

>literally a 300yo hunchback

I know right? I mean how is he even supposed to bend his arm with that biceps?

>falling for any of those whores
>not just hit the road, hunting monsters
>fuck every single woman you come across, since they all want that "witcher sword"
>literally be immune to every STD ever

Semi unrealistic for 95% of Natty lifters

>read the books
>he cries about being lonely and an ugly mutant
>literally fucks every single woman that crosses in his path

>not romancing a main character and still fucking every side character and whore
its almost like you don't want the full experience

good for you user.. i wish i could replay all 3 games again

what I would give to get those first playthroughs back

Is he natty?

What the fuck is these synthol arms

Lel, this. Plenty of orcs/nekkers and the like in America

That looks like tren

Hey hey braljukas ;)

my roommate says I look just like this fucker in the face if he had black hair
literally everytime he gets drunk he tells me this

Judging by his traps definitely natty.

that's what insipired rich to take roids


(full homo)


I'm not gay, and he brings over like a new girl every other night to fuck.

No. He did one blast of Trial of the Grasses and then cruised on Thunderbolt for the rest of his life.

>there are no monsters to hunt

Yeah, and Geralt is literally a cuckold in the books. Yennefer and he are dating but she is also fucking other guys, by the dozens, and Geralt whines about it to her but she ignores him and keeps doing it.
Like holy shit. We are supposed to like this protagonist? He's pathetic

Unlikely. The Illuminati probably gave him tons of drugs. I mean, his brother is fucking blue and red and don't even get me started on what they did to Necro.

>those toothpick forearms
>those absent triceps
>those nonexistent traps
>that flat chest
>that puny neck

All he got going are roid delts, nice frame and abs

>roiding for this

>there's a roided up manlet in my gym who looks just like Letho
>he's a huge beta

Replaying Hearts of Stone and Blood and Wine while fasting now.

I love it.

Such a shame you can't stay with Shani, natural redheads are the best.

Thanks, I now won't read that shit.

I love the Witcher because how alpha Geralt is.

I don't need to read 9 books with a fucking cuck.

>there are no monsters left
There are plenty

Yeah, the character is much better in the games. The story in general is better in the games.
The books are just him getting cucked by lots of women, mostly by Yennefer, who btw is actually a centuries old hunchback hag who used magic to disguise herself as a beautiful young woman.
Also in the books Ciri is a feminist lesbian that hates men and scissors with female elves or some shit.

He actually did two cycles of grass iirc, they gave him a second since he handled the first so well

I've only read the first two books, the short stories, does she fuck other dudes in the novels? Where I'm at Geralt already confronted and beat the guy yen slept with
Opposite of a cuck so far

Yenn was literally BBC'd in Zerikania lmao
Enjoy your gf that literally doesn't care about Geralt
> Dude lmao I knew where you ware this entire time and knew you ware searching for me for 2 fuking games :^)

wow...he's a fag
is it true that he can't he basically sterilized himself as well?

That's not the only time Yen fucks another man, it happens lots of times throughout the entire book series, WHILE Geralt is dating her.
>is it true that he can't he basically sterilized himself
Can't understand what you're saying, but all Witchers are sterile because of the potions.

>Dude lmao I knew where you ware this entire time and knew you ware searching for me for 2 fuking games :^)
That's probably the most pathetic thing about Geralt in the games, where some of his cuckold tendencies still remain. He literally spends years looking for his oneitis, who is completely safe and sound and just doesn't care enough to contact Geralt and tell him she is alive and fine. Instead she spends those years probably whoring around.