Diabetes type 1

Hey Veeky Forums,

I was wondering if there are any people here with diabetes. Right now I am trying to get to 1/2/3/4, and i am currently at 1/2/2.5/3. Am 24 years old, had have had diabetes since I was 13. Current stats are 5'11" (lolmanlet) and 185 lbs.

Often I get a hypo in the end of my workouts. Most workouts are 60 to 90 minutes. I try to counter this by eating some carbs like bread or rice before the workout. But I don't really like this. my sugars often peak. They go from normal -> too high -> too low during the workout.

Do you have any tips for people with diabetes type 1 who are trying to become fit? Is there any way to use diabetes to become fitter (since I have a huge amount of insulin avaiable). What is a good diet for someone with diabetes who works out 4 times per week?

My doctor couldn't help me at all. She is a overweight women in her 50's who never did any training in the gym.

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Keep an isotonic drink on hand for the end of your workout to keep yourself from going hypo, drink half and see how you fair.
Find another doctor in the meantime.

Thanks for your replay. I always have some lemonade with me in case I get to low. But the problem is that when my sugar gets to low I am fucking useless. It takes about 30 minutes until I feel okay again to lift heavy stuff.

isn't type 1 very rare, like 5%?

Yup. I lost the genetic lottery. (Also kinda won, am not dumb and not ugly) Am the only one in my whole family, on both sides, who has diabetes.

what does it mean to have diabetis? Can you tell me about it?

no expert here but logically wouldn't it be the best idea to drink lemonade throughout the workout?

A sip here and there every couple of minutes.
Won't make you peak but you also don't fall too low?

You should try it out and balance it.
Also, I know there are at least in my country many places where they research diabetes heavily.
Search on the internet and look for institutions like that. They usually offer flyers and such and general infos.
If you're lucky maybe they have something like 'workout with diabetes' or just google.
Also ask your doctor.

It means that my body does not produce any insulin at all. Because of that I cannot absorb carbs on my own. So if I eat carbs, and do not inject insulin by blood sugar raises alot and wont come down on its own. I inject insulin in my ass/legs/stomach about 5 à 6 times per day. (breakfast, lunch, dinner, before sleep + usually two more times to correct my sugar or to counter a snack).

I find it quite difficult to live with it, even after all these years. Alot of things influence my blood sugar: sleep, stress, food, sports, sex, temperature. When my sugar is to high I feel like shit and my body gets damaged (nerve endings break down, in the long term eye sight gets worse). When my suger is to low I feel like alot of shit and I can pass out. (luckily only happend once in the last 11 years).

Because my blood suger is always a little off the normal, and generally a bit higher than normal, I recover alot slower. DOMS takes more time to go away and if I have a wound or something (got hit by a car for example) that wound takes longer to heal.

When my sugar is too high or too low I become a grumpy piece of shit. I also lose my focus which doesn't help me since I am in uni at the moment.

I am afraid to do drugs or strong liquor. Only drink regular beer. If I get too drunk I tend to forget that I have diabetes and that is dangerous.

I worked in a clinic that helped ppl with type I diabetes, they were treated with intra-peritoneal pumps. What's your treatment ? What have you tried already ? Change your doc if needed brah.
Really try to stay in the normal glycemia range, don't risk no coma nor long-term hyperglycemia issues (retinopathy...)
You've got to learn how your own body reacts to manage insulin injection and sugar intake

Keeping your levels steady is the most important thing.
OP had diabetes for over 10 years tho.
He should know by now

I have been trying to learn to understandy my body. I will look for a new doctor who is more in sync with my own lifestyle, or atleast who can put me in the right direction.

It might seem that I am doing something wrong, but usually in the normal days (i.e. no heavy lifting and no stress for exams) my blood sugar is really good. It is at a nice level and really constant.

The more intense moments are where my sugar fails me.

Will try out the sips of lemonade during the workouts.

Non diabetic related: how to improve squat and DL? I am in a battle between them and running. Some days I just like to run to clear my mind. Can run 6 miles in 50 minutes now (without breaks or slowing down). Usually bring some cola with me to keep sugar at a good level. I want to bring those 6 miles to 10 miles with the same speed. BUT I also want to squat 3pl and dl 4pl. what to do?

My brother is type1 and had a bitch of a time keeping his blood sugar stable and when it went low he was, like you, utterly useless.

After I started getting Veeky Forums he joined in and had even more problems with energy and stabilizing his glucose levels.

When I started studying fasting I came across an old study of ketosis. They put people on a ketogenic diet for a period of time while monitoring their ketone levels. After some time had passed while ketones were high they injected a heavy dose of insulin to crash out their blood sugar levels.

