Daniella Melo, 18, may be the strongest female teenager you see today (or this week). She puts up weight most athletes struggle with like it’s nothing. Melo competes in the 84kg weight class and has already built a strong powerlifting resume for her young age.
18 Year Old Daniella Melo
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She's got some juicy thighs. What are her lifts like?
she did a 498 squat, she can diddly 500, i don't know about her bench but must be pretty impressive for a girl too.
That bench is pathetic at her weight.
Squat - 206.5 kg IPF World Classic 06/15/2017
Bench press - 120 kg Raw National 10/10/2017
Deadlift - 210 kg Arnold - Slingshot Pro
how many onions does she’s eat on a daily basis?
Good for her
what you bench tough guy?
She can squat on this dick anytime, if you know what I mean.
post pics of her ass
not bad till you realize that shes almost two hundred pounds and literally obese, she needs to cut the bullshit and get healthy
she looks damn good for that weight my dude id smash i’m sure anyone would
200 pounds of pure thiccness
She's not 18 anymore tbf
you guys need to cut the shit shes fat as fuck and no wants to hit that, on top of that being this overweight is not good for you
Is it me or are her hips slightly shooting?
>no wants to hit that
Do you have autism, buddy?
How tall is she?
>She wraps so hard at 17 second it causes video distortion
>being this overweight is not good for you
BMI has no relevance for anyone who goes to the gym regularly and has a decent amount of lean mass.
If BMI was actually relevant I would be classified as obese even though I'm sitting at 12-14% BF
84 KG = 185 lbs
she carries it alright
>always hungry
based on how fat she is i dont doubt it
>BMI has no relevance
Yeah keep telling yourself that fatass, what do doctors know anyways?
Practicing her squat for the BBC
imagine being this insecure with your own weight you put someone else down not only that but also so insecure about the weight you’re squatting you put someone else down who puts you to shame hehe
Who hurt you?
you sound fiesty
>being in love with a fat man-face with a stronger jawline than most men
you guys can admit to being gay, its okay
>well marbled
are you calling her fat user
>>being in love
tf is wrong with you admiring and respecting someone’s accomplishments isn’t the same as loving them as a person heck i don’t even know her dude stop sperging out only a woman can be this irrational
Yeah probably a girl or gay guy, their brains are... different
Can we please fucking stop with the brap posting already?? Jesus fucking christ I have never had the agony of witnessing such a putrid, painfully unfunny discord meme in my entire life. I would honest to fucking god bring back the cunting meme back til the end of time than see one more soul-crushingly awful brap post. I can picture all you fat, smug wankers snorting in laughter every time you type this autistic bollocks, thinking you’re the greatest comedy genius who ever lived. I just want you to know every time I see another line of text containing this cursed meme, another fabric of my soul is torn to shreds and I get one step closer to putting a fucking rope round my neck. Its time to fucking stop you degenerate fucking cretins.
snnnnniiiiiiffffffffffff...oh yes my dear....sssnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff....quite pungent indeed...is that....dare I say....sssssssnniff...eggs I smell?......sniff sniff....hmmm...yes...quite so my darling....sniff....quite pungent eggs yes very much so .....ssssssssssssssnnnnnnnnnnnnnnniiiiiiiffffff....ah yes...and also....a hint of....sniff....cheese.....quite wet my dear....sniff...but of yes...this will do nicely....sniff.....please my dear....another if you please....nice a big now....
Oh yes...very good!....very sloppy and wet my dear....hmmmmm...is that a drop of nugget I see on the rim?...hmmmm.....let me.....let me just have a little taste before the sniff my darling.......hmmmmm....hmm..yes....that is a delicate bit of chocolate my dear....ah yes....let me guess...curry for dinner?....oh quite right I am....aren't I?....ok....time for sniff.....sssssnnnnnnniiiiiiiiffffffff.....hmmm...hhhmmmmm I see...yes....yes indeed as well curry......hmmm....that fragrance is quite noticeable....yes.....onion and garlic chutney I take it my dear?.....hmmmmm....yes quite.....
