Its time

its time.

>seid path means eternal life so long as you can keep it up

scoobert all day erryday

Where is path of the British Broadcasting Channel?

>>seid path means eternal life so long as you can keep it up
it just means that you die erlier if you can't kill a child every year. normal ageing and death still applies

well its kind of unfair because there are literally no stated drawbacks to scooby's path, its literally perfect in every way as long as you can stand being away from Veeky Forums for so long

And as usual, the GoMAD superhero path. Women are already repulsed by me anyway.

10 years in goobert camp with no females and a full blown homo in a sailor outfit coaching you

zyzz path everyday who wants to grow old and watch their gains melt away anyway

Was tempted but knowing you're going to have a long drawn out death isn't ideal

This is the only correct answer

Made for BBC


Literally my gym except for the sailor outfit.

Path of the scoobert

Scoobs or Zyzz... probs Scoobs to avoid the degeneracy. Everyone but (Dark)Seid is tempting.

>Its just meme y u have to be mad?
Scoobert path

Obviously Zyzz path.

literally my gym except for the coaching

I'd pick the darkseid even without immortality.

Time is a human construct. Pain is all mental.

Zyzz every time faggots

I'd rather just live my own life than pick any of those. If I had to pick one, is be a seidpire I guess.

Team /BloatGod/ reporting in

guess I'll take zyzz

Do i get infinite scoops by choosing the hidden path of piano.

Literally my gym except the outfit is a cop's uniform

Can you explain what happens when you go on the hidden path of piano?

>picking anything but Rippetoe
It's like you only care about aesthetics, who needs women when you have the strength to drive a car like the Flintstones?

You're able to play Beethoven's Moonlight Sonata from muscle memory alone

long hard road -> is the most rewarding

i'm basically already one that path.

>most friends dropped out of uni so i have no friends here, plan on masters so that is 2-3 more years of being away from my friends. still in contact with them
> have 7-8/10 Gf that loves me unconditionally.
> instead of deep mountains of cali im in deep swamps of florida

i just don't have that villager bond, all my apartment complex acquaintances are friendly at best cold at worst.


Where is the roided path of the 5%?

I'd rather hear rippetoe's voice coaching me for a decade than Scoobys voice for 5 minutes


You can change your physique and proportions at will despite training a body part maybe once only every 2 weeks. You have access to unlimited food and supplements that you can eat without gaining fat, and get a THICC gf. However, you have a 1% chance of dying any time you get a haircut

Zyzz path where instead of banging broads non-stop, I just fuck my old flames and settle down with one

I choose comfy

>picking anything but Path of Zyzz
It's like you don't even want to make it.

>pick seid
>women on my dick constant
>knock every single one up
>take the children to my private mountain castle
>tfw rich
>endless supply of child blood
>repeat ad infinitum

Literally my gym, but with clothes

When is somebody going to add the Path of Bloatlord?

literally a fucking retard with shitty fitness advice athlean X mogs the fuck out of him
>bang 10/10s everynight
Look zyzz motivated me just as much as the next skinny faggot when I started lifting but let’s not pretend there is even 1 picture in existence of him with anything higher than a 6
you’re retarded if you choose this
least shitty of all 4 but still shit


back to lookism with you

that word is used pretty fucking widely on this board now dipshit


>muh looks theory
>muh COPE

please fuck off

yea except I didn’t say any of that and I’ve never even been on that faghot website you mentioned

it’s just a word bud

>path of scoob

easily scooby