/plg/ - Powerlifting General. 'Volume for Uncle Boris: pt II' Edition
/plg/ - Powerlifting General. 'Volume for Uncle Boris: pt II' Edition
First for I want to have dinner with Sheiko
Starting week 10 of memeburn 165 5x2 3x3 sq and same for 115 binch
Gonna make some oats soon
After the seminar last year loads of our club went to Nandos after the seminar and got the translator Anesthesia or whatever her name was on board (and I think Boris) but the organiser was too incompetent to arrange the transport from gym to Nandos for them.
Managed to get Mike T out for a cheeky Nandos after his seminar tho.
Week 2 of Nuckols 2x sq int
Front squats for bunch of sets quads
1x5 9 cm deficit dl
pls be kgs
I found this program to be way too low volume.
what am i doing wrong with my hook grip if i can over-under way more than i can hold hookgrip
You know, you can really tell that Boris lifted when he was young, despite the bloatmaxxing.
>you can really tell that Boris lifted when he was young
You can?
Yes, he looks to be a very solid individual.
Yep no argument about it.
There's a density and vitality to older people that used to lift, (or used to lift a lot more than they do now), or previously had very physical jobs.
Wow some more overwhelming evidence.
Sorry in future I'll provide a PubMed link, because otherwise something couldn't possibly be true.
You clearly have a judicial eye for measuring 'vitality' in retired people.
Sorry for questioning a position you took.
I kinda mixed it with 531 as a sort of intensity day and it works good for me, at least for now, I'm thinking of switching to something of GZCL making in terms of main lift programming.
Jelly, how is mike t he seems very chill and a bit autistic in a good non Veeky Forums way?
It's in stone actually
>rest day 1
>body feels bit dommy but no other problems literally
>day 2
>body feels perfect
>about to start lifting
>body starts getting random aches even though been rested for 2 days
I think I'm a mental gde lads
Mike's cool. Very chill, confident and passionate in a low key kinda introverted way.
>body starts getting random aches
Welcome to Powerlifting lad
Nice just what I imagined him, was his seminar good? I'm a bit disillusioned after going to a Brett Gibbs seminar and learning fuck all, nice guy though
Do not do powerlifting. It is not worth it.
Twinkcel get ye gone this is a bloatmaxx sport
That's the impression I got from the guy who ran Brett's seminar, more of a meet and greet than anything else. He went out on the piss with the guys from the gym too.
Was actually the same gym that ran mike's seminar. It was really good, 8 hours with only 1hr practical, full on classroom type thing. Big hand out books with program and materials in. It was all about an intro to RPE, long term planning and his 'Scaled Variation Program', which is kind of a 'how to' for exercise selection then the sets/reps/RPE is laid out for a 15 week program, which I guess is where the emerging trends style stuff has come off the back off.
I'd only bother with seminars where it's clearly a teaching/coaching focus rather than just time with lifter of the month.
The same gym had a seminar with Ray Williams, I don't think there's particularly much Ray could teach me. If I had money to burn though I'd go with the intention of just getting to meet Ray.
great pic tim!
always good to see some quality father-son bonding time
first day of Russian Squat Program today...
lets see how it goes
comme back when you do the 6x6
yeah, that looks quite scary.
will probably take 2 hrs to complete.
any particular tip to prepare to it?
try doing the program first u bozo
mild kek
>do the program before you can get tips to prepare for the program
>5x5 squat @85%
Another patrician, I see
ARGGHHH nothing but air!
Where is the Norman khan!?
(Five minutes later)
Hmm somethings here alright...
Almost... Almost.. Brpft brpft
Hmm almost..
If I could just...
No there's nothing
(Five minutes later)
Oh wow what's this?
I... There's something here.. Hiding.. It's...
Hmm I give up
>not giving up on trying to argue with anons on Veeky Forums
Nice blog
thats probally the hardest session in the whole thing
wow tbis was me last night
mental gde detected
consider a new hobby, like coloring books or collecting beanie babies
> tfw both of those probably require more skill than powerbloating
Become an animal!
On texas method how do I do 5x5 90% of my 5 rep max? Do I work up to the 5 rep max by doing lower weight of 5x5 or do I just warm up and do one set? This pertains to my question on volume day and do I add working sets. Now as for deadlifts how do they work on intensity days? 1x1 till 5 rep max pr?
What the fuck are you even asking?
5x5 on 1st day with 80-90% of 5rm that you set the previous week.
1 set of 5 on the 3rd day with a new 5rm.
And for the diddlies, you warm up so that you are ready for the work weight. This is something you just need to learn. Generally want singles, doubles and triples for warming up, no need for sets of 10.
What programs are being shilled here now?
c6w and russian squat prog
are rdls supposed to give me lower back doms ? i did them for the first time and my traps and hammies got sore but i felt nothing in my lower back
use ur brain it depends on whatever is weak in the posterior chain
my lower back is the weakest that's why I am asking
I did rld to strengthen my lower back to begin with
I've been doing half a gomad for half a year now and my farts are getting out of control. I'll probably lower it to just a liter, but what is something easy I can substitute it with?
