Intermediate Strength Programs

What is the best intermediate program for strength and why?

Texas Method? Madcow? 5/3/1? c6w?

I was looking at doing TM into c6w but I want OHP gains as well... also considering nsuns 5/3/1

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She's a cutie, OP.

all that 5/3/1 bullshit is crap. Just do a heavy / moderate / volume day each week and you'll progress each week

im gonna marry her one da y :^)

so TM is what you're suggesting?

Why is 5/3/1 crap? nsuns specifically, what do you not like about it? I know vanilla 5/3/1 gets shit for being relatively low volume, but nsuns variation looks like it has a ton of volume.

She's made for BBC

Test your 1rm and try c6w. It works very well imo.

are OHP part of c6w? If not, is there a variant with them?

bumping for answer

you can program it in your accessory upperbody lifts

nsuns 531 is bad, u stall very quickly and is a beginner program

damn i wish id known i would have run it as a beginner because it looks kind of fun

would replacing bench with incline bench in c6w be completely retarded? im not into powerlifting so i dont give a turkey about my bench numbers and im hoping incline bench will drive the OHP better

>all that 5/3/1 bullshit is crap
Lot of people say it's good. Mythical Strength for example.

I've been making consistent gains on 5/3/1 for a couple of years now. Got to 1/2/3/4 and beyond.
Don't be retarded with the volume and tweak it to suit your specific needs.

I train 4 days a week, pretty much do 1 compound 5/3/1 style, sometimes an assistance movement (front squats/snatch grip deficit DL/push press ) and sprinkle in accessories 3x10-15.

The good (and bad) thing about the program is that you have to auto-regulate. After your main sets you can amrap or 3x10@60% or whatever the fuck you feel like, but without experience it's kind of hard to find that perfect balance.

Candito says you can but he doesn't recommend it. If you care more about OHP why don't you just do a program that treats that as your main lift and then do incline as a secondary?

which program? Or do you mean c6w with OHP subbed for bench?

Not OP, but what's the consensus on Madcow? Better or worse than TM and 5/3/1?

Sorry I can't help you there, never looked into it too much since I'm fine focusing on bench with OHP on the side. It has gone well for me.

From what I've heard, TM > Madcow >> 5/3/1

yeah I figure if I sub out incline bench for bench it will drive my OHP more than my OHP will drive my bench if I sub out OHP for bench entirely. If that makes sense. Again, I'm totally fine with having a shitty bench because I like Sandlow small chest physiques better.

sub in** sorry I'm retarded

That's not a bad idea. But basically your ability to increase weight on incline is going to be less than on bench so you will have to take that into account when programming. So you will have to switch to more advanced training styles earlier.

eke out gains on incline bench then begrudgingly switch back to bench when i've stalled maybe?

You're not going to permanently stall, it;s just that slower gains will go sooner. That doesn't matter though if you're goal is to have a less chest-oriented physique, that is the path to getting it. If you are just going to switch back to bench anyways then just keep bench now and switch later when you think your chest is at "endgame" levels for you.

>If you care more about OHP why don't you just do a program that treats that as your main lift and then do incline as a secondary?
There is no such programs in the world, the world is mad about bench press only.

alright thanks for the advice. I've narrowed my options to TM and c6w with incline bench. Since c6w is obviously a shorter program, I think I'll finish up GSLP, do c6w for one or two cycles, then test out TM for a few months to see how I feel about it. Hoping to hit 1/2/3/4 for reps by the summer.

>TM > Madcow >> 5/3/1
TM and Madcow are joke.

>From what I've heard
What a valuable opinion

2plates on the incline? Good luck man

2 plate flat bench driven by incline, sorry

okay faggot let me just go run all three programs so i can speak from experience OR i could do what I did and link you to a discussion being had by people who have actually done it.

okay, and...? do you have anything to add to that or is that all you have to say? faggot.

>everyone is faggot
lmao at your life

thats what i thought thx

just do it instead of bench if youre that hellbent on doing it, if not just do it as a shoulder accessory

Agreed, would love to see her reading the news.

just do what I do. Headed to the gym and lift what you like. Lift until you feel satisfied. repeat 5 days a week.

Why is there always one of you retards in every thread?

>hm I wonder why the creators of TM would say their own program is better than their competition?

>just do what I do
no thanks faggot, not everyone wants to be dyel 5 years in.

yep, everyone who uses the starting strength forum was directly involved in the creation of the Texas Method. Good job, user, you cracked the riddle.

3 days a week
A: Bench, DL, Chinups
B: OHP, DL, Chinups

every other time I do an excercise I do volyme and every other time intensity

try calling out SS, TM, or rippetoe for their actual flaws, in a non offensive way, on SS forum and see what happens user you gullible little faggot.

>Deadlifting 3 times a week

Congratulations, got me to reply.

I don't have to because it's been done many times and the responses have been varied and measured. Anything else to add, cucky boy?

In my volume days I do 15 sets of DL

nigger why

Because DL is the best exercise.

Just fucking do The Bridge.
Another option is an HLM template. Go search for that on the SS forums.

FYI, the "SS crew" doesnt even shill or suggest the TM anymore, because it sux when done vanilla. not even Rippetoe suggests it anymore. If you're really stubborn with TM, do one of the 12 variations from the article on (12 ways to skin the texas method).

but seriously, otherwise just search for the templates by Andy Baker on the SS forums

>for the templates by Andy Baker
the HLM templates, of course

no he is suggesting heavy,medium,light.

Hey, Jason. I've been following you since the ICF days

opinions on programs like PHAT?

i only know about strength programs.
PHAT and PHUL are meme for strength.

madc0ws has worked very well for me and I am a 5'11 180 lb natty with pr's of roughly 3/4/5

I think I will try texas method but honestly you can do madcow for a very long time with consistent progress which is the program's strength.

I have been pushing my maxes by doing sets of 5 similar to madcow warm up sets then doing 1 rep max or sets of 1 after the warmup sets of 5 and then I'll sometimes throw in high rep sets like 225x14 on bench. this helps me squeeze more out of my max and does make me progress but I think madcow is faster in the long run even though it feels slower

post bod?