Things aren't working out with Mormon gym thot

How was my respond /fit

I'm ready for some anger squats tomorrow

What are you lifting tomorrow?

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jesus dude why are you so fucking hostile

"frankly that disgusts me"

take a breath and count to ten retard. always keep things light.

>told her I'd go to church with her

What is even going on here?

"let me rephrase that, next time we get together, I'll show you how important you are to me."

Fuck the shit out of her and bring a small present. Easy.


Biggest mistake autists make is trying to talk to girls like they're men. They're not.

She thinks we aren't compatible because I'm not a die hard Mormon

You should become one and have 10+ children.

Or she found someone with more money or fucks her better

She thinks you aren't compatible because she has no competition for you

This OP. There's still time to say something like this.

Dont do the phaggy present though. You only reward women with presents when THEY HAVE BEEN BEING A GOOD GF/FUCKBUDDY/etc.

Read: NOT WHEN "you're sorry."

i've become cold that i've thought about "faking" being a mormon... to the point that I even become a pillar of the church and community... just to have a wife and convince her that i need more than one woman in the house (basically multiple wives, just out of legal marriage).

i have a feeling that's what real mormons do anyway. The power trip also kind of turns me on... lying to a woman for tens of years... lying to an entire community... gaining their trust, spending time with them, converting others... having a say as to how their children are educated...
all the while having sex with several women i keep around the house to tend to my earthly desires, all holding this book above them, aligning myself with christ and john smith or whatever so that i have absolute authority

fuck i may be the anti christ

That was the gameplan

you're a fag, also never date a mormon dumbass

Oh my

And what is the point of that? Not OP but I will never understand this mentality of "oh play the nice guy beta after a girl dumps you or tells you flat out she's not interested" no she can go fucking die in a car wreck for all I care. As if you acting too cool for school is going to make her think wow he's so cool I wanna fuck him now. If a girl rejects you then toss her into the trash with the other thots who think they're too good for you, when in reality they bring nothing but their pussies to the table

>I've obviously shown I care a lot about what you think is important in life, to the point of even changing myself, 10 days in...

you arent sly. that just screams of "I've been telling you exactly what you want to hear and how dare you reject me for saying what you want to hear". it comes out pretty clear and i think you've done a lot shitter of a job demonstrating that than you think you have. jesus, did you follow the d.e.n.n.i.s system or something

>I will never understand this mentality of "oh play the nice guy beta after a girl dumps you or tells you flat out she's not interested
Who said that? Can you read english?

you end up sounding like a bitter manchild who is a lot more bothered than he dare admit. going about any part of your life with that level of "fuck you, kys" to someone who doesn't agree or go along with you isnt smart.

Theres a difference between acting like a """""Nice guy"""""" and acting like a overtly hostile ass.

Jesus christ dude. You really need help.

Oh no don't be mean to useless whores! They may end up magically wanting to have sex with you because you were so super duper nice to them! If a girl rejects you, you drop her ass immediately and don't look back. Let her end up with whatever dumbfuck loser she has on her radar.
Nothing he said was hostile. If anything he could've been much shorter with her. "Okay great, thanks a lot. Take care now" that's it. Delete her number and never listen to her dumb shit again. Giving him some bullshit speech is ridiculous, you're not interested great don't waste more of my fucking time making me read a bunch of shit.

Native Utahn here.
She won't be with you unless you convert. If she's a BYU cutie she won't be with you unless you're an RM. These girls are told from a very young age that the best thing they can do with their life is marry a mormon man and have his kids. Some take really well to that and send texts like (your pic) and others reject it and go full thot, and a miniscule minority reject either extreme and turn out kinda normal.

Only thing to do with mormon chicks is date the ones who are already on the edge and subtly deconvert them. Start slow with "necking" and "petting" and then work up to sex. Make sure it feels good and loving, no rough stuff. Maybe drink a beer with her. Finally, after she's ceded all of her weird restrictions in favor of the good life,send her a link to the CESletter.

