I lift to be the man my father always wanted me to be.
Why do you bros lift?
I lift to be the man my father always wanted me to be.
Why do you bros lift?
Other urls found in this thread:
So i can be stronger than the man i was yesterday and not dissapoint the me that started going to the gym in the first place
I know this feel...
To run fast
To run longer
To run stronger
wanna be a sick cunt instead of a sad cunt
I lift so I can let something down again that aren't my family
Because I want to be loved...
I lift to be the man I wanted my father to be
Because my true self is swole.
Because I'm literally a god and I should really start looking the part.
For him
I lift to not be the man my father was.
For the BBC
I'm an angry, autistic dicklet. So I lift and study to ovecompensate.
Me? I lift to be the man my father always wanted me to be.
Because I eat like a power lifter and I'm too much of an addict to change my diet so I took up lifting
Got no friends. Gotta do something other than xbox and fap.
I lift to be the man I always wanted my father to be
I will need to fight someone one day
I need to be stronger than he is
I want to reach LVLMAX
>lifting for another man
>lifting for yourself
what are you?
Is that Darth Maul or the demon from Insidious?
I lift to look good. To look good in my clothes, to look good in my car, and to look good naked
To be role model of my family.
Fellow firstborns, where you at
because it feels FUCKING AMAZING i haven't felt this great in YEARS
I want to be the person Mr Rogers knew I could be
im the last born, but every other family member is semi fat so i don't wanna end up like them
Maul. It's either from a Drawhread os /swco/.
>a bunch of autistic retards post unfunny memes for the 5783654837th time
>mfw dad is proud of me no matter what
Really a horrible parenting decision tbqhwy lads
Just fucking lol @ you autists making lifting something dramatic
I lift for fun
>he enjoys picking up heavy pieces of iron and putting them back down in the same exact spot
Cool guy. Got any more interesting hobbies?
On a practical level, I lift because my career has fitness tests.
On a more introspective level I work out for it's many benefits, self improvement is a noble goal
For fun
for fun and for the upcoming manlet revolution
For the race war.
to be physically stronger. outer appearance is just a pleasant after effect to me, but not the real main objective
I think I might be low test or xxy or cucked by genes or something because I lift just to look like a normal dyel
To be the kind of uncle I always wished I had.
To be the kind of dad that my dad was.
To not have to worry about what I eat as much.
To not have health problems at 30.
To get mires.
To not be weaker than my sis.