If I'm a complete noodle who can't do more than three pushups how ripped could I get in 28 days?
If I'm a complete noodle who can't do more than three pushups how ripped could I get in 28 days?
Try hard and let us know
How many roids should I take?
Not at all ripped
You won't get "ripped", although you definitely will see a great increase in endurance, strenght and most likely some definition. Go join a gym and start reading up on proper diet for your current body state. Godspeed.
In 28 days I went from lifting 20 pound weights, to 40-60 pounds depending on the specific muscle using. So no not much, mentally I feel like I went from a 25 to a 62.
Holy shit tell me that pic is fake
3 at least
>your dog will die one day
You can actually see some very noticeable progress in a month if you follow a legit fitness routine, sleep enough and enough.
>and you'll easily buy a new one since its a piece of property that can be bought
Hello liftotron 5000
you wont see shit for gains in a month. it's a fucking joke anyones even entertaining it.
You'll lift "more" but thats just because you already could lift that amount with your current muscle mass and broke in your arms you haven't been using
I dont give a shit what you have going on in 28 days, you should just start preparing for the next one.
>you wont see shit for gains in a month
Lie, pic related is me after doing press-ups every day for a month, I was 70KG before this.
You can't do shit in 28 days.
28 months is more realistic.
Nvm, i'm a fucking retard.
Just do push ups everyday for a month op.
You got this!
If you start lifting ltierally today, and bulk at 300 cals, 4 weeks is enough time to cash in on noob gains and get some extra mass and definition. You won't be shredded, but you'll look slightly more muscular if you do it right.
WHy are you trying to get ripped, user?
If it's taken you 28 months to see any kind of progress whatsoever, then you may have to consider changing your approach user.
its fake brah
>WHy are you trying to get ripped, user?
I used to be fit as in cardio fit, I'm not fat or anything but I get out of breath just walking for 15 minutes or so when I used to be able to walk for 5+ hours straight no problem, it's pretty boring getting tired walking up a set of stairs. I guess building muscle mass is just a personal confidence and health thing.
Not fake. Dog gets put down because he vomited on the carpet.
Youre a fucking FTM tranny