Hey Veeky Forums
Remember our ex-gf from a while back? The one that we collectivelly broke up with once we discovered she was a coalburner?
Oh well. You know what they say, right?
Burn the coal...
Hey Veeky Forums
Remember our ex-gf from a while back? The one that we collectivelly broke up with once we discovered she was a coalburner?
Oh well. You know what they say, right?
Burn the coal...
...pay the toll.
Implying I've ever had a gf
She was the gf of the whole board and the reason why we lift...until we disocered Jamal.
Made for BBC
that's a boy
Goddamn, are all the current Veeky Forums anons all new?
Oh right, her. She looks so much worse now that I didn't recognize her. Was never a fan desu
Except it wasn't the black guy we saw her with that hit her? She's dating a white guy right now actually...
what happened?
white guy did that tho....
Her ex bf (that is black) hit her and she broke up with him (not before taking some selfies making duckface to post her busted facew on instagram) and now is with a white guy.
The white guy didnt hit her. This is precisely why she is with him now. She burned all the coal she could, now she will settle down with a sucker.
oh, this is very funny.
>girl dates white boi after being with a BBC
>she can't feel a thing with white boi sub 7 inch clit
>gets mad and hits her
Source? Because I didn't see any abuse pictures while she was with the black guy, but I saw them when she was with the white guy...
>Her ex bf (that is black) hit her and she broke up with him
again not true. she dumped the black awhile ago....
PoOst the white guy then.
You will not be able to because he dont even exist. It was the nigger who broke her face.
OP btfo
You still dont have a gf virgin
PoOst the black guy then.
You will not be able to because he dont even exist. It was the soyboy who broke her face.
I can't post the black guy (at least any recent pictures of him) because she hasn't been with him. And the last picture she has with a black guy is from like February. She was with the soyboy when she got beat.
>it's another "/pol/ embarasses itself" episode
Leftism is cancer. When will you cucks wake up?
A thread died for this
N*ggers gonna nig
The guy is a soyboy? I cant bealieve that lol
What does this random post from March have to do with Samantha being attacked by a white soyboy in November?
soyboy here. women who know you're softie like to provoke you and talk shit and sometimes beat on you. so after a while of holding back you explode and become violent.
slap the shit out of my ex-gf when she called me a lil bitch because i refused to argue with her over petty shit( to me anyway).
Lmao too true
>why have I never seen a vagina?
>it must be the blacks!!!!
More like
>date only blacks
>vagoo is now so open it can accomodate a bus
>nigger cant feel the tightness anymore, gets mad and punch her in the face
>knowing she is about to hit the wall, go date a white soyboy instead because is better than stay alone forever
>muh dick