Why do you see so many more bald/balding 18-30 year guys now compared to 20 years ago...

Why do you see so many more bald/balding 18-30 year guys now compared to 20 years ago? Wouldn't the increased soy consumption decrease the number of balding men, if anything?

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Because you weren't even born 20 years ago and you weren't paying attention and neither was anyone else because no one actually gives a flying fuck

I'll be 28 next month cuck. Why so bitter? You bald? Plenty of people, especially women care about men's hair. Contrary to popular belief, bald heads aren't good looking.

>You bald?

No, actually. But your OP question is literally fucking retarded because there have literally been just as many bald people 20 years ago as any other time in recorded history.

Well considering that balding is highly related to genetics and peripherally related to increased testosterone and also considering that soy consumption doesn't affect hormones despite what /pol/ would have you believe (don't share those same four goddamn low quality articles or pubmed links you fucking retards)


Creatine abuse

>there have literally been just as many bald people 20 years ago as any other time in recorded history.
There haven't, at least not so early in their lives. People used to go bald in the 40s, but now it's not unheard of to see someone go completely bald before 25. Read the OP again, I didn't say there are more balding people period, just that there are more balding people who are losing their hair much earlier than their parents did.

>bringing up /pol/ in a thread that has nothing to do with politics

>There haven't, at least not so early in their lives

Who says? I could say that I've seen less bald young guys than 20 years ago. You wanna post a study or survey that shows that more men are balding younger?

Please post the statistics that you derive this from.

I don't have anything concrete. It's just an observation I made and one I continue to see daily. I work near a large university, and see numerous younger men who have noticeably receding hairlines. I just compare this mainly to old new clips and candid camera type shows from the 1990s, and there are virtually no bald young dudes back then. I don't think this is a giant conspiracy in that hormones in food are purely to blame, but something must be causing it. It may have to do with the advent of internet porn, and more men whacking off. As we all know, masturbation causes baldness in those who have the hair loss gene.

I agree with you that it's a trend. It's probably based on diet.

I don't agree with you that soy = estrogen. Soy is actually linked to less free estrogen.

However, I do agree that balding is on the rise. It could also be that you see it more nowadays simply because as a kid/adolescent you didn't notice it as often.

>It could also be that you see it more nowadays simply because as a kid/adolescent you didn't notice it as often.
This was what I thought too, until I started digging around a little more; going through old VHS tapes of news clips and candid camera-esque shows, old yearbooks, photos and whatnot, and not once did I find any guy who visibly looked under 25 and was bald/balding.

Interesting about soy. I always figured its androgenic effects were overblown. I mean, if soy really did boost estrogen significantly, wouldn't everyone recommend consuming buckets of soy for baldness?

>if soy really did boost estrogen significantly, wouldn't everyone recommend consuming buckets of soy for baldness?
fucking YES
Every little girl in hollywood would be taking soy supplements for gigantic, floppy, engorged tiddies. That shit would be everywhere. Instead of "INCREASE YOUR DICK BY 8 INCHES" on porn sites it would be "YOUR TIDDIES WILL THANK YOU".

The fucking vegans on Veeky Forums post the copypasta nonstop. There's like 200 studies that show soy has zero negative effects on estrogen. In-fact, a lot of them say that the estrogen in plants actually blocks estrogen in the body.

>me oldfag
>37 years old
>used steroids and hgh heavily ages 25-29
>super bald by age 33 or so
>begin using minoxidil at age 34
>begin diet of only meat/fish/eggs and green vegetables at age 35
>I also lift heavy but bodybuilder bro split style
>hair is growing back and now have pre steroids hairline again

Stop making shit up and starting discussions about it.

post hairline

Minoxidil is snake oil at most. But I think there's something to be said about your diet. I remember when I was doing a mostly keto diet from 2009-2015 my hair loss had basically stopped completely, then resumed last year when I started eating junk food and tons of refined sugars & carbs again.

you're too young to have 20 years of this observation. this isn't something you notice until late teens and twenties when you're on your own.

It wouldn't hurt to read the thread before posting something so worthless.

>Every little girl in hollywood would be taking soy supplements for gigantic, floppy, engorged tiddies.

testosterone isnt the only factor.
sometimes its genetic. and sadly all the shitty genetics are the ones doing the breading in this age of leisure and pleasure

>still nice looking hairline

Would honestly suicide if I was going bald already. At least give me until 50.

Every guy has male pattern baldness, what varies is the rate that people go bald. Plenty of dudes maintain stage 1-2 hair loss well onto their 80s

There's a reason why everyone used to wear hats all the time. Just google "1910-1960 parties" or soldiers. There are at least 25% bald/balding young guys. When i look at my grandpas old pictures of him and his friends in their early 20s, 3/10 of them were visibly balding.
Since pictures back then were expensive and hard most of the pictures back then were taken of people who "deserved" it. I.E beautiful people.

