CBT: only training twice a week edition

5'11 180 lbs

60m: 7.0s
100m: 11.1s
200m: 22.7s
400m: 50.2s

Bench: 235*
Squat: 405*
Dead: 535*
Ohp: 175*

*Disclaimer* these prs were set at a weight of 195 and do not necessarily relate to my current strength.

Who needs muscle when you're tall and white

you do

but for fk sake make u chest bigger so u can acutally look decent...

Looks like you need a job...get the fuck out of the shitty apartment..wash your god damn mirror

If there's a disclaimer on every stat then it isn't a disclaimer.

Bring up your chest and shoulders and you might actually look like some sort of human

Seething manlets are jealous of my perfectly formed abs

225 pounds
19 years old


How have you gotten to be like this bodystyle?

What does bodystyle even mean

Routine, length of training, diet. Shit like that. U thicc

Eat A LOT.
Workout a lot

6 weeks of SL5x5
thighs were this size before I started

158 lbs
5 years natural lifting

3 months in.went from 54 kg to 65 kg...guess I still have a long road ahead of me...

goad body...
routine pls...

Current back thread

You have a chest injury, or something?

I feel like your bench is weak af compared to your other lifts.

Routines are irrelevant as long as you're not on some dumb borsplit desu. I did SS for 6 months and then I moved on to fucking around on a PPL routine for maybe a year and now I'm on Candito 6 week. Been training since I was 16/17 to 2-3 years. I don't watch my diet and just eat whatever, that's why my bf% is so high.

What was your cutting technique?

19 years old
5'10 235 lbs

Thank you for your reply.

the fuck are you even doing
post you body or don't post at all

And someone would say manlet ffs. Looking ace man, I aspire to reach your physique soomer than later

cutting down from 205 Im like 180 here. 1 1/2 yrs lifting

Nah I don't but yeah it lags a bit, not sure why.
I use cronometer to get a rough idea and just eat less than usual until I hit my goal weight lol. Track practice 4 days a week helps.

19yo 184cm 80kg

5'7 175lbs doing a small cut cuz fat

What's your diet like these days? Looking insane.

My diet isn't really special or secret, high protein and high carbs. I probably eat around 2500 kcals a day and adjust based on my weight gain. You are 15 lbs from looking very close to me haha

5 years 6 days a week, i've never taken more than 3 days off lifting.

My routine is 100% specific to me so I don't think I could recommend it to anyone.

you're either not 6'3 or you're not 225

Is that your mom on the left mate

if you're actually natural, 10/10

if not, 9.5/10

great physique

Been a month since i posted, little bit fluffier than last time. On second week of candito 6week, lifts are increasing nicely


brehs do I have wide obliques?
They stick out when I flex my abs
>implyting I have any type of muscle whatsoever

>high protein and high carbs
Animal or plant protein? Do you ever notice the veins come up more if your diet changes (eat less salt) or is the vascularity mostly due to being lean?

(fuarkin juicy, been seeing this dude around the cbt)
bulking motivation for ESPECIALLY you, fucking stronk man, do you meanmog soyboys?

Justin Trudeau mode


5'10 145lbs

pls tell me how disgusting I look


your abs are bigger than your pecs rip

6 months into my bulk, am I gonna make it Veeky Forums?

this b8 is so bad

Nice bloatmax keep up the gud work

5'9 18 177lbs
Need to lose weight and work on chest

OHP 135
Bench 225
Squat 365
Deadlift 465
Chin ups 177+100

I would totally fuck your girlfriend

You need to add a bit more weight until grizzly mode

I have very small hands so it would be no fun

bulk nao, you have a good platform to gain at least 15-20 muscle in the first year.

full body exercise with compound movements (squat, bench, deadlift, ohp) 9-12 reps per set three times per week with a day of rest in between. consume 300-500 calorie surplus per day with at least 1g brotein / 1lb body mass.

