Who do you lift for, Veeky Forums?
Who do you lift for, Veeky Forums?
I lift my feels away.
For my captain
Muh bioregion
Strippers, beers, weed, guns.
Fuck spotted owls. Fuck californians.
For Dorn, of course
for all our mother, because you my brothers treat her like scum
forgot pic
also pic related
All of these
Pretty much this
Except for all the pseud shit
to keep the pain away
For God
God, Mother Evropa, my country and people, my future wife and myself.
I lift for my unborn son that passed this year in June.
Not even fedoraing here but if God exists he straight-up loves athletes.
He especially loves 'pure' athletes in non-spectator sports. Hardly a great wrestler who isn't a devout Christian or Muslim. Maybe the states of soul necessary to function at that extremely high level are only reachable through religion
I lift for the Sith! And my ancestors, on some degree. I come from a line of freedom fighters, and rich merchants who lost everything during the Asia Minor cleansing, so I kinda have my Turkroach hate to motivate me...
Non-meme answer, just to better myself. Same reason why I'm trying to be a competent Veeky Forumsentist. if I try hard enough, maybe I'll land in a position of power and be able to change the world in a way that I see... Veeky Forums...
I want to leave humamity behind and improve myself.
Also bc no gf and im alone af, cant spend the entire day jaking off so i do it.
Yes. The iron turns us into the kind of men who will claim the ethnostate.
>modest house in North Dakota
>basement wrestling room
>power rack/oly platform
>waifu blonde/blue/tall like me
>ice giants for sons
>train from child
I want it so damn bad. It's not impossible, not by a long shot. I'm rambling now but fuck school. My whole adolescence all I wanted to do was escape and monk out. Now that I've lived as a normal working bachelor for a while (and achieved paychological health through lifting and redpills) I want simple human love and evolutionary success. The System fucks you up man
>fuck schoolz
>evolutionary success
Are you the kind of guy who thinks strongest = fittest = evolution?
I lift for Big Boss, every time i get ready to go to the gym i make out with my Snake poster on the wall, its to the point that the part that i kiss everytime is completely white
I lift to be a better man and to be able to be here for my family
But also because I'll never be a cute girl, so let me at least try to be a good man
To finally get a reservation at Dorsias
Couldn't find a picture of Rich Piano so this will have to do.
I don't even remember why I started anymore.
I just know that I want to kill myself whenever I stop lifting. The feeling of slowly watching your gains fade away is depressing.
I'm emotionally dependent on having some sort of progress in my life. Because the rest is shit.
>muh guns
I thought SJW hipsters hated guns? Bong here
canadian here, is state pride a regular thing for most states in the us? i can see maybe the 13 colonies or california making a big fuss, maybe texas, but i can't think of anything that would differentiate oregon from washington or wyoming. maybe i just don't know them well enough aside from picking them on a map
God speed user
No I mean I want babby
Gibs me babby
I lift so I can finally kill that fucking stupid bastard Paul
For test
Holy shit, are you me?
Not who, but what. I lift for the mires that feed the ego, especially from random sluts. Anything is better than being ignored by my wife.
> mfw all of these Veeky Forumsizens have lost their way
Instead of being sick cunts everyone became a regular cunt
Because it's my genetic and cultural destiny as a man. When I look at that picture of Napoleon, I think of all the training, hardship, starvation, illness, and death those man had to see just to win some extra land for their country and emperor. Strong empires are built on the backs of strong men. I think it's immoral to do nothing with your body as a man.
Now that all the meme answers are out of the way, I lift because it's the only thing that doesn't lie to me.
It's just me and the bar and the bar is either going up or it isn't.
You're proud of Rogue? Why not stick a Voodoo Donut logo on there while you're at it?