Oh I was not expecting that…that little gust my dear….you caught me off guard…yes…so gentle it was though…hmmmm…let me taste this little one…just one small sniff…..sniff…ah….ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffffff…and yet…so strong…yes…the odor….sniff sniff…hmmm….is that….sniff….hmmm….I can almost taste it my dear…..yes….just…sniff….a little whiff more if you please…..ssssssnnnnnniiiiiffffffffff…ah yes I have it now….yes quite….hhhhmmmm…delectable my dear…..quite exquisite yes…..I dare say…sniff….the most pungent one yet my dear….ssssnnnnniiiifffffffffffffffffffffff….yes…
>tfw she will never give you a BRAAAAAAAAAAAAP Burrito
I really don't care how much she lifts I just wanna know what her fartbox smells like desu.
>implying doctors knows anything about what conditioning and training does to the body.
I've seen junior docs pull a crash cart on life long marathon runners for having bradycardia (below 50BPM); took a more knowledgeable lead nurse to cancel the "medical emergency" code call.
basically, you're full of shit.
Barely breaks parallel though
BREAKING NEWS: Powerlifter who only has to just break parallel in competition for a squat to count only just breaks parallel in squatting to maximise how much they can squat. Who would have guessed. Is this a world first?
The back squat is literally pffftttt the only exercise in the entire repertoire of weighted human movement that allows the direct training of tee hee...so sorry user:) the complex movement pattern known as hip drive. The posterior (lol butts) chain is a term that refers to brrrrrrpppp the muscles that produce hip *gurgle*....oh no, I knew i shouldn't have eaten all that Taco bell :( extension-straightening-out of the *burp*....oh excuse me user, how unladylike of me hip joint from its flexed (or bent) position *face turns white*....oh no i think i just shit my pants a little....you don't mind, do you user? in the bottom of the squat. The muscles that accomplish hip extension are the oh my, that is quite smelly! my word, what an erotic olfactory delight the good lord hath bestowed upon us on this glorious morn! hamstrings, the glutes, and the adductors or groin (lol) muscles, and together OH NO! I forgot to refill my IBS medication! but i know you'll unclog the toilet for me, right user? tee hee these are referred to as the posterior chain. The initial movement up out of the bottom of oh no, there's no turning back now brrrrpp a full squat is hip drive, and is best thought burp of as a shoving-up of the sacral PFFFTTTT *starts gagging from smell* area of the lower back, the area right above your butt (haha butt). This is the hardest BRRRAAAAAAPAAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAPAAP BRRRRAAAAAPA PSSSSSHHSSHSHSHHHSHS SPLOP PLOP PLOP PSSSSSHSHHHH SSSSPPLLLLUUUURRRTTTFFFFFF BAAAZZZZZZINNNNNGGGAAAAAAAAAA thing to teach in my preferred method of squatting, and by far the most important. Oh dear, what a mess I've made. Well, eat up!
no user, i don't know what you mean
>dropping the bar
guess that's too much weight for her. she should deload to the bar and work on form if she doesn't want to snap her shit up
I mean, she is so fat that im not even sure if her hip breaks parallel, could be just her fat ass breaking, in which case shes a fucking quarter squater and you should kys
doing god's work
being overweight is bad if your'e sedentary, muscle mass and fat are interchangeable in terms of weight
Excess muscle mass is worse then excess fat in terms of longevity.
It's why the body will try to get rid of the vast majority of excess muscle mass when you cut and become more active.
It seeks the most efficient body it possibly can. Doesn't give a fuck about gainz or leefts.
Just survival.
BREAKING NEWS: Powerlifter who gets squats approved by 3 registered powerlifting judges in competition actually breaks parallel
10/10, would join genetics in half a dozen offspring.
Reminder that if you wouldn't shoot at least 10 loads inside her the moment you met her IRL, you're a certified faggot.
Not sure how fertile she'd be with the roids and all. But I also don't have a clue of how steroids affect women.
Interesting. Why does her face looks like its a teenage male one
What do you mean by that?
Righto mate keep making assumptions to suit your narrative.