Or she develops critical thinking skills or googles her own religion.

Best of luck OP. Utah is one of the best states in the country, don't forget that the morms keep our property prices relatively low and our streets wide and clean.

>Changing yourself for a relationship 10 days in

You already blew it.

>10 days in

there's a difference between begging a girl to take you back, and accepting reasonable terms of a break up like an adult and not a mentally deranged child. you end up showing how much you care, and you're as bad as the cunt who cries and begs for her back - you're an overly emotional beta who is incredibly upset and cannot handle their emotions in an aduilt way. just like the horse shoe theory my dude. you are just as beta as them.

Were you cheated on, rejected, or just born a sociopath?

My bets on 70/30 the second and third

what the hell user. this isn't how you do things. just be cool about it. it won't kill you to admit that you have feelings and you wanted a girl and it didn't work out. it happens. nothing is going to dry a pussy up faster than carrying that bitterness around.

and frankly that disgusts me? dude, if you can't be the aloof person and take rejection in stride then at least pretend to be. don't take it so hard.

You clearly don't understand women and are not good at talking to them.

>Oh no don't be mean to useless whores! They may end up magically wanting to have sex with you because you were so super duper nice to them!
There is no reason to be mean to women. You need to be firm, this is what they will respect.

>Nothing he said was hostile.
>frankly that disgusts me
100% hostile.

>you're not interested great don't waste more of my fucking time making me read a bunch of shit.
Did you read her last message? This girl is not only interested, she's willing to look past OP's obvious failings in an attempt to salvage this.

I suggest you talk to more girls and grow the fuck up.,_Mr._Feynman__Adventures_of_a_Curious_Character.html

>changing yourself for some bitch


Unless you're planning on converting and marrying her, you're wasting your time.

nah most mormon girls are total butt sluts even if they don't give up the V
I had an old mormon roommate and what I learned from living with him is that most mormon girls are complete whores

This board is such a fucking joke I swear to god. "Showing how much you care" yeah, because that's REALLY important to a girl that rejected you. No you show her you care more about yourself by moving the fuck on with your life. If you're not good enough for her she can go fucking kill herself. Literally no reason at all to be nice in this situation other than to show her how much of a pussy you are. This is exactly why women act the way they act because they get away with it.
Who the fuck cares what a girl that doesn't like you respects? Most girls "respect" thot actresses, niggers, money and cheap/easy attention. And you are a fucking idiot if you think she's still interested. Any girl that actually likes you and wants to fuck you isn't going to say ANYTHING to ruin the chance to have sex with you. Yeah they'll play hard to get, some of them, but flat out rejecting you or giving you an impression they don't like you isn't that. And lol @ "grow the fuck up." Being nice to whores with overinflated egos after rejecting you is grown up now? Give me a fucking break

He wouldn't have been sleeping with ones that weren't whores, your statement is fucking dumb.
Most are not, some are whores. Those that are whores have sex. Those that have sex, probably had sex with your roomie. Hence, you've seen them. So the only mormon girls you've seen have been whores.

If she wants to save herself for marriage what makes you think you DESERVE to put your penis inside her vagina after 10 days of pretending to care about what she wants?

You wanna know how i know you're not currently in a relationship

Jesus dude you’re not compatible if you’re not a mormon. I think you’re dodging a bullet on this one.
Protips: don’t be so salty when texting, watch out for mormons

>Who the fuck cares what a girl that doesn't like you respects?
This girl clearly likes op you fuckin sperg.
>And lol @ "grow the fuck up." Being nice to whores with overinflated egos after rejecting you is grown up now? Give me a fucking break
You have the mindset of a highschooler/fratboy. Where did you get overinflated ego from? The last girl that rejected your bitch ass? Yeah grow the fuck up.

Because girls talk and everyone talks and people will know you’re a bitter 4channer autist and not a cool chill guy and you’ll never have another gf

She does like him, though. She just wants his reassurance that things aren't moving too fast.

Not every girl is going to come to you already lubricated and ready to go.

