Ok so we all know that sex is a biological need so is it wrong to see escorts/prostitutes if you can't get it any other way?
Any other Veeky Forums bros exclusively use escorts as their only sex outlet?
Sexual Health Thread
Bodies evolved to be bred by bbc
What's the deal with these desperate niggers posting this to every pic?
This thread is forever claimed by the Free State of Bavaria, may its glory last for a million years
My theory is that he's sick of everything revolving around women so he's turning people off with the association
It's the same reason some guy forced that BRAAP thing
Nothing wrong per say but it's not worth the risk of STDs. Even if you use a condom you can still get HPV for instance
>It's the same reason some guy forced that BRAAP thing
it wasnt forced though, brap posting was fucking hilarious
Virgin female here
Should I tell the guy I’ve never had sex before? And what the fuck do I do? How do I not fuck up? How do I be sexy and not like retarded and awkward? I find sex embarrassing
Still can't control myself when people unexpectedly brap post lmao
yeah you do guys find that cute
You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.
When it first started, those crazy pastas about shit and taco bell were hilarious, so was the vacaroos. Then they spread to other boards and id die everytime people would see them for the first time and freak out.
Never fucked a escort and I have to due to medical reasons. Can someone give me a quick rundown on the etiquette?
Is having a small dick a medical condition now?
It's literally one guy refreshing the catalog all day so he can post that first thing in every thread
Joke's on you my dick is 18 cm long.
I have a mild case of peyronie's so I might have to get surgery.
Doc told me to not go under the knife unless it's absolutely necessary.
Only if they’re fags who don’t have better options
if you're Veeky Forums and can't get pussy fix your clothes and fix your personality
you will get pussy
it is that simple
do not be afraid of failure, you will learn and improve
be mindful of STDs for sure
>falling prey to MUH BIOLOGICAL NEEDS instead of striving to be üntermensch
Never gonna make it
yes tell a guy if you're a virgin, and before you're in bed preferably
this means you won't get roughed up too badly your first time and he won't get a lovely red surprise
communication and consent are important things
Stay virgin until marriage or no man will ever respect you
> 18cm fukin banana lmao
why are you replying to yourself
Forced memes are not funny.
>nonwhites are for nonwhite cock
wow what a revelation
why would you want to be an üntermensch
I am not, bavarian posting is just a counter the "muh dick"
Want some of this banana u fag?
that Freudian slip ruined my post
autist everyone liked it except you, thats not forced
I doubt the guy is even black. Just somebody trying to get a rise out of /pol/ crossposters
Are you planning on losing your virginity to some random tinder encounter? Why would you even have to have that conversation like that? Look lady I'm not a purity fag, I don't think you become a horrible person if you want to sleep around, its your choice but you should have your first time with someone you trust enough to at least know you and your situation. Not saying save yourself for marriage or anything but at least save yourself for someone who will make the best of a bad situation, because your first time will not be fun, it will be painful and awkward and probably not enjoyable at all. Have your first time with a guy that is worth of you feeling a lot of pain and that will understand how fucking bad you are at sex right now, because a random dude might just ram his dick and pound you for 5 minutes before he finally realize that you're crying tears of pain and not joy.
Can supplementing zinc increase the libido of a woman?
Tessa Fowler on the right, before anyone asks
Tfw you will never get shitted
Too bad no one knows or cares about barvaria, you pinky.
Speak for yourself.
Is anyone interested in a log of my progress (or the lack thereof) with the bathmate?
Starting out with just under 7" bp length
Did you just call me a fucking commie ?
>we all know that sex is a biological need
LOL, no, it's not a *need* it's a *want*.
>Things you NEED:
Food, clean water, shelter, safety, clothes to cover your body (part of shelter and safety, really), social interaction (humans are social animals)
>Things you WANT (but survive/thrive fine without):
Sex, wealth, power, non-essential material things
Get your priorities straight, son, you'll be happier in life when you know what you stop confusing 'want' with 'need'.
Exactly, guys start sounding like whiny women when they complain about no sex.
i decommissioned myself as a sexual being around the age of 22. four years later and things are better than ever. if you remove the desires for roasties, your mind and ambitions become much clearer.
Reminder to report these spam fags
When I was in hs a girl was really into me and I wanted to smash, she told me right before we were about to bang that she was a virgin and I don't know it kind of turned me off. I didn't want her to become psycho about me since she was already claiming to be in love with me despite us only hanging out a few times. Regret it sometimes, but I know overall it was for the best. I ended up with a different girl a month later, so I dodged a guilty situation I guess.
I'd say do it with someone you at least care about. I'd be forward with it, you don't want to come off confused and uncomfortable or have things escalate too fast since you're not familiar.
>the bavarian hanz
I lost
Dude, if you just go deep enough into the interwebs there is some deranged chick somewhere out there who's horny as fuck looking for dick, no matter how ugly you are. Just troll Craigslist and other sites like that.
> if you're Veeky Forums and can't get pussy fix your clothes and fix your personality
woman care about FACE, body is a distant second
who wants some deranged chick
Isn't it that hapa guy from Reddit?
>Any other Veeky Forums bros exclusively use escorts as their only sex outlet?
spent like 10 grand on it. not really worth in the end. ended up dating an escort tho
I have psoriasis on my dick head. It's just shiny red skin that gets flakey if I get a boner. Hold me brehs
If it's literally just about sex go find yourself a thicc 5/10 on tinder who will happily stay fwb with you
just get a beard, even if you find it gay
Save it until marriage. Virgin marriages are statistically the happiest and most fulfilling by far. Don't let thots pressure you into giving it up to some random dude.
Some instagram hottie. She's perfect
hook me up
Wtf im not telling you my name
I don't know her name it was floating around on here a few weeks back. Does reverse image search come up with anything? I'm on mobile and can't do it
thx homie
Will the HGH in breast milk contribute well to my gains?
This. Don't be a whore.
i like this maymay
god fucking dammit dude next time don't pick LEANNE CROW and TESSA FUCKING FOWLER as your header image I already fapped once today and every time I scroll through the catalog I have to look at those pillows of angelmeat so I glance to the right for posterity and there's a goddamn redheaded schoolgirl with no bra pullin on her skirt i can't handle thiss hit man i'm trying to make it and thoughtless cretins like yourself make this so hard ic ant do ths
I need help bros.
Been dating this chick for 3 weeks, and we tried having sex twice. Problem is everytime im gonna fuck her, i go soft right before penetration because i get too nervous.
Is there anything that can help me besides trying to be chill?
I really dont wanna fuck It up a third time, and didnt have this problem with my previous partner.
>Is there anything that can help me besides trying to be chill?
What do you think? Do you get the whiskey dick?
stop jerking off and watching porn, seeing as you have failed a few times and she still wants it, you should be good.
Don't wait until marriage like, but make it count and do it with someone who is worth it. First time can potentially create powerful feelings and you don't want to waste that on some fucktard.
If you do it with the right person, then that should solve all your other worries as they will put you at ease and guide you.
So you know you've done the world a genuine favour when you fucking kys.
Why are you bringing a moral question to the Veeky Forums?
We have /adv/. God damn you and your brethren who do this daily are the least entertaining of troll.s
I dont even fap more than 1/2 times per week, but im gonna follow your advice anyway. Thanks
absolutely need the BBC