Their glucose crashed to levels that should have put them into diabetic comas and seizures. The participants reported no ill effects and they were awake, mobile, responsive and functioning the entire time as their blood sugar normalized on its own over the rest of the day.

I talked to my brother about it and the success a few of the type2 diabetics I was training had with keto he went on it. His energy levels are much more stable. His ketones run about 3.0 - 3.5mmol. He has significantly reduced his insulin requirements to mainly a low dose long-acting injection once a day with a short acting booster after dinner. He eats 2 or 3 meals in a six hour window.

And the biggest benefit he's noticed is that even if he overshoots and his bloodsugar drops too low he has absolutely no adverse effects. A side effect he noticed after just two weeks of going keto because he was still figuring out his new insulin regimen and frequently overshot it. According to him:
>"If I go too low I can feel that its low, but I don't turn into a useless drooling spaced out slob. I'm fully capable of continuing to work and stay that way until my next meal"

After his doctor had told him keto wouldn't help (and to stick to the ADA diet like gospel) he went in one time after transitioning, intentionally taking his glucose down to 30mg/dl just to freak his doctor out.

Ill also add that at the point he went keto Id already been in keto for two years on account of my husband's seizures.

I wanted to try it out and took an injection of his short acting insulin. My baseline glucose at the start was 75. The first injection dropped me down to 50. And a second dropped me to 35.

I felt a little bit lethargic. But I didnt experience any cognitive impairment that I could tell. Had no problems with my brain puzzle games on my phone or following a conversation. Other than the lethargy the only thing I felt was a sense of "a nap would be nice."

Hmm that seems interesting. But since this is Veeky Forums and
"The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact."

I really don't want to kill myself. Do you happen to have that study of ketonis? I'd love to read it.

Type 1 diabetic here as well. Had it since I was 3. I will sometimes feel low while working out but it's normally very much towards the end of the workout and by then it's easier for me to just finish the workout then get a few carbs in me to balance it out.
If it's a big problem for you could you not just carry around some glucose tablets while working out and eat one when you start feeling your blood sugar drop?

I have diabetes too. You should try eating a preworkout meal with some fat/slower carbs to make the effect last longer and don't train more than 60 minutes.

I never get hypoglycemic when training because I get such an adrenaline rush when I train so my problem is the opposite.

Ketosis won't kill you. In fact the ketogenic diet was THE gold standard treatment for type1 diabetes before insulin was isolated.

And unless you're intentionally overshooting your insulin you won't go anywhere near that low.

How would you describe that low level problem at the end of the workout?
Last couple of workouts (after a longer break) my circulation becomes fucked up towards the end. feeling sick in the stomach and kinda feeling like throwing up.
I hope it's only because I have been a lazy prick and need to get back in shape and not diabetes. I had some diabetes cases in my family too.
Will it be noticeable if I run low on blood sugar?
Usually 20 minutes after finishing my workout I'm fine again. Without eating anything.

I literally just feel like i have low blood sugar. Little bit weaker/shaky. Hungry. No other huge problems for me. But i am in really good control of my blood sugars so idk how you are in comparison.

I never feel like I need to throw up nor do I feel sick.

At the end of the workout, when my sugar is getting too low I feel very weak. A barbell with normal weight suddently feels like it is 10 times heavier. I lose my concentration, forgetting how many reps I have done, or doing the rep with bad form. I get VERY hungry.

If I don't eat something I won't be fine and will feel like I am going to pass out.

I just think that you need to get back in shape, but to be sure, why don't you measure your blood sugar? If there are diabetic people in your family, it shoudn't be hard to get a tester.

You should eat after your workout so you can take insulin. It's legal doping.

About the feeling ill part I suspect you're training to hard. I used to do that also and had to puke between squat sets.

Should I, as a type 1 diabetic, do this aswell?

Eat little to none before training, and then after training inject some insulin and eat a big but healty meal?

type1 here, you just have to plan your whole day around the workout, that means managing food and amount of insulin you inject, done everything right you'll finish your workout get home and blood sugar is nice and low and you have your meal, and then consider that after workout the afterburn will lower your glucose, so you can eat more or shoot less basiaclly, it is hard but you have to find the right balance

I live a normal life eating what i want. If you've had the disease for 2+ years you should know how your body reacts to different foods.
If I just eat an hour before going to the gym, make sure to check before i start and try to start at around 7mmol/l (125) before a workout. Never dropped below a 5 (75).

Unless you're doing intense cardio you aren't burning as many carbs as you think you are.

Don't eat right before working out and try to adjust it with insulin. Try to wait until your bloodsugars have stabilized before beginning. Without having acting insulin in your body a workout should not lower your bloodsugar more than maybe 20% at tops.

type 1 diabetic here
I usually show up around 140-150 and take 1 unit of insulin as I'm starting the workout to stop it from spiking as I'm finishing up

if I'm lower than 140 I don't take the shot. If it's 120 or below I take half a glucose tab at a time and wait for it to get to 140 before I workout.