>changing yourself 10 days into a "relationship"
>admitting it after she calls ixnay on the whole shebang
>being salty as fuck about your own mistakes and taking it out on her

you should be disgusted with yourself, m8. a girl had the decency to cut the cord early with you because she's a crazy mormon and realized you aren't. do you realize how lucky you are?

post it on your MGTOW blog breh, you're not even responding to the content of the replies you received

Ah, /pol/. With a bit of /r9k/. That explains it

if you react like that, especially to a girl you don't even have a relationship and just tried to ask out, you're going to come off as if you did care entirely too much about the outcome and can't handle your own emotions related to it
women are women and are much better with their emotions than most men are because it's not taboo for them to talk about them with other women
they're also most likely better at reading yours than you as a result of that, user
it's not a personal insult if one doesn't find you attractive and if none of them do then it's your fault not theirs
if you take it so personally then you're going to come off bad. and if it's "not the right time" or whatever then she still has friends and you're zoning all of them out along with her
girls just want to have fun. don't be the not fun guy

Where did the bad lady hurt you, user?

You aren't Mormon so there's basically no chance. Most marriages between LDS and non-LDS fail. Whereas the divorce rate for Mormons married to other Mormons is the lowest in the world.

The correct response is "I like you and want to get to know you better. Is that so bad?"

>she doesn't like me, so she's a nigger-loving thot who can die of leukemia for all i care, just like every other girl who rejected me

I can tell you handle interpersonal situations very maturely.


Either you negotiate and talk to her rationally in a cool, understanding manner with the goal of fixing whatever your problem is...or you talk to her like you would some dumb faggot on 4 Chan that you're trolling.

Your "disgusts me" comment is retarded. Who even gets disgusted? Who says that?

Either she's a dumb hoe and you're moving on and don't care anymore; or she upset you enough that youre going to talk some PROPER shit, and then move on; or you still care about her and want to talk it all out like an adult.

I dont know what the fuck is going on in OP, but I know that it's weak af and emotionally autistic.

"i just want to put my benis in your vagine, man."

HAHAHA all I can imagine is that serious conversation in OP but instead of that stupid shit he typed out he's just like "look, I really just want to put my dick in you"
idk why this is so funny

Well, yeah, but you can't just come out and say it most of the time.

it's funny because you know that's the subtext but you also know better than to actually talk that way

you have autism

A real, honest to God, fucking genius. More people need to read this.

Not OP I think.

no, not OP

Nah, you'd be the biggest twat to ever live.
Just learn to be attractive, dumbass.

She is being perfectly reasonable dude - you ARE not religious and she is, how the fuck is this supposed to work??
You are an adult male you CANNOT change yourself anymore, way too late for that.
And obviously you should never even want to change yourself just to be liked by another person.

doesn't mean you can't fuck. just get her horny.

What the fuck are either of you teenagers trying to say?

>frankly that disgusts me

It’s just rejection dude. It’s not a big deal.

Imagine that you reject a girl and she starts wishing that you get cancer and behaves like a fucking cunt.

You think that girl seems pathetic/immature or not?

>frankly that disgusts me

Oh lawd thanks for the laffs

the thing is that is very difficult to pull off and most men would fail, so if you are one of the few who succeeds then you more or less deserve the lifestyle

>She thinks we aren't compatible because I'm not a die hard Mormon
well.... She`s right

Why does he have such a loopy round-about-way of writing "don't be a fucking doormat and girls might fuck you" ????

can't believe this shit is even on my goodreads list!

>not posting the whole convo

She's telling you in no uncertain terms its her way or highway.

First she asks you to go to church with her.
Then she asks you to wait till marriage
Then she asks you to convert.

At that point you have two choices. Drink the kool-aid, or lie for the rest of your life.

Have some fucking self respect. Put your foot down and respectfully establish boundaries. Stop with your whiny hostile shit. If she has problem with your boundaries, find another girl. You are not compatible.

fuck other women to show her that you are a real mormon