Pic is of an obese person by your definition
>TFW I still outlift her by 10-20kgs on each lift
>TFW I'm a 230lbs, 30 year old man feeling good about outlifting a teenaged girl.
Feels good nontheless.
I guess you'd want to hit that if you have really low standards
>Fell for the ss meme
>A teenage girl squats almost 2x as much as me
It literally doesn't even count. Enjoy your nojoints when your 40 because you wanted to move more weight than you can actually handle by 2 in. Hopefully you don't sustain permanent spinal injury.
>The absolute state of british medical education
Jesus the brain drain from medicine once you decompensate happened really quickly in your fucked up country. Have fun having a C student doing neurosurgery on your wife.
Kind of fucked up you guys decided to stop incentivizing innovation too, like you came to the state of things and were like "this is good enough. We can stop here."
Or just fly to the states lol brainlets.
pick one
>DYEL talking shit about someone who actually posts physique
Never change Veeky Forums. This is just like the old days.
>206 squat, 120 bench, 210 deadlift
wow that's actually pretty bad, i can do way more than her
holy shit i am so weak
I really like brrrraaaaposting
>2pl8 squat
>at 84kg
Are you blind, stupid or both? that's 3 55lb plates either side totalling 374lbs
I agree. This is less than I could do at 84 kg, and I'm a boxer.
are you a girl?
He's a boxer he might as well be.
that's 170kg
>all these people claiming she's weak
didn't know Veeky Forums was so full of elite, world class lifters
Made for BBC
Literally made for BBC
How long has she been training?
BMI is for population analysis and is generally disregarded for individuals especially those who are athletes.
>Assumptions about the distribution between muscle mass and fat mass are inexact. BMI generally overestimates adiposity on those with more lean body mass (e.g., athletes) and underestimates excess adiposity on those with less lean body mass.
i wish she would do that on my dick
real talk
The problem is that there's a lot of shitty doctors out there who will just blindly apply the BMI metric to people. Once you hit 1/2/3/4, the metric stops applying to you since you're considered statistically irrelevant. It's like IQ. Beyond 130, the differences between 130 and 140 are not as significant as the gap between 120 and 130.
Why do people here assume that doctors are stupid? Is that an american thing or something?
She looks like fucking dough.
Yes. General Doctors in America are just there to be prescription pads, surgeon recommendations and second opinions. There's a gigantic opioid problem because doctors throw fucking norco and oxy at everything and the average murican thinks their doc is some infallible genius. So they have a back surgery (because they dont normally work out), get prescribed pain pills. They get even more pain pills because the back pain is chronic (they didn't bother with phyiscal rehab because lol), and eventually, they take the pain pills to not feel the shakes and to feel normal.
With the advent of WEBMD and Obamacare jacking up insurance prices, you get a lot of people just skipping the doctor and going for the specialized doctors who know better.
Your average general practioner is a walking script pad and thinks the BMI is the end all be all since they see like 10-20 people a day and the sooner a patient is out, the sooner they can leave.
Can someone explain why strong girls get so much hate on here?
I thought Veeky Forums was obsessed with "muh strength" and "muh powerlifting"
Ffffffuck, I'm still at least half a year from hitting those numbers, gotta get liftan hard
Good on her
Because most of Veeky Forums doesn't actually lift.
There was a survey floating around a ways back, 1/2//3/4 was not the norm, not by a long shot.
Because this is 2017 era Veeky Forums. when /r9k/ and /pol/ reached critical mass they leaked. At least old stormfags used to actually lift now its just insecure DYEL that cant accept that these girls lift more than them.
Wins powerlifting competitions tho..?
Doctors know BMI is a tool used for evaluating sedentary populations that isn't meant to be applied to active individuals.
Those are 2+ 25kg plates you dipshit
Nice stats, would bang or lift with.
I could totally beat the everfucking shit out of her though if shit ever went down.
Only Veeky Forums would look at the strongest drug tested 85kg woman in the entire world at only 18 years old, and try to call her weak
my 1rm bench pb is 122.5
take that teenage girl