Wear a constant glucose monitor user shit is magic.

as a diabetic can you still make gains even when you're blood sugar is complete shit? 200+ overnight and often in the day


how badly does it hinder progress? if at all?

not getting nutrients and being tired constantly

I'm I've followed multiple patients during my internship. From what I saw in their files, i can only tell that it's really dependent on your own pathology. Some were easily treated where other couldn't keep their glycemia ok.
I keep my two advices : 1) Try different schemes of eating habits during your day and 2) seek a competent doc

>Most workouts are 60 to 90 minutes

its going to suck but youre going to have to shorten your workouts. its really the only thing i can see to help you

I have type 1 too.

Something you can try: my pre-workout meal has always some carbs (doesn't have to be excessive) and I will inject 1-2 units less of NovoRapid to let my bloodsugar rise just the slightest for the workout.

My doctor always emphasizes on the individual factor: some people get highs during workouts, some get lows, some get a high spike that falls equally fast. First step is to figure out yours. You say you get hypos at the end, but when exactly? Like RIGHT after you stop? Or during last exercise (1-3 sets left)? Tbh, for now try the suggested drinking/ eating some carbs during your workout. See how it goes. However, if you do cardio at the end of workouts, try moving cardio to a separate day because this will often lower sugar levels.

The adrenaline is most likely causing the peaking during the workout, which is quite typical.

Also note, that different kinds of exercise has different reactions to your body. Cardio usually just uses up carbs and lowers sugar levels. Cardio during a game (eg. football match) might be similar to weightlifting due to adrenaline. Shits really individual and multilayered. We really have shit luck. But yeah, then weightlifting often causes peaks that drop (for me it doesnt tho).

I feel like im rambling and not being coherent. Ill check back in an hour or so, so ask if you still have something.

Most workouts are like the following: (heavy) compounds -> isolation/accesories -> abs/core. Hypo's usually kick in in the end of isolation exersizes or during the abs/core.

I only do cardio once every week/two weeks. Funny thing is, during cardio my sugar is quite constant. Maybe a small peak during because of the food I eat beforehand.

So you eat AND inject insulin before the workout? How many units of novorapid do you usually take? Is one of your units equal to 1/100 ml?

How much insulin do you take daily? What type of long lasting insulin do you have? how much units?

I use Levemir as long lasting 27 + 18 morning/night. Unit is yea 1/100 ml.

Yea I eat and inject. If I don't, sugars will rocket too high, so take a partial amount. I go by the standard of 10g carbs = 1 unit Novorapid. So let's say I eat 30g before workout, I'll just inject 1,5 units so that I have some carbs raising sugars that I'll use during workout. (Also, I got a penfill pen that has ½ increments so its easy to get 1,5 units :D I recommend it!)

Daily is pretty dependent on what I eat, but probably around 20-30 range for novorapid. I have pretty bad morning sugar elevation so I usually take 9-13 in the morning only :D Otherwise I go by the rule I mentioned earlier.

Also a idea to try is complex carbs before workout. Don't eat any spaghetti or such, but something with slow absorbing carbs so that it will release into your blood stream at a constant rate instead of a single jump. You could possibly go without insulin then perhaps?

I really need to get a pen with 1/2 increments aswell. I used to have one when I was a kid, but gave it back to the hospital when I grew older. Often I doubt about injecting 2 or 3 units.

I usually take 20 units of tresiba (pretty much the same as levemir, used levemir in the past) before I go to bed at 23:00. During the day I take about 15 novorapid in total, depends on food and if I worked out that day.

During breakfast I have a pretty bad spike in my blood sugar. Nowadays I am trying to smear out my breakfast.. Instead of eating it in once, I eat it in about 30 - 45 minutes.

Has anyone here had complications from their diabetes? I had a hard time controlling my glucose levels during puberty so I fell down from my growth curve and became a 185 cm manlet instead of 190+ like my projected height/brothers.

Yeah it's anabolic. Great postworkout drug. As the others said it's individual how you need to handle your diabetes when training. Bring a drink with sugar in next time your training and take sips.

>nerves in legs fucked
kidneys have not given in yet

Morning elevation is pretty standard. Some inject 3 units per 10g of carbs in the morning due to this or similar. But I just add on +8 units in the morning.

Also you can ask about getting a new pen probs from your nurse. I just told them that the kids version is more useful for novorapid and they gladly got me one.

