Which is easier to lift
a thick 20kg bumper plate
or a thin 20kg iron plate?
Which is easier to lift
a thick 20kg bumper plate
or a thin 20kg iron plate?
thin weights weigh more than thick weights
which is heaver, a kilo of feathers or a kilo of iron?
Nah, bro, the t h i c c weights weigh more. Go t h i c c, not s t i c c
Bumper plates are easier for deadlifts because they are thicker and cause the bar to bend more.
iron is heavier than rubber so iron is harder
For the plate alone, the thin plate would be easier. Easier to grip = easier to lift
its easier to look like you lift more than you actually do with bumper plates.
Bumper plates are made of rubber so they are easyer to lift.
Steel is heavier than rubber
Thin, allows for the weight to be more centered.
False, the increased surface contact between the thick plate and the floor result in higher static friction meaning more force necessary to lift it. Fucking brainlets I swear.
Which plates are heavier, kilo or pound plates?
Iron is heavier than rubber dumb nigger
ITT: pic related
> he doesn't use exclusively lead plates
You're retarded. On bars with whip, like deadlift bars, having thicker plates makes the lift easier. Especially if the thicker plates are near the outer portion of the bar because it's just going to accentuate the whip.
20kg euro plates < 45lbs american plates
>Implying that kilograms are an euro thingy
>Not realizing that the US is the only place in the world that doesn't uses the international system
I'd use only bumperplates if I had a homegym
imagine being this retarded
it depends on how big the hole is in the middle of the plate
I don geh ih
>but they ah bo' ey kilogram
Surely OP was talking in reference of your meme powerlifting bars.
Holy shit that pic makes me uncomfortable.
Im irrationally scared of the bar tipping even when its balanced from collar to collar.
How would you even deload this? 1 plate at a time?
>cmere look ah this
>wata righ? In a bottul
Its easier and more comfortable to lift a thin plate with one hand but thick ones are more satisfying to wrap your hands around. Kind of like a bbc.
>TFW the USA signed the metre convention
>TFW their official units are metric
>TFW they are just to stupid to change to their correct unit
This triggers the American
thick bumpler plates are a pain in the ass, only use/buy that shit if you are going to get serious with oly lifts