I usually work out alone.
Is it helpful to have a gym partner?
Also, is having a girl gym partner helpful for you?
What is it like to have a gym partner
my buddy was college football d1 lineman every time we worked out i woke up the next day with everything butt my rectum sore it was incredible. life's your mollusk man, lift it
I'm also student athelete
Beside training, I have been working out myself for weight lifting
Unless you have similar training philosophies it's gonna slow you down and keep you less focused. It's nice to have someone to banter with and spot you, but personally I need to be in my own head when I lift heavy.
Only person I don't mind lifting with is my brother, any of my friends don't match our willingness to put the work in.
for me it was usually just a distraction so in the end it made my sessions like half an hour longer because of banter between sets.
Gym partners should not be equals, there must be a teacher and a learner.
And don't bring to the gym anyone you wouldn't bring on a whaling vessel.
>Only person I don't mind lifting with is my brother
tfw my brother flakes out every time. I wouldn't want any other lifting buddy.
I'm lifting now with the gym owner/ trainer and a friend, and it's giving me mixed feelings.
The trainer is definitely experienced, and he's teaching me a lot. But his private pic is interfering with sessions. My friend is way more advanced than I am, which is great, but he'll wander off and talk to his girlfriend, which kind of fucks up the rotation and slows us down.
I'd go back to my own routine, but I've noticed much better improvements doing it this way, so I guess I'm stuck.
*his private LIFE
Having a girl partner is only good for motivation purposes. Having something pretty to look at or talk to. Chances are you're not going to be doing the same routine. You'll end up separated most of the time, and you'll feel weird the few times you do work out near her, almost like you're stalking her.
Unless those are just my own insecurities.
Yep, any changes in weights, exercises and goals will fuck up the workout especially since most gym goers like to fuck around and shoot the shit then wonder why i am out lifting them after 4 months when they've been going for a few years. Most groups I've noticed that train together tend to be teenage boys who like to reference memes irl, gf/bf doing baby weight and taking up space. The only successful regular group is two brothers who alternate exercises and spot each other when going heavy without talking that much to each other.
I feel it would slow me down, took my GF a few times it was very tiring deloading plates for both of us, plus all the thirsty faggots kept staring, thank fuck she gave up and it's sticking to working out at home.
I do it every once in a blue moon, either training chicks I know or getting schooled in powerlifting by my prop from rugger.
I lift worse when I have somebody with me because of bants etc. but the guy gives me spot checks, balance checks, and kinda works like a PT meet up every once a month or the likes so he'll he advice me on imbalances and what have you.
It's a good deal.
When training with other people besides that though I never really have a good training. I need to get and stay in a focussed mindset.
>Unless you have similar training philosophies it's gonna slow you down and keep you less focused. It's nice to have someone to banter with and spot you, but personally I need to be in my own head when I lift heavy.
Yep, exactly. My gym partner is a friend of mine from high school who has been lifting a lot longer than I have, but we have a really similar mentality and goals. It's great to have somebody in the same mindset with more experience. Sometimes we'll go almost an entire hour/90 minutes without talking during our workouts.
My other friend that I've worked out with a few times is closer to my same level of experience, and when we work out together we kind of end up just floating around, chatting, and not really pushing ourselves. He mostly just works out with his girlfriend now...
Really none of your damn business what they decide to stare at. How about you focus on your routine and leave other people alone???
Pipe down cuck
I used to lift with a dude who had the same strength level than me, and we usually tried to push up our PR's every session to assert dominance
it was fun, it felt like some shounen anime desu
>student athelete
sure thing bud
depends on the partner. Some motivate you. some don't. gender is irrelevant.
a girl I was dating was a sprinter in high school, and when went to the gym, we'd push and motivate each other, it was great.
A chubby girl I dated really wanted to get into shape, and she'd try her best, but her best wasn't much, and it made her lose motivation, which made me feel bad and get less hyped. I'd tell her everyone started off as weak, and not to let it get to her. but still, when going with her, I'd slow down, too.
Tfw you'll never have a grill look at you like that
Gal Gadot looking to get GOYED I see
Why would you want a gym partner to slow down your workouts?
There is this couple, Chad and Stacey that workout together at my gym and three quarters of their workout is flexing to a mirror while the rest of us workout around them. They must have great genes because I rarely see them putting in the effort.
Last time I saw them (Last Thursday), another Chad-user loudly asked them so everyone could hear "WHY DO YOU SPEND 40 MINUTES EYEING YOURSELF IN THE MIRROR?"
He got a few nods from everyone when Chad and Stacey slowly left to get changed.
I wish I was that Chad-user. He is so cool.
i know that feel bro
I have a gym buddy if you can call him that.
He is basically my gym mentor who taught me everything, and he is the reason I started going to the gym(said, it would be fun).
His body is good, something I want to see when I look in the mirror(except the 5.7 height), so it's a motivation for me and I guess fun for him to because he can see how much stronger he is
No Homo
>Sometimes we'll go almost an entire hour/90 minutes without talking during our workouts.
That sounds like heaven. Very tough for me to find someone like that in my area.
I have very wide gym social circle
Basically no workout i do is done alone
But we stick to our shit and just banter between sets
Best things ive done with me gym buddies are 3-4 hours long squat/deadlift sessions with 30-40 heavy sets
Makes you feel good af
Also we are all simmilar in terms of muscle size and strenght ( 6ft-6ft 1 /190-220lbs/ all close to or beyond 2/3/4/6)
>private pics
>i m-meant private l-life
>40 heavy sets
m8, if you can do 40 I don't think they're 'heavy'
Well for diddlies it ranged round 400-500 lbs for singles/triples/fives
Consider time frame and extended rest.
Its like 10 sets/hour