Who /walk/ here?
>ultimate rehab tool for back and leg injuries
>mental health gains
>heart gains
Who /walk/ here?
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I often walk.
I don't have a vehicle so I walk a lot
>not doing 205kg walking training
I walk for shorter distances. I bike for longer ones.
I walk every night around my city, its getting scary though because more niggers are moving here and now I frequently see them whereas before I never saw them.
i walk every day
I walk at least 2 miles a day to and from class because I hate driving on my campus
too addicted to constant stimulation so walks are boring to me
Jokes on them, those African Americans will be tired at work the next day if they're out late at night walking.
I also have this problem
Listen to audiobooks as you walk.
This, or listen to music and take in your surroundings. I hated walking to/from school at first but now I fucking love it, it's 20 minutes where I get to relax and just enjoy things for a little while
Nah m8 you're just getting better nightvision. You been eating more carrots lately?
man GTA Athena is boring
Its the best cardio for overweight people who are too useless for real exercise
kino as fuck
I live in a rural area. Not having light pollution is some underrated shit. It's getting colder; winter walks under the moonlight and complete silence is something spiritual.
>mental health gains
Not if you walk in a populated area
Walking is fun. I love walking through cities.
And then walking it again with a camera.
And then again with a podcast.
But walking is a shitty exercise tho.
I make sure that I go out at least once a day. A 20 minutes walk can change your perspective on a lot of things.
Actually I worked overnight in a park for a year, my eyes are so sharp at night I can see clearly as long as the moon is out.
There's a park nearby that I like to walk through on occasion. Very peaceful. Lots of pretty birds. I like birds. I usually put in a out 5-10 miles when I go. The trail is pretty long.
>I like birds.
>The trail is pretty long.
I have a prosthetic leg so running and jogging are really difficult for me and my body has to overcompensate. So I prefer walking. I live up in the mountains and it can be just enthralling to walk around as the sun sets through the hills.
Anybody else walk with a kettlebell?
I walk minimum 10 hours a day as I have to walk an hour to and from work and walk all day at work than half hour walk to and from gym after work
t. doesn't like birds and doesn't know what distance is
Lol more like gives you back injuries. I have to walk for hours everyday and it hurts my back
Anyone who walks for more than 15 mins to get somewhere is an idiot and could save a ton of time by just biking
It would take me 40 mins to walk to work but only takes me 10 mins on bicycle and I sure as fuck dont want to get up any earlier than I do because I work at 5 am
Walks are great for you.
>Fresh air
>Time to think
>Meeting people's dogs
On your rest day you should try to walk outside for at least an hour.
>not doing lunges everywhere you go
nobody in this thread is gonna make it have fun with your no gains
>tfw you can pull 550 lbs off the floor but walking/running extended distances hurts your lower back
f...f..functional strength right guys?
I walk about 7-10 miles a day for my job apparently. It explains all this eating I'm having to do to keep up but I just like being on the move if I'm not at home. Fuck after I ran my first 3 miles I just kept walking for another couple hours because it's just relaxing.
Walk to and from work, always go for a half an hour walk around about 9pm to clear my mind too
Get some orthopedic inserts grandma
why are y'all so racist? i mena, goddamn kek
I love walking when I have the time but I just don't like that some people think it's good for burning calories. My disgusting ex-roommate would walk like 30 minutes around the block once every other month and then come back home and chug through 4+ beers (which he did every other day at least) and eat already greasy food but fried with so much oil I could feel my pores clogging as soon as I walked out of my room and into his stinky mess of a dinner's smell. He also kept a scale next to his door, for keeping track of his progress of course. No wonder the idiot looked like a bag of dough, had very thin hair, and needed to keep a syringe with insulin in the fridge.
Pic related is him (this was his profile picture for a while). Walmann is not his last name, it's the last name of his (male) singer crush from Norway (hence the flag, he's actually Mexican), whose song from Eurovision he would play on repeat all day (live performance on his TV) and giggle to himself when his crush appeared on screen. Ugh.
Just started walking on my rest days.
>almost GOAT cardio, second only to swimming
>fresh air and maybe some sunshine
>best calf training
>great joint rehab
>great time for clearing your head
>make social gains if you bring a doggo, bitches love dogs
I should have started doing this months ago
Apparently over 6000 steps a day. I walk roughly an hour a day to and from work. It's pretty nice, does actually help clear the mind in the mornings.
