How is this mode called?


Alcoholic but fit

The napalm stride

a waste of steroids mode

fucking Vietnam shits mode

Agent orange

This is unironically my dream body, is it possible natty??


the vietcong menace

I don't get all thse Vietnam references

Google "marky mark Vietnam"

the manlet mode

Mark Bloatberg mode

Juiced Jersey Joe

Hanoi Holocaust mode

aesthetic caught in as bad angle

At 16, Wahlberg approached a middle-aged Vietnamese man named Thanh Lam on the street, and using a large wooden stick, bashed him over the head until he was knocked unconscious while calling him a "Vietnam fucking shit". That same day, Wahlberg also attacked a second Vietnamese man named Hoa "Johnny" Trinh, sucker punching him in the eye

holy shit my sides

His nipple is LOOKING AT ME


He beat the shit out of a couple slants for no reason whatsoever

I wonder how he got away with this

he permanently blinded one of them

he has never suffered any legal or civil ramifications for this, despite the evidence against him

I am bulking mode


it's called bulking