Are you a loser, fit?

Are you a loser, fit?

I don't think I am...

I thought he was a personal trainer and g4p stripper. I sell hearing aids for commission. Does that make me a loser?




>gay married
>hobbies are lifting and video games
>work from home drawing and farming

My lifts are 405 / 320 / 215 / 125

until i find work yeah

i do alright

>got /fat/ recently again

Yes Zyzz, I sinned and have fallen.

Zyzz was Made for BBC

half & half... i make decent money, can support myself, afford luxuries and have money for savings

but I also have an extremely unhealthy relationship to food so I've been overweight/obese most of my life... i've been trying for ages to lose the weight but it's been very hard for me

Yeah, absolutely. I always fall second in everything despite my efforts and I'm nobodys first choise. I've pretty much accepted that but I keep up the noble struggle even though it's pretty futile.

not anymore im not

Doing well in my life but I can count my friends on one hand since and have had no gf since moving to start grad school a year and a half ago now. I know a few girls that I think are into me but I don't know what to do. It's a mixed bag I suppose

You tell me
>be fat wow addicted manlet till age 16.
>never had a gf during adolescence because of unattractiveness coupled with the negative body image issues from it.
>instead of learning how to flirt and date actual girls, i fapped to porn.
>wow addiction is real and the craves follow me to this day, especially when my friends irl bring it up.
>at 17 decide to UNJUST the complete mess i was
>at 18 i had lost 20kg and was a skelly cardiofag
>fell in love with a girl at 18, but didn't have the balls to ask her out coz of the lack of self esteem.
>at 21 i left my city and went to uni, went full cocoon and started lifting seriously.
>lost my vcard to a prostitute at 22
>24 and can look at myself without complete disgust for the first time in my life
>Jordan Peterson is helping me to look at life with renewed hope

>thinks anyone is going to read any of that shit
ask me how I know you're a loser

kinda yeah.
>just little underweight skinny
>try to bulk but my stomach can't take so much food at once

lifting is just a matter of just getting to it but how do I make weight gain easier for me?


No, on the contrary. Still no gf, though.

mass gainers try it one scoop a day with a banana or egg cracked in it and then just go up to two gradually eventually you’ll start getting hungry as fuck and will be eating entire pizzas as a snack

Is just noticed that his hair was stupid as fuck

>hit 1/2/3/4
>interesting job

you're not a loser user, just a deviant

I'm 25, obese as fuck, got a 46 year old girlfriend with no kids, making good money with a decent savings, and have three really close friends I can depend on.

I've started working on my health the past 2 months and I'm already losing weight, I used to be too fat for some exercise machines but I've already lost enough where I'm not.

I've got a very good face genetics despite my terrible health and shape, so my long term goal is to get Veeky Forums and be amazing looking.

so kind of a loser ya

Next youll notice how dumb his tats are, then his dance moves, "style", plastic surgeries, lifestyle, fans and you realise zuzz was a retarded faggot and anyone who follows or cares about him is as well

>46 year old gf
jesus christ user drop that shit before its too late

Couldn't pull off working and going to college so I dropped out, now losing weight to join the Marine corps so all I have to worry about is drinking, exercising, fighting off other marines, and fucking prostitutes. Hopefully I'll die in battle so it won't be as pathetic as seppukuing as a fat man that failed in life. If I do make it out alive then I'll become a cop and just settle with some fat slob wife.

everyone that browses is a loser

but I'm not good enough for anyone else yet

Last night my roommate asked me to go to a party with him. I said no and the girls he was with wanted me to go. Used to have a super active social life before moving out of state. Now I'm basically friendless besides a couple people in my lectures. shit sucks

Probably but at least I’m alive

>want a social life
>roomie offers you social event on a silver platter
>nah im good

its your own fault retard, if youre salty about /nolife/ then you should have just said yes

>good looking 5.5 psl
>patrician tv and music taste, participated in avant-garde music projects
>pray at the temple of iron
>entry level Veeky Forums, I have to improve in this regard
>STEM mustard race
If I saw myself from the viewpoint of another person I'd describe me as pretty cool. But then again, I'm a self-improvement-cel and browse Veeky Forums, regular people don't like me and would probably describe me as a loser.