The morning spike is because of cortisol. You just need more insulin because of resistance.

yeah what's good OP i'm a T1 as well, 25 now, been t1 since I was 12.

my issue is that I usually go low a few hours after a workout--luckily that's easily fixed by reducing my i:c ratio for a while after.

Try eating more protein earlier in the day maybe? like ~45min to an hour before you workout have some protein & small carbs...I usually do two plain rice cakes with peanut butter sandwiched between them and a peperette or something. low carb + protein shouuuuld help you avoid the spike as well. There'll probably be a bunch of trial and error tho with timing and stuff, as I'm sure you're aware lol.

Finally, someone like me. Just test during the workout and keep sugar around. Just make sure to wipe the blood off your fingers if anyone saw you test.

Don't do this unless bulking its how I am fat

also since we've got a diabetes thread up lets share some stats shall we?

>most recent A1C
>how long have you been diabetic
>how long have you been lifting
>any issues stemming from diabetes?

i'll go first:

>13 years
>just over 1 year
>yes my erections have lost a lot of their rigidity and it makes me god damn suicidal

somehow I ended up with the worst possible non-deadly complication because I had like 4 or 5 years of shitty control though highschool. life ain't fair.

oh also
>pump, MDI, CGM?
I'm just using MDI, wanna get a cgm set up tho

My fingertips felt painfull all the time from testing my blood. Now I have a continue glucose meter in my arm which helps alot.

Got diabetes type 1 when I was 11, stoppend growing when I hit 14 or 15. Stopped at 5'11", instead of the projected 6'2". Even tho, i am taller than both my parents (father is a 5'8" manlet).

OP here

>most recent A1C
>how long have you been diabetic
11 years
>how long have you been lifting
2 years, of which the first 1,5 year was pure shit. Last 6 months are more serious. Have seen more progress in the last 6 months than the previous 1,5 years.
>any issues stemming from diabetes?
I kinda have the same issues with the erections. Found that /noporn/ and / occasionalfap/ helped alot.
> pump, MDI, CGM?
CGM + MDI. I dislike the idea of a pump, with the tube and all. Love to be naked at home, in bed, in sauna etc

>I kinda have the same issues with the erections. Found that /noporn/ and / occasionalfap/ helped alot
fuck really? how bad? because with me it'll be like....40% hard on a bad day, 80% on a good day. i've got a cialis prescription but shit's expensive.

>CGM + MDI. I dislike the idea of a pump, with the tube and all. Love to be naked at home, in bed, in sauna etc
yeah that's kinda my worry too. where do you put the CGM sensor? i've been wondering where I could place it that it wouldn't effect my workouts. also don't think I can do thigh because I like to foam roll my legs after almost every workout.

Oh.. sorry to dissapoint you, but 70% on a bad day, 90% on a good day.

I place the CGM somewhere near my tricep. Doesn't hurt at all, even when doing skullcrushers, bench or OHP

you're test levels are the worst complications you can get? being blind and on dialysis is worse m8

literally was so scared of going to bed at night that I kept my BS at a steady 230+. for the past month, its been above 180 only a hand full of times so I'm expecting sub 7.
>6 years
>been actually lifting for 2 months
>can't have protein after 6pm or my overnight bloodsugars are complete shit.

>you're test levels are the worst complications you can get? being blind and on dialysis is worse m8
it's not test levels dawg, it's either nerve or microvascular damage

also yeah the protein thing took my a while to figure out...if I have a protein shake (powder + water) and nothing else i'll get a major spike. I need some carbs & insulin to keep it steady.

diabetes has nothing to do with height though, thats other genes, im type one since i was 10, im 27 now and im 6'1

I do take care of my shit because i dont want my dick falling off or not work.

get your feet checked?

> Never been above 5,4%, last time was 5,2.
>8 years
>3 years
>Had been living with untreated diabetes for over a year before i was hospitalized, had ketonelevels of 14 mmol/l+. Which is apparently a record in my country, 4 times the deadly amount. So i have nerve damage in my hands and feet and im resilient to pain.

Other than that im all gucci. desu i don't even mind having diabetes anymore.

It does though

"CONCLUSION: Conventional therapy of diabetic children is associated with impairment of physical growth and delayed sexual maturation."


had em checked like two years ago and they were fine, you're probably right tho i should get em looked at again

>Never been above 5,4%, last time was 5,2

i'm fuckin' jealous man. you're a type 1?

What's your dick stats btw?

yeboi, type 1.
Every diabetic in my country gets a dexcom g5 or a freestyle libre (continuous glucose meter) if they want one. So i just have an app on my phone that notifies me if im above 180 or under 65.

What country are you from? Last time I checked the freestyle libre is not included in the health package in the netherlands, and I cant afford €60 every two weeks.

Sweden, you just have to ask nicely.

fuck... I'm on the G4 and that shits expensive