I walk pretty often mang
8500 steps a day is my goal that I've met every day so far since August 29. I'm down 10 lbs. Just that and lifting.
Best way to enjoy my podcast user
>used to walk like 4 miles a day total to get to work
>Walk almost my entire 8 hour shift at work 3 days a week
>have borderline high blood pressure at 22
>weigh around 175, was a literal skelly before lifting
brehs give it to me straight do i have a heart condition or some shit or do I have to start doing legit cardio? Don't understand why I'd have high blood pressure
Knees felt stiff and ached for a while literally swam 200m one time. Now my knees feel brand new I think I picked up a new hobby
Doggo died 3 weeks ago, I've been taking walks in the park and across town by myself now.
So much for those heart gains, it hurts every time man.
/dogwalk/ here. Take my dogs for two walks a day. It's a great excuse to get out plus my pups love it. I can't understand how someone can get a dog and not take them at least once a day. [spoiler] plus having a dog is the ultimate icebreaker [/spoiler]
fuck sorry to hear that bro ;______; having walks with your dog is truly the patrician exercise
3x10min a day
for variety of health benefits, and better recovery from lifting
>mental health gains
Not in Alaska in the middle of winter, lad
the sun rises at like 10 am and sets at 3 pm
fucking sucks shit
>calling walking cardio
Lmao I cant eveni imagine being this unfit
>You been eating more carrots lately?
go away jew, the war is over. You don't need to continue the propaganda.
>thinking that walking isn't cardio
Wew I can't even imagine being this retarded
Does it count if I pace in doors when I talk to myself?
That's why I stopped or at least, took a break from DLing, It felt pointless to get strong when I couldn't walk around without a sore back. My form may have been shit, but I did everything I could to make it good.
Unless if you are pacing back and forth for a long period of time. Just get out and walk. Go to the park and go one lap around the whole thing. Or give yourself the motivation to walk, like going to the store or grocery and then back home
Finn here, once the snow comes it's really beautiful even in the night, as long as there's even some light. Not to mention how good the cold feels. But i guess it's a matter of taste
Lmao fatass coping
Are you guys all memeing because bloatmaxx guys walking drill or are you seriously all obese subhumans
I take it you haven't been to a predominantly black area in the US before. Its pretty fucking bad and even the leftists that live close to them will admit it. Although they'll say it's because the black people are oppressed. The point still stands that more black people = more crime.
Walking is some of the best cardio newfag.
You can't just walk, it doesn't elevate your heart enough, but walking a mile daily has shown to drastically reduce blood pressure, regulate hormones, and help the body structure.
Work in Mining so Im usually up and about on my feet for the whole shift running up and down stairwells and clambering over machinery.
Not bad mileage right just for doing your job?
(Ignore pinterest I like eating fruit out of mason jars fuck you)
i just thought about this an hour ago, walking is fucking amazing my dude.
i walk to and from work every work day. that's roughly 35 minutes each direction, so a little over an hour, which equals about 300 calories.
>b-but it takes so much of your time
it literally doesn't. i do shit while walking that i need to do anyway. i work by reading emails and shit (get paid for it), i text tinder sluts, i call friends and family, i do some reading (incl Veeky Forums), etc etc. all of this is shit i would be doing anyway. i just do it while walking. in fact i actually SAVE time and money by not having to drive to work.
>b-but all that energy
35 minutes of casual walking takes no fucking effort. it's not like lifting or cardio (which i do anyway). after walking you're not tired or hungry. in fact you're refreshed and relaxed. it's fucking chill.
300 calories you get for fucking free. that's 10kg of fat burning off of you every year. 10 fucking kg for free. hell, don't feel like doing it 5 days a week? do it 4, 3, 2, fuck just do it once a week. still 2kg of fat. which is enough to push you from average face to chiseled jaw.
fucking walk my dudes.
I use to walk a lot and it gave me clarity on a lot of things
I haven't done it in a long time and feel like a wreck right now. Spent a whole year and only did one class to further my masters(got my BA last year in December), and still haven't gotten a job. However my over pt scores have greatly improved especially cardio.
I think I'm gonna start walking again, I think it did me a lot of good
I walk a lot. I come up with my best ideas walking in the morning. And I definitely agree with the rehab, I had a knee problem for a while that only cleared up once I started walking regularly again
>I like eating fruit out of mason jars
What is it if not cardio, baby? :)
is that eggman?
I walk 20 km in three hours every weekend
>tfw fit bit claims I walk 28 000 steps a day on average
>tfw labor job