How can we prevent fat acceptance from becoming mainstream Veeky Forums?

How can we prevent fat acceptance from becoming mainstream Veeky Forums?

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Honestly, we can't. People are now programmed to take the easy way out. They want to feel instant gratification in everything they do and be coddled by the general mass for simply making it day to day. There's nothing we can do to stop it.

And I'm extremely happy about it. That means there's less competition for me. At the interview for the job I want, I'll be picked over the HAES advocate. I'll be able to date better women and even have better children than the general populace. I really like the fact knowing that I'm better than everyone else. It makes me happy.

Why don't (you) solve the problem by hunting down and killing fatties? Then your time will be better spent than posting here and embarrassing yourself by shitting up this board with you quintessential, absolute faggotry.

I don’t really care. If people want to be fat, let them be fat. They’re digging their own graves. I’ll just be here, at the gym, alone...

You say that now.
>try to get hired for a job
>oops you're in shape and you're using thin privilege, there's too many thin people working here and doesn't fit our quota

>DID YOU *wheeze* JUST ASSUME *deep breath* MY HEALTH? *heavy breathing*

>wow the entire cast is fat
>so progressive
>so diverse


>this fit guy kept saying LIGHTWEIGHT BABY and screaming HIGH TEST when we were having sex.
>wow that's basically rape, he made fun of your weight. report him to the authorities for being thinnist

>why do you even work out if you can't even do anything with it? It's not even calories in calories out either, it's genetics. it's unfair that you're in shape and I'm not. Thin people just don't know

>when you thin friend is all "I'm hungry let's get something to eat" like they understand hunger

You are right , wherever i go shops , bars , supermarkets etc . I always see fat people working there and i always asked mysef like why? Like literally there are jobs that can't be performed if you are fat but they really need to fill that quota.

Better neet than employed and fat.

omg how the fuck did that whale beach itself so far from the ocean?

Is that a tardigrade?

Let em
Fuck em

>fat acceptance
>ever becoming mainstream
only among fatties and ugly people. and leftists, bot those are ugly or fat most of the time anyway.

anybody with common sense knows how unhealthy and harmful obesity is.
anybody with a healthy mind sees fatness as extremely unattractive.

"fat acceptance" is literally just a bunch of fatties and their enablers spewing their autistic screeching across the internet and telling each other how right they are. no sane person takes them seriously.

As someone who was 120Kg, and 72 now, fat shaming. Fat shaming is the best way to make someone slim (or they kill themselves, but that not so bad either, the weak should die out)

You do know that fat acceptance only involves women and not men? Not even fat women want fat men. The result is just going to be more fat women with high standards.

I actually encourage fat acceptance because that’s less competition

>prevent fat acceptance from becoming mainstream
How do you prevent what has already happened?

This. The more fatties there are the more valuable and attractive fit and ripped people become.

Let them eat grease, we will be swimming in top pussay in a few years when near everyone is a fat blob cuck.

Cut all welfare and state benefits to those with self inflicted conditions, including (but not limited to) conditions caused by obesity.

Remove fat children from their parents.

This problem solves itself before long.

>we will be swimming in top pussay in a few years when near everyone is a fat blob cuck.
hmm. this board was never one for brains

You're never alone breh

>only men become fat

Tell me that's fake

We let them have their fun for now and then waith as their leaders die of heart problems and understand that noone wanths to fuck or merry a fat chick/dude


fat acceptance is only about fat women you retard

>Fat or ugly
The come togheter man

When aches, pains, and illness strikes, people will realize the error of their ways. Only then is it typically too late.

This looks like my Chinese cartoons where a giantess pushes her hapless victim into her rectum and orgasms uncontrollably as her victim is absorbed of all nutrients and turned into an impressive pile of poop except this giantess is made of rock so it will probably be a giant pile of pebbles



>That guy

fat acceptance is an illusion to keep fatties happy

wide seats, plz no-bully on the webz, fries with apricot jam?
ask and you shall receive

leadership positions, influence, charisma? fucking lol, eat you jam fries, fatty

there are no more fat leaders in any field than before, fat is a pleb filter, like a full bady face tatto. no one says it out loud, but everyone pretends to go along with it to avoid bad PR, but the top stops at the middle for fatties.


Make some rumor up, if you bone a fat person you´re more likely to get ghonorrea

It's The New Yorker a parody operation?

nature will self-correct.
The iron fascist nature of reality will always win eventually no matter how many people band together into group-think to say 2+2=5
Ride the Tiger.

lets hook her up and see if we can use the power of her obesity to create a spore drive, its as scientifically valid as haes

That thing would be an amazing science fiction pet if scaled up to the size of a dog. I can just imagine it using that snorkel trunk to eat some grub out of its bowl.

yerh we used to say that about trannies and non binary shit
now look

Made for BBC

Normalize fat shaming, as it is in Japan/SK. Good luck making that happen though.

trannies are still considered disgusting freaks by everybody with a brain.
dont let the media groupthing and the internet bubble fool you into thinking that these amominations are widely accepted. they are treated like lepers by the vast majority of people, most normal people will avoid and/or ignore these creatures as much as possible.