If you browse all the hobby/lifestyle boards for too long you end up as an abomination like me. There's this "self-improvement virgin" meme, it's literally me

You fucking idiot

pic related in case you don't know what I meant. It's scary how close this hits to home.


he fucking asked to come little fucking retard do you expect people to beg your dumb ass you're not that fucking important bitch kill yourself

Idk do you consider an out of shape neet to be a loser?

Not him but why say something like that in this thread? The person is already semi-unhappy with themselves why would you kick them while they are down?

>don't give a fuck about getting gf
>neurotic as fuck
>no ego personality
literally soyboy loser I am

>great face
>great hair (I don't really think this myself but everyone, mostly girls, keep telling me it is)
>making gains and people call me big
>upper middle class
>go to most prestigious school in Sweden and have great grades
>make out with a girl at almost every party
Great so far isn't it?
>still a virgin because of ED (literally since I've laid naked in bed with girls tellingly me to put it in while not being able to get it up)
>shy and not great at making conversation
>have a huge crush on a girl in my class that ive made out with before but now we rarely even talk which makes me super sad

So I don't know, I consider myself a looser, but I realise most others wouldn't

Not at all. There's only two things in my opinion to be really cool.


Forgot to add that I'm pic related

>I'm nobody's first choice
This hit me hard. I know I'm great and all but im never the best in the room

Because he's probably even more unhappy

everyone on Veeky Forums is a fucking loser, but you've got several types- those in denial, those who know but don't care, those who are scared out of their wits to do anything about it, and those who are close enough to becoming an hero that they shitpost to avoid thinking about it.

I want to be you, user


>everyone thinks I'm cool
>women find me attractive
>still a virgin

You tell me

We're all gonna make it brahs

Yeaa. A TALL loser, HAH!

>wage cuck job
>no friends
>hobbies are lifting and video games
But I have a gf so that's something r- right?

I'm not a loser but I'm quite a distance from being a winner.

because your not making any advances towards women

we're all gonna make it brahs

>play second fiddle to anyone and everyone unintentionally, any ounce of leadership I once had is long dead
>was an obese porker as a kid, puberty fixed me up and gave me a good base, proceeded to get overweight again and 15
>been gym-ing it up on and off for two years before finally getting serious with it
>only relationship experience I had was when I was like twelve and didn't have the balls to take it further than hanging out all the time
>poor with no workplaces accepting me for part time while I go to college

It gets better, right lads?

not anymore

despite what lookism says, the fit/attractive combo can be intimidating in some cases - especially when coupled with Veeky Forums autism

You are not wrong

fuck off, you're the type of person to make fun of people at the gym even though they are there to better themselves

kind of
>work a dead end job in a 2nd world country
> not strong although im lifting for like 5 years already( 4/3/2.5/1.5)
>dont get laid a lot
>king of the manlets

we're all gonna make it brahs

We’re all gonna make it brahs!

And you user, yes you, quit being a sad cunt. You can be a sick cunt if you want it brah!

>Be ok tier attractive manlet (or so I'm told atleast)
>always had problems with other people telling me how I should think and do things. very self-authority type person.
>spend youth drawing all day every day failing school friendzoning cute nerd girls that asked me out to keep doing art
>graduate high school, never go to college, get a job, a license. friends, gf, anything important to life
>occasionally girls will talk to me but because social ineptitude and overbearing interests in other things I dismiss it.
>continue shutting myself off from society so I can learn art and study many things in general for no reason other than because I enjoy it
>5 years later here I am 23 discontent with the whole thing and want to hop back into life and make friends again get in shape
>feel a bit overwhelmed at how my life is shifting around not by other peoples desires but by my own

As a kid I used to be so active, spontaneous, and courageous. then I got put on adderall and it changed how I think. I still have my ambitious tenacity but It was all spent in the wrong places. I learned a lot though and I think I still have time to change my life around but I'm so disjointed from society that I don't know if I'll be happy living a normal life anyways. I am definitely a loser, but I think I was just being one by choice, and somehow that's even worse.

