Hypertrophy advice

What would be your best advice for someone who is only interested in training for hypertrophy? What made the biggest difference for you ? Number of reps, volume, weight used, exercise choice, diet, mind to muscle connection ? Or something else?

Lighter weight but time under tension breh, I can bench 225 for reps but I bench 135 doing really slow reps and I gained more size than when I was lifting heavier

Why does it matter? White women won't even give you a second glance unless you have a black penis to offer them.

Can you describe in more detail ? How long do you make the concentric/eccentric parts ? You do paused reps or you just try to get the weight from point A to point B slowly?

Any other opinion?

Subtle made for bbc


I just go slowly throughout the whole lift

t only depends on the volume, every workout has to be a personal record. Either you do more weight or more repetitions, as long as you have done more than you did last time.

Don't listen to this fucking bro science bullshit. The studies have shown that "slow and controlled" doesn't make any difference. Why the fuck would you train to make yourself SLOWER? The soreness that you think is muscle gain is just extra soreness on the connective tissue, not on the muscles.

You'll get better gains with training as explosive as you can be.

Muscles grow in accordance to your TOTAL TRAINING VOLUME.

Rep range for hypertrophy is general accepted to be 6-12 with 8 being ideal.
Use a weight that you can rep to 8. Increase when you can easily do it.

LOL 1/10

so much this, I wish I'd have noticed that sooner

So basically just do more sets to get more hypertrophy? Instead of doing 5 sets of pullups do 8?

>total training volume

You're saying doing bicep curls for 15 sets of 8 will give better hypertrophy than just doing 5 sets of 8?

If hypertrophy is your main goal, then get stronger on your compounds and do some lighter, pump work with accessories. Thats literally all there is to it

think about it like this

5 Pullups when u are 200 lbs = you pulled 1000 lbs per set
next time you do 6 pull ups thats 1200 lbs you pulled. and so on

OR you do 5 pull ups with extra weight 200lbs+10 lbs plate its 1050 lbs

If there isn't a strength component in your training, eventually you will face a plateau.

Depends on height, if youre under 6 feet tall you can basically just fuck around a couple days a week in the gym and get swole but if you're tall you need to follow strict program and do roids to get out of dyel mode

High training volume, high frequency. Look up renaissance periodization and learn about MAV and MRV
And ignore anyone that says you can't work the same muscle multiple days in a row. They're weak willed soft bodies that will never make it

> LOL 1/10

Guess you're the retard who gave that advice huh? Lol.

Studies have shown no difference in gains between a 4 second eccentric and a 1 second eccentric. Only difference is the amount of soreness and days off you need.

If you still believe in the "hurr durr slowly contract and squeeze the muscle bro xD" meme in 2017, you're literally fucking retarded.

yes, basically, although doing 15 sets in one workout is not needed

studies have shown greater muscle gain from the same volume when frequency is higher, which is why doing 3 sets of bench 3 times a week will result in better gains than 9 sets in one workout.

So if you want to do 15 sets for biceps per week, doing 5x8 three times a week would be the best bet, or you could even do 3x8 five times per week for even better frequency.