Tell me why I shouldn't stop training my legs

I have been doing squats, RDL and all sorts of other leg stuff for a few years now. My legs are decently strong. Can high bar squat and RDL 315 for 8-10 reps.

BUT I want to stop training my legs. I just don't enjoy it. Every single leg workout is a massive drag. I simply can't imagine doing this for the rest of my live.

Tell me, why shouldn't I just stop doing this crap and instead pick up running, cycling, hiking, whatever? Just something that's actually enjoyable.

Besides that, nobody in the real world ever cares about legs. I regularly get compliments for my upper body, but nobody gives a flying fuck about the legs.

In the same boat, but theres a lot of benefit to do it. Strong legs and posterior chain, especially glutes keep your spine safe

Just maintain 315 for reps once a week.

Is it the same people making this thread like every 4 hours or what


check em

If you only care about aesthetics, and not a bit about functional strength, don't train legs.

You're only as strong as your lower body.

If you stop training your legs and keep training your upperbody you’ll look like a leglet.


so squat once a week, work up to a single and do a few back off sets. work DLs up to a double or triple. That's 30 minutes, once a week and you'll maintain your strength.


hahahahahahahah #REKT

Cuck faggots BTFO


Lol man. Why the fuck are you still doing them then? Why are you losing your time doing it, if you don't enjoy it. You think some retards on Eskimo kayak crafting board will give a shit? You owe them nothing, you ain't obliged to do shit, hell, even going to the gym was your choice. This fucking dogma, that you have to train this and that is just wrong. You shouldn't care that some fat fucks in powerlifting gym won't think "YOURE THE REAL MAN", because you don't move weights in this particular way. Just drop them and pick up cycling or running, or whatever you want. Exactly, it's that simple.

I only come to those threads for these specific posts


made for tha B B C

>functional strength

came here to post this

I guess I got banned :(

that ass is made for BBC

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You only need one working set once a week to maintain strength