That guy is skinnyfat/chubby lmao
Arms as big as those of an average 14 year old

Eat something jeezus

5'8 235 to 145. I'm still cutting while lifting now but is there anything in particular I can do to really work on the rest of my stomach fat.

>all these fucking manlets gaining mass easily

I barely see any stomach fat. I would start bulking if I were you

Nice fucking job dude

160lbs > 210lbs

Progress could be better but oh well. At least I am a lot stronger than before. I think a cut is coming my way soon.

thank you senpai, I've recently gotten serious about lifting again and do as many days a week I can fit into my schedule, along with my commercial diving job I have quite intensive days. Started my bulk again and am now up like 5 lbs in a month.

I mainly do oly, bouldering with bodybuilding accessories but because of my job and workout schedule I basically eat like 5k cals a day and still go catatonic, no thats not a overestimation trust me. Buuut the upside is I have ridiculous lifts for my weight like 450lb DL and 165lb snatch, 185 OHP.

also pardon me for the gay pose here.

also as you can see in this pic I literally never workout pecs and have been working on that.


brehs, at least a (you)?

5'11 - 160lbs

You're fat as fuck bro.

6”2 183 lbs , trying to become ottermode

am I gonna make it ?

Lower stomach fat is always a bitch to lose but you're getting there

>soyboys find excuses every day

i say bulk bro. still big gains to be had. start a cut in april to get that summer bod

tell me im pretty

I bulked from 145-185 and somehow became even more skinnyfat
Keep going or cut to twinkmodo?

looking a lil bit fluffly. bulk/cut?

you have to keep on bulking. if you cut you will look bad. i don't see huge muscle gains. post before pic?


Tips on increasing/reducing visible vasculature??

i'm on a bulk lol. up around 10 pounds after losing 11 on a cut. losing definition sucks but at least lifts are going up

5'11 175

if you cut you would look just like me
similar stats/lifts too

nice mass gains, but you should lift more

King of Manlets 5'11
Jesus abs are the hardest thing for my body to get.

You're pretty.
Shouldn't have bulked. Lift heavy and keto in my opinion.
Sweet tats. Keep lifting man I see those abs starting to poke through.
Keep cutting bruh you look like my college roomate he was a legend.

Last CBT people just got in a fight instead of giving actual advice.
I got the tats when I was eighteen for laughs and they've provided them.


good progress brah, keep it up

>34 years into my bulk

>tfw bitch tits
this is what happens when you only do close grip bench

Bulking, making steady gains on Candito’s strength/Hypertrophy routine

You're pathetic

>narrow shoulders

try lifting weights.

Winter bulk, don't laugh at me pls

5"10/200 ish i dont even know.

Been lifting for two months while eating on a deficit. Unfortunately I don't have any photos from before but I was at 167 lbs at 5'7", 147 lbs now.
Don't know if I should keep eating on a deficit or try bulking a little. I still feel fat, but I know I don't have much muscle underneath.
I know I look like shit, I'm just not really sure if I should keep doing what I'm doing or do something different.

why are you even cutting? are you retarded?
you are so skinny you are almost invisible.

i think you're bulking up to too high of a bodyfat percentage, or starting from too high of one

nice traps though

Butt pic pls

10/10 you should be proud

i want to

u one aesthetic manlet desu

do you have some sort of disorder? You're skinny as shit, like you just go straight down. Don't waste time with bulk/cut cycle if you've only been lifting 2 months. I did when I started when in reality I needed to gain as much as I could. Should have shot for 180+, then you can cut. Best time to do it since it's winter too. Don't be afraid of fat as long as you're committed to losing it, it's part of getting big. You need mass.

Please stop you delusional fat fuck. You are fat and dyel but even more dyel fags are feeding your delusion.

damn you're jacked for 158 lbs would've guessed heavier

let's see that physique then bucko

if that guy is both fat and DYEL, you must be bigger and leaner

top kek

>OHP 135
>Diddly 465
How is this so common

t. 210/415