I think I am.

you're actually a fucking faggot kek

keep saying no and people will just give up trying to invite you to do shit.
go to the party next time you moron

Yes, but I'm working on unJUSTing my life.

No I'm not.

I remember when I was in high school and we watched some American movies this whole concept of loser appeared very childish to me. Even years after it seemed very U.S.A.ish to reduce a person to its social status, even more so when that social status was primarily defined by net worth, income and number of acquaintances.

Since I've been browsing Veeky Forums and consuming more of this sick culture it seems less toxic. Kind of like as a child you think you'd never start smoking and then one day you notice that it's normal for you to smoke, and only after you quit again comes the regret and the full understand of what irreversible damage you caused.

tldr: Feels good not to be an amerifag and knowing one's worth

>never had a gf
>little to no friends
>have a hard time learning shit
>no idea what I want to do in life
>work at a shit restaurant where I make shit money
>constantly depressed

>never going to make it.

>visits a message/image board
>refuses to read a message
>doesn't post an image

Don't be this guy

We're all gonna make it brahs

I'm Thanks Veeky Forums

This place is really not for you.

>23years old, love with parents, no gf too scared to talk to girls.
>have regular sex with hookers, parents think I am still virgin, work in retail at second lowest tier.
>currently studying but can’t find the motivation, on bad days I’m too apathetic about thins and just play games, in good days I’m too distracted and play games.
>see friends/family once or twice a week and I enjoy that, basically only reason I leave house, the other day saw a lizard and freaked out and parents had to pick it up and move it 4 houses away for me.
>always start projects and let them die, currently dropped form 95kgs to 83 and it feels like my stomach has expanded.
At least my Malkavian vampire is havin*fun running around messing shit up.

We're all gonna make it brahs

yes, I am

how did u get a gf if you dont have a social life?


Gains and Alcohol
chose one

>tfw haven't had sex in a whole year

What do you farm

how about you just don't drink, you stupid bastard

>being the creep at the party who isn't drinking

No but i’m probably close to the cutoff

we're all gonna make it brahs

>count friends on one hand

that's optimum. once you get older having more m8's is a pain in the arse and you'll drop the semi-m8's anyways.

we're all gonna make it brahs

By local standards yeah I've turned into one, I don't have much to say anymore and I'm not into the whole social media culture so qts "jokingly" tell me I'm weird
Wasn't always that way though I was a chad all through school always had friends over and trips to beaches with cheerleaders and skiing with rich girlfriends etc etc
I try to talk to the average person about my passions these days and they just have a blank stare like they're bored and I'm bragging because all they do with free time is hate their job

>stilll a virgin despite everything else going perfectly
yeah i am

Yeah I'm a complete fucking loser. Been one for basically my entire life. Almost everything you can think of that a loser would have/do, I probably have that trait.

To make me even more of a loser, I'm actually, legitimately afraid of trying to not be one. Because I have just no social skills, no social experiences, nothing like that, I'm afraid that if I do make friends or find a girl, that will all get exposed and I'll be humiliated as a shut-in loser and everyone leaves me and I feel even worse that people ditch me for my past

i feel ya, only it wasn't ED it was PE. Still, got over it got laid a bit, had gf, kids, now old, no gf and can't adjust to having to work for gf.

>If I saw myself from the viewpoint of another person I'd describe me as pretty cool. But then again, I'm a self-improvement-cel and browse Veeky Forums, regular people don't like me and would probably describe me as a loser.
>If you browse all the hobby/lifestyle boards for too long you end up as an abomination like me. There's this "self-improvement virgin" meme, it's literally me

this hits home desu

we're all gonna make it brahs

we're all gonna make it brahs

we're all gonna make it brahs

cum from his husband

Went all in for a job, get called to second interview. Didn't get the job. I feel like a failure.

latest reply known to man. I just have a hobby farm on 3 acres. mushrooms and poplar. I'd love to start growing walnut and japanese maple but I'm not sure how long I'm going to live here.


No im sick as fuck