>2.5 years """""progress""""
Rippetoe claims another victim
>2.5 years """""progress""""
Rippetoe claims another victim
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made for BBC
At least he looks like an adult male
MFW I looked better before I started lifting
>falling for the Starting Strength jew in 2017
top kek
starting strength is great for 2-3 months. Running it for any longer than that is fucking retarded.
He’s bigger, stronger, looks more masculine and if he cuts he’ll look great. What’s the problem?
dayum that thick PAWB is literally made for my bbc
>if he cuts he'll look great
Jesus Christ, Starting Strength really should be titled Starting Obesity.
looking thick, solid, tight
Oh, so anti-SS fags are also anti-bulking fags. It makes so much sense now.
Just curious, did you start with a program? I don't want to go t-rex mode
It's hard for me to gain weight, I drop it relatively fast. Would starting strength be good for me seeing as I can lose the excess fat pretty quick?
Start with Dawson whidman's program or Candito.
no I'm not, in fact I'm on the last 1-2 months of my own bulk
But that guy in the OP, he won't look good after one single cut unless he builds up more muscle mass. Just a shapeless fatty as of now, your bulks should lead you to builtfat/thicc mode, not chubster mode
T-rex mode won't happen unless you get fat. I've never seen a lean guy that's t-rex mode
>a rep and set scheme makes you fat
The amount of retards on this board ...
I think he’d look fine tbqhwym8
forearms seem to be ok from deads, but his arm size is lagging. Also bad delts - chest might seem ok (but hard to differentiate due to fat deposition). Overall, for 2.5 years it's nothing good. Dude should have stopped SS as soon as the linear progress came to a halt, it's a good routine to get you into the main lifts and "prime" you for your further fitness journey but doing it for 2.5 years is a huge meme, atleast without proper accessory work. I guess if you really liked 3x5 on the big boy compounds you could continue further, but after leaving beginner mode you should definitely add some of those gay curls/pullups
>I said a rep and set scheme is what made him fat rather than the idiotic diet that accompanies it
Literally kill yourself.
not the same user, but have you ever read the book? keep benching lmao1pl8, fuckboy
No sort of retarded diet accompanies it - have you considered that I wrote that post because that is the fact? Have you used your brain for a second? As is said: way too many retarded mouth breathers on this board.
>this is the ideal male body. you may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like
>these are your delts on "isolation is a meme"
but keep doing ohp goys
who the fuck does SS for 2.5 years?
bulkmode looks better in real life
twink mode looks better in pictures.
obviously built and lean is ideal
Fucking rippletits
bulkmode is just glorified dyel mode, even if technically you can lift more than most people, no one can tell because you look like a chunky monkey
unless you are a manlet or only going for JAPs and japs, you can still attract women with bulkmode irl just by being massive to them, not with pictures really because face won't be lean
its true though
t. Kyriakos Grizzy
this is deliberate misinformation. some people have better genetics in terms of looking "aesthetic" and some people don't. it is about loving yourself and not taking it too hard, rather taking it hard to do what you love to do hard, which should be lifting weights.
as for the guy who said "ss is starting obesity", nowhere in ss is it said you should bulk beyond 20% bodyfat.
made for BBC
where can I read more about dawson/his program?
>looks more masculine
No he doesn't. His body fat percentage is too high which negates the little amount of muscle that he has
You never tried.
SS is just a stepping stone, wait till you see SS in its final form faggot.
>"starting strength is STARTING strength"
>"As long as you get stronger, keep going!"
Do gslp with some bbing accessories