How much do I need to lift to get a gf like this Veeky Forums?

How much do I need to lift to get a gf like this Veeky Forums?

As much as that guy, apparently.

He looks like he'll get tossed around by a mild breeze on the beach

have a bbc

>Can't hammer curl his gf for a kiss.

>tfw manlet
>tfw will never know this feel
I-I'm going to make it brahs

You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.

Until you underaged ass gets banned for nonfit posting.

Does anyone here on Veeky Forums have a true friend? Someone that you actually trust and like? That is truly rare imho.

Only because millennials. Everyone just texts each other and flakes if they don't feel like showing up.

just cut off ur gfs legs, that also stops them escaping

Why doesn't she get with someone who is more suitable for for her height

Stupid womanlets you don't get to crave 6'+ cock

You need to be able to prep the bulls BBC

Yeah but im only 20

Kys cuck

you get to feel how an amazon kneel to kiss you.


k l i n e f e l t e r s

Does a brother count? Me and my bro are close in age and went to same school, sports teams, etc. Even work at same job and starting a business together.

Was supposed to also include, just be tall and white like me.

Another neck warmer recipient

gay forced meme

I have 1 friend I talk to when my girlfriend is becoming too much. No one to talk to when life is becoming too much, have been bottling it up for 25 years. People say its bad but so far so good

Please tell me your not planning on having kids with a womanlet

That's fucking awesome and really rare mate. Godspeed to you and your bro, don't let money become a thing


You are COMPLETLY right.BIG BAVARIAN COCK is known to be the ONLY one to be able to COMPLETLY satisfy any women. In fact women all around the world CRAVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. They ALL lust to be CONQUERED by a REAL dick and openly fantasize about it EVERY day, to be just ONCE fucked as a REAL women. NOTHING else rivals the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Women like these were BORN to SERVE the BIG BAVARIAN COCK. Their first instinct is to be BRED by the BIG BAVARIAN COCK, to give BIRTH to their children.