One word: increase in creatine use




just depends if your head hates dht or not, the amount does not matter


How's your dick going? I heard that shit causes major ED

I'm 41 and isupposed to be bald but NOT! It's an Alpha thing. By the way quarterlife crisis thread?

>There haven't, at least not so early in their lives.
BS! You're wrong and it's from my oldfag experience.
But I see from your arguments you're not here to discuss, just claim you discovered some truth nobody else have seen.

I have a theory about this based on my own hairloss experience.

The answer is Adderal.

When I was on that stuff I was almost pulling my hair out, I couldn't stop touching my hair.

Now I always notice people eyes wandering to my fucked up hairline.

Minoxidil won’t affect it, it’s just a topical treatment. You’re thinking of finasteride


kek, you're probably a good couple of years over the halfway mark

What problems are there transitioning from finasteride to dutasteride?

mfw absurdly long jet black straight hair thats thicc as fuck

how will hairlets EVER compare?

Cannot use Minox bc heart issues.

After 6 months trying the Dermaroller, I'm starting to get results. Progress is much slower than what I've read in literature (ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3746236/), and new hair is relatively thin.

However, there is progress after years of losing hair. And it's fucking cheap.

>Every guy has male pattern baldness, what varies is the rate that people go bald. Plenty of dudes maintain stage 1-2 hair loss well onto their 80s
American education.

I'm 25 and my hairline is starting to make me look like black adam. Minoxodil sounds like a hoax and finasteride seems to only work on the crown. What are my options?

Its due to increased stress. People were more laid back 20-30 years ago when they didn't have to worry about all the bullshit going on these days. You'll see more balding of men in universities because there is much more stress.

hahaha thick af hair checking in, you mad hairlets?

just kidding, any hairlets wanting consolidation just hmu xo

I think there is some evidence to suggest your hypothesis is true OP


It definitely seems women are experiencing more pattern hair loss - no doubt as a result of endocrine disruptors, possibly soy


>As we all know, masturbation causes baldness in those who have the hair loss gene.
Source? I've heard this a lot but I've yet to see definitive proof. Wouldn't surprise me though

are you an accountant?

Ah yes, an Indian medical study. Quality.

i mean the more prevalent endocrine disruptors are gonna be from the massive amount of plastics we use now

>Why do you see so many more bald/balding 18-30 year guys now compared to 20 years ago

Pretty sure the amount is the same, you just have some weird confirmation bias.

Because the American mutt has had 20 more years of inbreeding and race mixing to further deteriorate his genome.

dude, at least SIX indian medical studies

take a link for a non-pajeet preliminary report
>Evidence from laboratory studies indicates that these treatments enhance growth factor production that in turn facilitates hair follicle development and cycling.

Solution to balding: become a GIRL!

only good post

Minoxidil isn't a hoax and fin works on the whole head.

The only reliable factor that fucks up the ability to slay young girls is balding, hairlets become anally annihilated at truth. But if you're starting to get the loser-head you better lock down and marry a girl before 25, if not you're going to have to settle with stretched out bitter harpies with kids from another father.

Fin is seriously a wonder drug. I cant believe there are people who refuse to take it because of some unfounded dick fears.

Bro that looks great on you, I have the exact same hairline but have no idea what the fuck to do with it.
Is that just a really great pic or what? What do you ask the barber for?

Probably because there's a significantly much larger mass of young men than ever before in history.

Funny, a lot of much older dudes I know (over 60) have said the same thing.

One hypothesis I hear is the increasing use and efficiency of central heating.

soyboys have more health problems than just eating too much soy. Namely their insulin is retarded because they eat so much sugar and empty carbs.

minox is like a topical alcohol you add to promote blood flow, not fin

>hy do you see so many more bald/balding 18-30 year guys now compared to 20 years ago?

How would you know? You probably weren't even born yet and if you were you weren't poisoned by constant balding and height threads on fit/

>People used to go bald in the 40s, but now it's not unheard of to see someone go completely bald before 25.

Patrick Steward was completely bald at 19, you stupid soycuck. As were many others. Balding has always been a thing.

I've been saying this for years here but testosterone builds up on the pores around your hair follicles starving them and killing them. You need to properly brush your hair every day to break up the testosterone buildup.

cool broscience you got there

Enjoy you're hair loss soy boy

Shame about the arms.


Lmao, you couldn't have missed the mark harder if you tried.

> idk started brushing and hair loss started to slow down
> thought it was only because of mineral deposits from the water

The guy might actually be on to something...

Come back when you turn 18

what is her name

and can we consider her a meme yet?

Have you considered washing your hair you disgusting piece of shit?

>All my lazy as shit friends are balding, have terrible hairlines & thinning crowns.
>All my healthy & fit friends still have full heads of hair, including myself. The two fittest of our group, which includes me, have damn near perfect long hair. No thinning or balding. Maybe a slight receding, but that could be due to man-bunning it up.

