What is your dream daily routine, /sig/?
If you could simply DO things without needing motivation ever, how would you structure your day? When would you wake up, and how would you fill your time?
>0600 Wake up, brush, meditate
>0620 small snack with quick carbs for liftan
>0630 Lift (home gym master race), during rests check Veeky Forums for the morning bantz + check news headlines
>0720 Protein shake, snack with quick carbs for runnan
>0730 Run 5k
>0800 Oatz + Scrambled eggs + glass of milk
>0830 Shower + face routine + make hair look nice + choose nice clothes to wear
>0900 Leave house with a snack. Read classical literature to improve vocabulary and articulation and go over study notes on the train commute to university.
>1030 Arrive after 1h30 commute. Study in the library until class. If no class, just study in the library the whole time. Study alone, no "group study" shit.
>1200 Lunch. Eat where you can study while you eat.
>1600 Eat snack. Continue studying
>1700 Hang out with friendos. If possible, review day's notes while chilling.
>1800 Go home. During the commute, read /sig/ books for 30 minutes. Learn / practice French for the remainder of the commute (1hr)
>1930 Cook dinner, browse Veeky Forums while meat cooks for evening bantz. Alternatively continue vocal French exercises in the kitchen
>1945 Eat dinner, continue browsing Veeky Forums. Turn off computer for the day and minimise phone use unless urgent - set alarms now so phone will not even be looked at until the next day.
>2000 Go for a comfy night drive in my sports car (favourite part of the day)
>2100 Piano practice (1 hour). If sleep deprived or tired, skip this so I can sleep by 10
>2200 Have a snack and review notes in bed
>2250 Brush, journal, night skincare routine
>2300 Sleep
I generally want 8-9 hours of studying, 3 hours of relaxation (french/piano/driving) and 1-2 hours of exercise per day. If I end up going out with my friends or socialising I just replace the daily relaxation time.