>wants to gain muscle size and get big
>follows strength building programs
Why does Veeky Forums believe strength = size?
>wants to gain muscle size and get big
>follows strength building programs
Why does Veeky Forums believe strength = size?
You gotta build that strength foundation.
this is a meme
i know this is just a meme, but the lat pulldown machine is legit
Someone post that image that's a study of set numbers and reps and all that shit that pretty much can be summed up as
>doesn't matter what you do for size
>only strength routines build strength
Strength routines are the best of both.
It's somewhere in between. You don't need to be moving insane weights but no one got a big chest benching 1pl8 my man, you catch my drift?
It was a joke.
Because it is correlated?
Legit confus, how is it a meme? Don't you want to build your bone and muscle density, and stabilizer strength up so that you can lift heavier? Shouldn't you try to pack on some foundation before you decide you want to lift some monster weight?
Won't you go to snap city if you aren't careful, and don't practice your form?
I bench 1 plate for 15 reps and I have a big chest from it
I can tell from that pic you posted. Good work user.
Lol post """big chest"""
Because you gotta tear muscle to make muscle. Muscles ain't get big without being all torn up. Lift with the back not the knees if you want a big back. Lat pulldown is my #1 amigo you really gotta get your whole body into it though. Strength is size you feel me dawg? You ain't gonna get big muscles without gains on that weight stack. You do that strength workout you gonna get big lil boi. Grow up into a real man just like daddy. They say live free or die but the way I see it it's get big or die. And you gonna get big with that strength so get off the fit board and get reppin.
post chest and penis so i can verify
I can bench 1pl8 for as long as I feel like it and I have a small chest
My idol
Is he natty? Awesome build. No homo of course
>strict pressing 380lbs
No user, he's not
But if having his body meant juicing I wouldn't hesitate
I doubt he is natty. No proof either way but almost every top athlete is on something. If he is natty mad respect.
Nah koklov ain't natty, hes a god among men tho my inspiration to lift desu
in winter me pick heavy weihgt for less numbers
in summer me pick little less weight for more numbers
next year me pick more weight hole year
if me didnt pick heavy weight in coldy coldy me would no pick little fewer but still heavy in suntime
Damn. I really don't wanna do steroids. I like my testicals and full head of hair.
I bench 1 pl8 for 4x10 because i have no spotter
Alright I’ll bite
When you build strength you build the ability to use all your contractile muscle, as well as the ability to handle heavier weights as well as the capacity to do more volume.
Really it’s simple, who do you think will build more muscleZ
1. A person who can bench 135 for 10 reps as a max
2. A person who can hit 275 for a single and rep 225 for 10
To add to this yes you could just do 135 3x10 or whatever then add weight, but it will ake you twice as long to hit weights that will produce significant gains, and will probably lead to a greater risk of injury.
Going from skeleton straight into brosplit = no mass gains since you're weak as shit
Going from 2/3/4/5 to 12-20 rep bench sets = huge mass gains in short timespan
You must be tall then
Daily reminder that manlet can generally lift heavier weights because of their shit ROM
The force needed to bench press 1pl8 really depends on the length of your arms, since longer arms means the weight need to travel a longer distance : more Newtons
As a long armed weakling, i can believe this user
>tfw 6'3 with long orangutan arms
>bench is always has been my absolute weakest lift
Curse of the lanklet.
Curse when you're benching. Blessing when you're dead lifting.
holy fucking shit
Just calm down about your pullups. They'll be fine. Why do you people think that your pullup numbers turn to shit when you start gaining a little muscular bodyweight, and why is so much of your perception of self-worth dependent on your pullups instead of your squat?
the reality is that certain muscles and muscle groups respond to different rep schemes better. quads for example have been shown to respond better to heavy weight lower rep ranges, same for the gluteus maximus. however, muscles like the triceps and calves respond better to higher rep ranges with moderate weight. to get big, you really have to tailor your exercise to what works best for each muscle group. so, the strength = size guys aren't technically wrong, it does help in size with certain muscle groups.. but they're kind of short-sighted and ignoring the bigger picture.
also, proper diet is key for getting big. can't eat like sh*t and expect to look amazing