26 years old. I know hair growth is one of those hereditary things, but fuck man, there has to be some correlation between shit lifestyle & shitty hair.

Forgot pic, my hairline. Should also mention that my fit friends all cycle keto & drink like animals.

I'm 26 and bigger than you. What now, bitch?

Nice lats, shitty tats

your hairline is both slightly receeding and thinning

nothing wrong with that, but the idea you have about how balding works is entirely wrong

Women disagree (about the tats).

>only 200 ish lbs

Um try again sweetie come back when you're >300lbs 13%bf

>tfw started life with a slight widows peak
>still have a widows peak while people my age start to recede

shittier hairlines because women back then didn't all go for one guy so nice guys got a chance
also men now a days are soy boys, there are more lefties now than before. think about it

Made for BBC

>bigger than me
>shitty tattoos

You may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like

Mass abuse of steroids by an entire generation of looksmaxxing young males.

This thread is full of fucking bullshit.
Male-pattern hair loss is entirely due to DHT sensitivity of the hair follicles on your scalp. This is completely genetic.
Anything else like stress may cause more hair to fall out but doesn't cause follicles to shrink like male pattern baldness.
Once again, entirely genetic. DHT is converted FROM testosterone but IS NOT testosterone.

This slightly receded hairline is normal and happens to most men by 30. It may or may not progress beyond that.

hair loss, is strongly related with pretty much every metabolic disorder; including diabetes, heart disease, hypothyroidism etc.

The effect get's noticeably worse, the sooner you lose it. Go bald before 30 and it's something like a 90% increase over the average population.

It's a damn shame, but all the more reason to look after yourself


Cuz they all wear fucking hats

>Friends and acquaintances thinning, balding and receding all around me
>My hair is still as thick, luscious and none receding
>Men in my family tend to keep their hair
>80 year old grandfather only really started thinning a bit in the last few years

Feels good man.

28y here, i'm balding and going white including beard, how about that for shitty genes.

Huh, I've had white streaks in my beard since I was 14, but girls usually like it. They ask me if I dye it and try to touch it.

Of course, I'm not balding so that may be a factor.

I started balding when I was 18 and I'm not even a spic, 21 now and I'm creeping up on a Norwood. I'm gonna quit lying to myself about my vanity and just go ahead with the meds cause I'm not worried about ED and it's ridiculous to forgo my hair this young

my granddad was balding in his 20s, he was just high test

You're grandpa just had shit hair genetics. Test doesn't affect hair if you're not predisposed to balding.

Junk food. It's the cause for everything bad; failing liver, heart problems, bad memory, depression, low energy...

there arent more balding men, the fact is that 20 years ago men werent faggots and shaved their heads when balding kicked in, today everyone wants that same faggotry haircut every dude with hair has

Dietary causes of balding are just a big cope

I know fatass people who eat nothing but junk food and have nearly perfect hairlines with no signs of hair loss. Also I've seen homeless people with no hair loss

Just stop. It's a meme you austisic sperg.

>unironically using cuck
you must be a faggot

what do you mean brush your hair? i have short hair currently, usually take cold showers and dont use shampoo on hair (i use baking soda and egg whites every few days). Will just washing my hair be enough to "break up the test build up"?

I'm 23, have been balding aggressively since around 18, though signs were there from as early as grade 11.

I have been no guard buzzing my hair since 21.

Fin gave me dead dick on two different occasions with women, so I stopped the drug. I was on it for about 6 months at that point. Only major sides before those nights were:
1) the fact that I didn't get a single morning erection once on the drug (inb4 fin users rationalize this)
2) watery cum during the first few weeks, then after my body adjusted I just had way smaller loads

I've been on Veeky Forums since the tinytrip days and have been lifting 5 - 6 days a week for 5 years now, so I've built a good physique and have become really accustomed to my body.

Just lol at anyone that says fin doesn't have any sides. Whenever I see someone say fin doesn't cause sides I know immediately that they've haven't consistently lifted for long at all period.

Fin crashes your DHT (70% gone - bye bye). You will look softer on fin - wonder why DHT-related steroids cause hardness? You will have less strength potential on fin - I'd put it at about 90% - 95% which will limit how much total weight you move in workouts, which will lower hypertrophy (inb4 fin causes a 15% increase in test and muh test is the building block of muscle). Fin kills your natural muscle building potential.

Now I'm not saying fin isn't worth it, but it's not some miracle drug that should be taken without concern. I suggest everyone who considers taking it read into the neurological effects (or potential effects people theorize) fin can cause because of DHT and/or 5ar's interaction with chemicals in the brain. Is your hair your most prized asset or your brain?

With all that said, if fin worked for me (I got some sides and still didn't maintain or regrow) I'd potentially still be on the drug. But to say the drug is side free - just fucking lol
