I'm a 3 year old girl, is now a good time for me to start powerlifting?
I'm a 3 year old girl, is now a good time for me to start powerlifting?
She's tried to lift the BBC to her white mouth
you should have started years ago retard
lmao someones got issues
made for bbc
I started this meme but this is going too far
reported to the UN for pedophilia
Lift for BBC
tits or gtfo
i'm getting on IRC and gonna talk to some mods, we're going to clean up this "made for bbc" bullshit once and for all
hey baby post pics
made for bbc
>reported pedophile to head pedophile organization
What did user mean by this.
Didn’t realize until recently but there are some hot 3 year olds T B H F A M
end yourself
plz report yourself
The jews actually say that it is alright to sleep with the goyim as young as 3 so s'all good m8
>muh children are sacred
lol stfu virgin
Enjoy your AOC washed up hags, soyboy
I know where you live and I'm going to rip out your testicles you fucking pedo
I've never understood why normies hold pedophilia to such a high degree.
Media brainwashing, the epitome of a normie is an inability to hold opinions that aren't mainstream media talking points.
kek same, never made sense to me... obviously it's bad to molest kids, but they take it to such extremes for retaliation/abuse
t. pedofucks
kindly blow your brains out
>be me
>occasionally pedo shitpost
>people always say they will beat the shit out of me if they ever saw me
>tfw completely normal college bro who you’d never know is a pedo
Lol normies will stay mad
lmao i hope you have kids and they get molested
Because children are innocent and pure and can not defend themselves against such acts.
And if the children consent?
I know exactly where you live and I am going to report you to the police, if I don't kill you first. For your sake, put a bullet through your head. You are a sick fuck and don't deserve life.
i know your name, your address, and your history... later this month you'll notice someone new is in your neighborhood, i'm biding my time, building trust with you-- make no mistake; i'm going to fuck ur kids
Children can not consent pre-puberty to such acts. If you want to make the argument that age of consent should be lowered to puberty age of 12~, that is at least a better argument and I could get behind but still morally wrong imo.
t. neocon normie
when did Veeky Forums become so fucking normie
> if you don't support pedophilia you're a normie
pedophiles actually believe this. this is why the bullet is the only solution for you people
hmmm suicide is really at the forefront of your mind dude, you okay? stop projecting your fucked up situation @ ppl and try to improve your shitty situation
we get it, you aren't sexually attracted to kids, congrats
pretty sure I'm not the one with the problem here
I'm not a pedophile.
I just find it laughably ridiculous how seriously people take it compared to other issues. You're unironically threatening to kill anyone who disagrees with you on Veeky Forums, which solidifies my point.
I think if you had kids you would understand where I'm coming from