>humans are meant to drink mil-

Guess the vegans were right after all.


Does BBC milk contain lactose?


No, it contains negrose.

Read a fucking book, meatcuck.

>cow milk
liberals are idiots

Reminder that lactose intolerant ppl arent white

We didn't come from south africa we came from north africa

Oh wow, niggers and jungle niggers are lactose intolerant

I wonder if it's because europeans didn't have an abundance of food and fully utilised their available resources to survive


I'm a vegan /pol/ user because I know the Jews are forcing white people to consume cancer inducing hormone packed shit called meat and milk.



But there's a sucker born every second so they keep flooding, hoping to wash up some people who will go brainddead thanks to Vegan diet.


wtf, Finns (and to a lesser extent Estonians) are lactose intolerant as fuck.


Milk is healthy as fuck manlets. If you are afraid of estrogen, then drink lowfat milk.


Casein protein is the best protein. Eat meat, drink milk, kill a vegan - for the good of mankind.

>he has a folder full of anti-milk propaganda

>caring for animals require empathy
>top banker kikes has zero empathy
>so can't handle animals
>wants to kill animal industry
>so the grain lobby can own all human food

I hate milk but all the vegan propaganda makes me want to drink a gallon of it a day out of spite

Why do I care about subhumans who are lactose intolerant?

Yes, humans are and the map proves it.

>He doesn't know /pol/ ideology is dictated almost entirely by jews


I have no problems while drinking milk up to liter or two, but when I'm trying to eat lot of food, drink milk and eat quark, then in some time I'm starting to feel worse and worse and have something like irritable bowl syndrome. Since I ditch all milk products and went low-FODMAP diet I feel much better.

>mad cow disease
>you can't digest it (if you're in the minority of people who are lactose intolerant)
>There's risk of it being contaminated with bacteria!
Yeah just like literally every other food.
These are the arguments that vegancucks are reduced to. Guess I better go on my shouldn't only diet to alleviate the risk of any possible food born illness like a good goy!


Hey OP, I have a question about eating vegan.

I transitioned over to eating a strict vegetarian vegan diet about 3 months ago. After about a month I was feeling okay, but I noticed that my dick and balls were shrinking. I ignored it intially, but then they got itchy, turned a dark color, and fell off. This all happened over the course of about 3-4 weeks. There was a little blood but no pain, and oddly enough I wasn't really all that upset about it, even if I felt a little confused as to why it didn't bother me. Meanwhile the pitch of my voice has gone up, gotten softer, my Adams Apple seems to have disappeared, I haven't had to shave my face for at least a month, and I seem to be growing a vagina. Do I have Kleinfelters Syndrome? Or is all these changes normal for a Vegan? OH GOD PLEASE SOMEONE HELP ME I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHO I AM ANYMORE I HAVE TO SIT DOWN TO PEE AND I HAVE A STRONG URGE TO REDECORATE MY BEDROOM IN A MAUVE AND PURPLE THEME REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

So you're saying white people have super powers? Cool :)

No, we're just as fucktarded as everyone else on this stupid rock we live on. The sooner everyone understands that everyone sucks, the sooner we'll stop being stupid and start making some real progress as a species.

>Being non white

>being a stupid racist/sexist/bigoted/willfully ignorant jackass

You go, xirl! Show that racist.


How about EVERYBODY fucking 'chills' and we knock this stupid shit off already?

So lactose intolerance is a proxy for being non-white?

>niggers are lactose intolerant
The fucking irony in that is almost palpable holy shit

Haha interesting how all countries with low testo are able to drink more milk.

Why do people hate milk so much?

It's like one of the most natural things in the world to drink. What's the deal?

I'm estonian and I have only met one person who is lactose intolerant

have you never heard of water or fruit juice?

wh*Tes confirmed subhumans

This is 100% fine.
Flavored sugar water with a miniscule and weak amount of micronutrients in it. Eat whole fruit instead and drink water
Full of macro and micronutrients, beneficial for humans, also great for making any number of other staples (cheese, yogurt, butter, etc). Use wisely.

The funny thing is all those lactose intolerant countries drink goats milk which is far easier for non whites to handle. So after vegans stop cow milk they are going to start goat milk propaganda.

>wh*Tes confirmed subhumans
No, we're not. Neither are blacks, Mexicans, muslims, buddhists, asians, south americans, eastern europeans, natives of arctic regions, or anywhere else on this fucking planet you care to name. THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS SUB-HUMAN. Just stop this fucking DIVISIVENESS and SHIT STIRRING in general. It makes no fucking sense.

Why are you putting religions in with sub human races?

Mexican is not a race, fuck chicanos
t. Mexican

This. Refugees welcome! The Cologne rapes are the guilt of white males! Rape as many wymen and squeez out as much welfare as you want.

>It's like one of the most natural things in the world to drink
>have you never heard of water or fruit juice?

Yeah, I said "one of" - what's your point? You didn't refute me. Milk is still one of the most natural things in the world to drink.