DOMs are completely meaningless. After a couple of times training a movement you're not going to "feel" it anywhere
How to test my 1RM on c6w week 6?
definitely not completely meaningless at least from a hypertrophy standpoint
you don't have to have DOMs to make progress, but if you never ever get DOMs it's a decent sign that you aren't working hard enough
increase with 1 plate
dont worry about it there no way its not getting worked
in your case it is meaningless
i remember you were asking about this the other day its your first time doing them ofc youre gonna have very bad doms
This is instagram infographic tier broscience. If you get DOMs literally ever, it means you're not training that movement with enough frequency
Wow. Thenk u famo
My question was how to warm up basically. Thanks
just use the damn Warmupreps website!
Pussy should probably be replaced with retard.
As in, "all combat sport athletes are goddamn retarded.
Rugby players are tougher anyway.
man rugby lads put up some joocy numbers in my last gym
Rugby players, missing teeth, brain injuries, and all, aren't stupid enough to fall for the "muscles slow you down" meme like a lot of retarded, unlifting MMA fighters. A rugby player might not really have a damn clue how to squat, or how to program squats, but they understand that they should be doing squats, because they understand that using knee and hip extension to push stuff around is 60% of rugby in the first place.
>rugby players are tougher than MMA fighters, boxers, or wrestlers
hahahaha you delusional fat fuck
I know you're a meme character created by daddy and are stupid on purpose but you're evidence for why fighters should lift more is because it has carry over to rugby... and when they say it slows them down they're not talking about sprints on a field you mongoloid
Created by raffy*
is figjam just a troll? it would explain a lot
he's without a doubt the worst trip, just unrelentingly fat ugly and stupid
Redpill me on renaissance periodization pls
Are they legit? Their stuff looks pretty good desu
I recently got their trainingtemplates (((((completely legal ofc)))))
Today is the day i join a gym
funny that you post romero since that guy definitely does some form of barbell training
i saw him doing powerclean like movement while holdnig another person in his arms
From what I've heard, yes. They're legit.
Just don't tell people that they're paying too much for their gear.
Was that an attempt at a fucking sunset flip?
>Maybe 15 minutes long
>Most of it that isn't spent prancing around not getting hit is spent rolling around not getting hit
>Ref stops the match anytime someone suffers a boo-boo
>One is 100% able to win a match without getting hit
>Weight classes in order to make unlifting sissies weighing 150 lbs feel important
>Only one opponent at a time
>80 minutes long
>Play continues with people dead on the field
>Impossible to play in, and then win, a match without getting beat up for it
>150 lbs is considered a light breakfast
>15 men trying to tackle you (no homo)
How can MMAfags even compete?
its almost like a culture man i used to do various martial arts and theres this deep subconcious thing with them that treats fighting and lifting weights as an exlusive thing
wrestlers; on the other hand do a fuckton of lifting weights, thats why if you look at mma generally the're the only ones who do look like they lift pic related
The guys im going to train with buy from the same person i do
>mfw not the worst trip
You're just jealous of my 6playt squat swagger.
will you change your trip then since ur not lifting in your garage no more
>worst trip
>anything other than panzer/sean
either you're trying to make a point by not even minding them or you're just wrong
Wow bodereo benches 200kg now? What the hell does he bench with, his pecs don't look very big.
you could say the same for anyone who has a high bf%
Hola, /plg/, programming question.
I've been lifting every other day for two months straight, now, doing SS. Only, the last two weeks my legs have been 100% dead every single workout - I've had to drop a bunch of weight from my squat due to simple exhaustion. I took a five-day total break to recover some, but after two more sessions I'm right back to that glutes-are-fucking-dead spot.
Is this just me being done with Starting Strength? I feel like I'm almost unable to squat 3,5 times a week now, with the weight going up as it has.
eat more
But why? Someone who runs around with literal tits of fat can't have much muscle underneath seriously.
>Every other day
You idiot, it's "three nonconsecutive days per week." This means there is going to be at least one two day rest period per week.
What is your height, current weight, weight when you started, the weight of your lifts now, and the weights you started the program with? It's possible you're a GDE rather close to the end of linear progression, but I'd wager you either started too heavy, or aren't eating/sleeping enough, or aren't using appropriate footwear, or a fucking belt, or such. Not having even the most basic understanding of the program surely isn't helping either.
eat more
I did the second lower body day of wk4 of c6w on Sunday instead of Friday because I was busy. Should I start week 5 today with no rest day or wait?
Hey guise can I train 24 hours after last session?? I know it’s subjective but I can’t train tomorrow.
I have a great deal of need for solid structure in my scheduling and life - the increase from 3 times a week to 3,5 was an unfortunate nessecity to make me actually do my days. I know it's subobtimal at best, but I need the structure.
I started at 97KG, at 99,5KG now. 182 CM.
120KG Squat/162,5KG for fives in sets of 3.
80KG Bench/105KG now.
140KG Deadlift, 180KG now.
42,5KG OHP, 65KG now.
I have lifting shoes, I use chaulk and I have a very good belt. I sleep for nine hours a night every night. I also actually read the book, literally - I probably misunderstood some things, but I actually read it.
fuck, I'm already getting chunky
Is this post bullying me?
you gained 2.5kg and made some seriously great improvements
you are probably done with novice linear progression but you got really really fucking far with it, transition to an intermediate routine
Plz b kg
What is your nationality you seem like a spy???