I'm not sure it really even is. I think deep down even it's strongest advocates know that it's all bullshit

Nah you'd be surprised at how stupid some normies actually are. Their entire belief system can change overnight if TV paints it in a feels good manner. Most "don't want to be a problem"


those motherfuckers can live in outer space btw

>At the interview for the job I want
I'm Veeky Forums as fuck, tall, white and somewhat attractive and I can't find a job to save my life. I've been taking phenibut before an interview and I really thought I was killing it, but I just get the "sorry user, we don't think you'll fit in our corporate culture". I want normie life but normie life doesn't want me, so now I pray for Ragnarok every day.

Just prevent famine. There only thing that will make being fat acceptable is if everyone is literally starving to death

Honestly. You don't have to kill them. Just dress like Jason and follow them at a walking pace, forcing them to run. Do that until they get more and more fit.

No it is jewish.

fat people confirmed for being aliens

>uncut fags get out

>I want to pay more taxes for (((government healthcare)))

>Is that a tardigrade?

Tardigrades can go without food or water for more than 30 years

They can't live in outer space but rather they can withstand it by going into a sort of hibernation state. Fascinating creatures.

A tiny tiny percentage of the population is trans or non-binary. I live in Boston and don't know any despite having a large and accepting social circle.

>so now I pray for Ragnarok every day.

I have no idea what that means, so that's probably your first sign that you have a problem. Normies definitely don't want you.

Have a kid and raise him to bully fat people, but bully them to better themselves


Let them be fat. People who "stay in shape" just to conform to societal standards would indulge in oreos and cheetos every day if society allowed them to. They weren't virtuous people to begin with.
Let them expose themselves for who they really are on the inside. Lowering norman standards would only make us that much more superior.

yeah, but more than half of the west is overweight already

america isnt all of the west quadsguy

Universal Healthcare. If everyone is contributing you should be allowed to name and shame the fat pigs and then eventually make all weight related treatments unavailable through the service.
>Weight problems and obesity are increasing at a rapid rate in most of the EU Member States, with estimates of 51.6 % of the EU’s population (18 and over) overweight in 2014.


>Convince people to respect themselves and their bodies
>Convince them to forgo immediate pleasure for greater long term benefit
>Convince them that the preservation of society is more important than their base desires
Good luck.

I think it works the other way around, but fat people are indeed very rarely successful. I think you just need a certain amount of intelligence and will power to lose wight, which are also required for success in life. If you're too dumb/weak to lose weight, you adopt all sorts of fat acceptance slogans.
As long as we make sure the world is still competitive, fit people (or relatively fit) will rule the world. In other words: fight the radical left.

So either way, it can't be trusted.

You must love the British Broadcasting Company since you post about it a lot.

Normies are fucking useless. They never change. Its like talking to a brick wall except the brick wall is actually a better talking partner because it isn't retarded. We should genocide normies

Ragnarök is the old germanic version of armageddon.

Canada is still 1/4 obese. Better than 2/5 for US but nothing to be proud of.

Which fold’s her tit?

All of them.

How else would she suckle her piglets?

Why stop it?
In a few years we will be regarded as gods because we can tie our own shoes.
Being fit will be seen as a legit super power. Seats on airplanes will be a meter wide and you will be super comfy.


Kind of powerful.
She's in the desert outside of LA where she would/could never live, but her body is a product of the decadence of the city only a few miles away. You look at this image and you can tell that the sun is about to scorch her pasty skin, you can imagine how the hot rough rock feels on her fat rolls. It's pretty uncomfortable to look at.

Not long for this earth/permanent

Lots of contrasts here. I actually like it, not as a joke.

Similar contrast in this image, from the same shoot/artist. And hilarious.
Hope this isn't against blue board rules. It's certainly not sexual.

faults really can happen anywhere


Looks like a sow..

>less competition
When will this meme die?

Haha no. They just explain it away by saying pain is natural and not being in constant pain is thin privilege.

It's actually what happens a thousand trillion years from now. Basically, entropy will cause molecules to spread too far apart to function in the way in which we currently understand according to our model of physics. This ends in the heat death of the universe, also at some point long before then, the observable universe will shrink as the expansion of space eventually eclipses the speed of light.

question for all of you: at what bmi does not-fat become skinny? is this the ideal zone to escape a future of sloth and misery? (answer for m/f respectively ofc)

>taking phenibut before an interview

lol they know you're high dumbass.

Fat acceptance only has and only will apply to women. I guess if you're a gay dude or are into fat chicks it's a good strat

You could achieve all of this without being a 300+ lb woman though, I think that’s the joke. Even a woman 20 lbs overweight would achieve the same description

>at what bmi does not-fat become skinny?
refer to this chart

Let publications like the newyorker showcase how disgusting fat people look

Wow r u a genius :o

Name 1 single doujinshi where this happens

eh, nah, at least as far as aesthetics go (which i assume was the point of the question). it varies between men and women, and you don't need a sub-18.5 BMI to be considered skinny as either, but especially as a man. i was skinny bitch mode at 5'11" 145 lbs, and that's a BMI of 20.2. was around that weight when pic related was taken.

I want to call this bait, but the fact that this is a plausible opinion from an user on Veeky Forums scares me