Trained for aesthetics using phul since fuckarounditis being around last year

>Trained for aesthetics using phul since fuckarounditis being around last year
>made very noticeable gains and felt good
>new gym trainer mindfucked me around that 1/2/3/4 is a must for gains
>set me up on SL 5x5
>said 5x5 is good for aesthetics

How fucked up am I? Is the niglet right?

SL is a fucking joke. If you want strength, do SS into GSLP when you reach late novice stage (since you've been lifting on PHUL for a year you should be a late novice if not early intermediate, therefore I'd wager GSLP is a good program for you right now). If you want pure "brad pitt fight club" aesthetics just do some faggy upper body split, and if you want a mix then SS into GSLP into PHAT or something.

Ditch your trainer. SL is the most "reddit" of programs to ever exist. It won't even take you to 1/2/3/4 and Medhi looks like a complete DYEL.



reverse image search it for the full image, you nigger
though, I don't know who they are

ive been looking for like 10 minutes. so I'll just give it whenever i find it.

aoi shirosaki and riku minato
I found it from someone mocking some guy for not being able to reverse google search. Funnily enough just doing the reverse google search gave the guy the two full names 2 months ago. Guess google is better before a picture gets re-appropriated for shitposting purposes.

What is this exactly?

Common goal posts for the 4 major compound lifts. Equates to 1pl8 OHP, 2pl8 bench, 3pl8 squat, 4pl8 dead.
>tfw closer to 3pl8 bench than 3pl8 squat because of fucking my back

1pl8 OHP
2pl8 bench press
3pl8 ass to grass squat
4pl8 deadlift

I have a 1/1/1/1 routine.
I literally can't get higher in each, am I fucked?

You need to eat more. Post stats

>that pic
I whimpered like an animal and started humping the air...
I think I need to go to bed

Yeah just eat more.
Thought I have a 1.5/2/2/2 myself so I might be a slight curlbro.

1.8/2.9/2/2 my squat and dead are most likely higher but its too risky for me to try and risk slowing down my lower back's recover even more. Feels real fucking bad.


post body im so curious

Lifting 135 lb overhead is probably harder on your back than deadlifting even 300 lb
Think of the differences in moment

I feel you. I use to be 1/2/3/4 but fucked my leg so now I'm 1/2/2/3. Fucking wish therapy was faster

>basing SL off of Mehdi's physique
have you seen rippetoe?

The only difference that matters between SS and SL is le jump and shrug vs the pendlay row. Which one of those two is better is mostly preference, though the row is significantly easier for a beginner to master.

SL and SS are both good for strength, and both shit for aesthetics. You're retarded if you suggest otherwise.

My back isn't complete shit cause of pullups and rows and what have you. I just don't deadlift because it seems to fuck with my back the most

I never notice back pain the next day after going heavy on OHP vs heavy on squats or deads. But I may stop going heavy on OHP december 1st. I have a goal of 3pl8 bench before 2018 so I can't stop just yet

I've been stretching and going easy on squats and deads for months. Seem like these kinds of injuries just take ages to heal

GSLP phraktures variation? I always trolled the SS/SL circlejerk and now I’m living the life. Inb4 fag tRex mode. Any info on gslp user?

He even mentioned doing ICF Blaha mode since it’s almost like SL 5x5. I feel like I’m being trolled.