Sure, we add shit to our milk - but let's not kid ourselves, we also add shit to our water and juice to make it cleaner/more beneficial for our health. Why are people so against milk? Just because it comes from an animal?

Your nose is showing. Be more subtle the next time.

>this is grain
>Grain in a plant
>Grain produces seeds to reproduce and propagate itself
>Grain seeds can no longer propagate after it is consumed
Therefore, your consumption of grain is unnatural and absurd.

>tfw lactose tolerant but brown eyes
how does /pol/ explain this?

>being black
>not being lactose intolerant

That chart is bs, I'm from Algeria and litterally everyone I know drinks milk.

>doesnt even know his father


I'm not drinking milk and this is my T test

maybe drink unruined milk from grassfed cows retards

>TFW started drinking 4+ liters whole milk a day, feels good
>Gains like no other
>Go from skelly lanklet to being the biggest of my friends
>Start getting mires
>Friends call me the Milk Baron

GOMAD is the shit. Changed my life. I pity those who cannot produce lactase.

>Teleological argument

Do objects fall because they experience a desire be with the earth?
>puss cells
Can you imagine being this retarded?

Hot damn I'm glad I'm not lactose intolerant.
I can barely imagine not being able to drink milk, put heavy cream in my coffee, savor delicious artisan cheeses. I can grate as much goddamn pecorino romano onto my bucatini all'amatriciana as I damn well please because my body can digest it just fine. I drink a glass of milk with lunch every day. I can eat frozen custard. I can enjoy a soft French brie on toast with nuts and fruit and honey.
Must suck to not be able to eat dairy after infancy.

This was me until I hit 21, suddenly became lactose intolerant. Started shitting myself for a week thinking I had a stomach bug, stopped drinking milk and was fine. So enjoy while it lasts lol

Lol from that map you can see that only the white master race are supposed to drink milk. Niggers, gooks and camel jockeys need not apply.

cows are so stupid i guarantee they'd be extinct by now if humans hadn't been farming them

Try studies that aren't from 20-30 years ago buddy.

This is such bullshit, don't know anyone lactose intolerant here in Brazil

>humans are meant to drink milk
humans yes, subhumans no

Why can't they draft all the coloreds and send them to South America and Africa?

Same with my housemate. Poor cunt legit has to drink almond milk etc, got him into lifting but he struggles to not shit himself on 1 scoop a day. Fortunately he is small and can afford all the lean chicken he needs.



wow, your anecdotal evidence totally blows real stats out of the water!

ITT: None whites complaining they can't drink milk.

Nice try, this is the average nordic soldier

If you can't drink milk then you aren't human anyway

>It's ok to act degenerate when pussy whites do it

>drink milk
>get hit by a car and die

>Drinking milk IS natural
>Milk is the number one cause of food allergies in children because of the high populations of lactose intolerant people's like Africans, East Asians, etc.
-33% of American adults are LI because they are pretty much all non-white
-Statistics of a decrease in lactose digestion activity are because of non-white people
-People who drink milk that they cannot digest are stupid then
-Bulk production of cow milk is bad yes but it is not the consumer's fault
-Growth hormones are bad yes but you merely have to avoid the milk produced from cows that are on these hormones. Do some research on different milk brands, buy organic, or if you're lucky, you will live somewhere that outlaws this practice
-Comparing calories is pointless, people should count calories anyways
-High consumption of any form of sugars will lead to higher rates of diabetes
-Not all saturated fats are terrible
-Increase in ovarian cancer in women is due to the hormones which as stated above can be avoided

This is a bs map

Holy shit who knew milk can be so dangerous

You got a lil white in ya after all

>3 cups=93% increased mortality risk
>GOMAD=16 cups
>16 cups=465% increased mortality risk

i found the shit skin

Why should I stop drinking milk just because other people are intolerant?

You are now 565% likely to die at some point

Give that dog a fucking jacket

-People who drink milk that they cannot digest are stupid then
Actually, nearly all cases of "lactose intolerance" show improvement when milk is gradually introduced into the diet.

>tfw only can handle 2 liters of milk a day before my digestive system does cardio

Am I still a cishetwhitemale?

But humans have a literal body part that produces milk. Obviously we can drink milk.

No, just black.

Literally this

So white people and mongols can drink milk, everyone else btfo?

>Europeans who have consumed and dairy for thousands of years only just now wanting meat and dairy.
Fuck off

>implying I don't want free GH

Sissy vegans btfo

This is fake Africans can drink milk it's only East Asians that can't.

t. Black GOMADer

>300 calories
that's 2 cups of whole milk, bit misleading when you say "a glass"

t. vegan

I had this happen to me. I was lactose intolerant when I was a kid but I never thought much of it because the only milk I had was in my cereal which want much.
Fast forward to a free years ago and I stated eating lots of Greek yogurt and I was shitting blood every day i thought i had ibs but turns out it was just my body adjusting to all the lactose I was getting.

>Why should I stop owning slaves just because other people are intolerant?